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In THe NEWS... Corona

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      "We are coming to the end of another day. I went to the city to Whole Foods this morning for the first time in weeks, got there around 8:45, it was pretty empty, and me and the other shoppers gave each other wide berth, though I tried to smile at people. It's funny how people avoid eye contact, like it's gonna give you covid-19 to smile at someone and say howdy."

      It is far more dangerous now than it was a number of weeks ago. Especially considering that many forum member are of advanced age. My solution is to order online from Walmart, and pick it up the next day. It is a free service they have been offering for some time. You need not even get out of your car as they will load your entire purchase. Additionally your signature is not required. the loader will sign his pad for you. No physical contact whatsoever. The only downside is that in light of the flagrant hording you may get a number of substitutions instead of what you actually wanted. I had 9 subs, but kept them all. It is hard to say when the peak infections will arrive. Best to play it safe, and stock up whatever you can get your hands on. I prefer shopping at other chains, but they do not offer this free service.


        I have a friend who I took fishing when he was a kid now in his 20s sends me a picture of 3 huge Trout he just caught (he did drop off some fillets yum yum) I asked him about the corvid 19 he said he didn't believe all the stories . I said well buddy how would you feel if you caught it and didn't know it, before you show any symtems you could off given it to mom,dad nana ,grampa, and all your relations ,hes a good kid and replied I didn't think of that . I would love to go fishing maybe a little brook somewhere hmm
        that brings up another point shelter at home does not mean your inside the whole time you can go out just by yourself lol
        new grow room built summer of 2017 ,argo max tent for veging ,big kahuna reflector, 1000hps with added leds for the full spectrum . 15th indoor grow ,5 years outside gorilla grows(stealth is the key),veg under t5s growing autos under 300w leds
        current grow


        • JohnEmad
          JohnEmad commented
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          well said OJH,
          My wife and I are going to forest areas and taking hikes. We have seen others out there but there is no close contact unless you consider 50 to 100 yards close..

        Well OK is locking down us old folks until the end of April, food and meds only, in affected counties. Now my county is not on that list yet, but I have to go through an affected county to get out! I dont know if thats ok or not, I guess they have to catch me. I will be going out in a few days for the monthly shopping, food animal feed, her meds. The grow shop I like is in Tulsa, cant go there. So I will make do with what I have on hand.
        They tell us the count will jump but it does not mean anything 'cept they now have more tests.
        And the 15 days is BS, that will be extended, looks more like August to me..
        Fuel 0.99 per gallon in OKC yesterday ~1.50 in Tulsa
        I have a large yard to keep me busy at home.


        • starramus
          starramus commented
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          Looking at the Chinese model of their peak infection rate, and control measures if the U.S. can mimic their successes we should be headed out of the woods by June. However i am overly cautious, and probably would not venture out until the 4th of July. Death is forever I have no illusions of immortality. Spain, and Italy should have better observed what the Chinese did, and their ballooning death rates wouldn't be over the top as they are. Comparing 1.4 billion people to 60 million or so in Italy's case the Chinese had amazing control measures. I fear the US is headed down the same road as those two European countries.

        • Farmall
          Farmall commented
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          Heard what is coming out of Louisiana from Mardi Gras and that looks scary

        • alltatup
          alltatup commented
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          Farmall New Orleans, Mardis Gras, & lotsa booze is not good for covid 19.

        Until the local Facebook gossip groups started fussing, people were going to the local sandbar and just relaxing and keeping distance. Then the spring breakers hit, filled the sandbar with party and dance and the local constable and the FBGG went into high gear.
        Now they are talking about closing the marinas and the boat ramps.... Hello!!!!!! Some folks actually have to still work and make a living on the water, the local guides are shut down, no clients but that does not mean the shrimpers(Folks who use a boat to catch shrimp, not the other shrimping), crabbers need to kickback with their feet up.
        Young folks (Including me when I was young, Bull Riding, Marines, etc) are all bullet proof, and your right, its not the young we are worried about, its old farts like me.
        Proving the world just needs more tumble weeds
        A tale of two seeds
        Batter Up Sour Deisel
        Batter up! Amnesia Haze Autoflower
        New Year, New Grow, Jack Herer DWC
        Batter up, Girl Scout Cookies extreme auto (GSCE)


        • oldjarhead100
          oldjarhead100 commented
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          hey RagweedDWC when were you in I was with 1st bn 8th marines .76 -80

        MA isn't under a lockdown yet, but everything nonessential has shut down. Luckily our favorite 'farmstand' a few towns away is open; the drive is worth it to get actual produce. The governor's ban on nonessential travel has one upside; I can legitimately tell a clingy, anxious friend that she shouldn't come over. The girl is obsessed with everything coronavirus and if I try to change the subject it winds up circling back after about 5 minutes. I've also paid for about $50 of her share of food when we order in; she still lives with her parents and rarely pays for anything unless she has to (like eating in/ordering separately where I force her to split the check or order her own)
        ****tent (2x4) and large light (Relassy 300W LED) is in storage for now until I can solve some household electrical issues****

        CoM Stonington Blend soil, distilled water; Liquid Squid amendment if needed, molasses for flowering

        "I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up."


        • 9fingerleafs
          9fingerleafs commented
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          and the cop pulls you over... "where you going sir, we are on lockdown" you reply "im just going to get some essentials, TP, food, weed..." and he says "ohh carry on sir, theres a dispensary couple miles down the road"... "thanks officer have a good one"

        • WeirdWiredWolf
          WeirdWiredWolf commented
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          Heheheee...there is a dispensary four blocks away, but they've halted rec sales and are med-only for now.

          Friend saw my Silver Surfer plant (in the windowsill for now) and acted excited...but I don't think she actually knows what you can do with the plants. I couldn't show her my stash as the cabinet was blocked by way too many boxes of cookies.

        On March 11th Edward Snowden tweeted, "social distancing is underrated". From Russia of course.


        • StillHigh1982
          StillHigh1982 commented
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          I was thinking the same thing today as I drove into a red state with supplies for my elderly mother who just finished chemo. Tell the cops I have Corona....Luckily I made it to Kentucky safely. Now driving back to Michigan, still illegal for another 140 miles, somewhere in bfe Indiana...can't wait till my lock box keeps me safe from the govt again.

        • StillHigh1982
          StillHigh1982 commented
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          Shit. Commented on wrong thread. You are all high. Yous guys will figure it out

        • #126.1

          9fingerleafs commented
          Today, 04:02 PM

          and the cop pulls you over... "where you going sir, we are on lockdown" you reply "im just going to get some essentials, TP, food, weed..." and he says "ohh carry on sir, theres a dispensary couple miles down the road"... "thanks officer have a good one"

        Click image for larger version

Name:	image.jpg
Views:	536
Size:	40.3 KB
ID:	387814 Fogggettt about it!


        • 9fingerleafs
          9fingerleafs commented
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          ima make myself one of those signs

        profits over people again, and again, and again!


        • JohnEmad
          JohnEmad commented
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          Anytime someone promises to look after your best interest other then perhaps parents or significant other I would run the other way.
          Many of the so called world leaders have dropped the ball repeatedly over this pandemic.
          Trump is now officially a completley self centered moron in my opinion.
          But i am just a simple, blue collar smuck so what do I know?

        You wanna die for the DJIA?


        • starramus
          starramus commented
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          GreenState I absolutely agree that Bernie is irrelevant and know without question he never was relevant. Bernie was battling against a decades old indoctrination machine that has most americans in a state of political illiteracy. Today's americans will never escape their matrix. Of course many things are becoming irrelevant in these times most likely casino capitalism. Bernie was just way ahead of his time.
          Last edited by starramus; 03-27-2020, 09:55 AM.

        • starramus
          starramus commented
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          Have never been on the Vermont side of the lake although I had a chief engineer job offer in Burlington many years ago. On a trip to Quebec City stopped on the New York side of that very beautiful lake.

        • GreenState
          GreenState commented
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          One thing I will say, I'll give credit to our local population here. I haven't been out during other peoples normal hours (daylight) since the stay at home order. I took a quick drive today around 10:00am (test brakes) and saw only one other car on the main road in the 25 minutes I was out. So far people listened. There are many exception to the rule though--"essential workers" which does exempt a lot of people, myself included. But still credit where credit is due.
          (I've had heard rumblings though, wanting to keep second homeowners away-and there are more of them than us )
          Last edited by GreenState; 03-27-2020, 10:27 AM.

        JohnEmad commented
        Today, 10:35 PM

        "Anytime someone promises to look after your best interest other then perhaps parents or significant other I would run the other way.
        Many of the so called world leaders have dropped the ball repeatedly over this pandemic.
        Trump is now officially a completley self centered moron in my opinion.
        But i am just a simple, blue collar smuck so what do I know?"

        You are a gold mine of information. Don't let them fool you.


        • Farmall
          Farmall commented
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          101% in full agreement.... JohnEmad, I’d vote for you!

        If we get all the billionaires in a circle and take away half their billions, more than a trillion dollars of the Corona bailout would be taken care of. I don't think that's unreasonable, one bit. They could write it off on whatever taxes they pay.



          A loop hole in the whole don't ask don't tell thing was a question or two that broke down to, "Are you gay?" If a gay man answered, "No." and comes out as gay while in the military, that man could be convicted of lying on their military contract.

          A loop hole in the whole reporting back to unemployment insurance, listing five places, with addresses and phone numbers where you applied for work. Now, if anyone lists five places they looked for work, it's obvious bullshit. Not to mention they would be guilty of breaking the stay at home orders.

          Don't get me wrong. I'm all for whatever the government decides to hand down to mid-to-low income families. Looks like companies of all sizes are gong to get help. Also looks like a large chunk to companies of a certain size, who don't fire or lay people off. The company is flush for the loan. My second paragraph is not quite as serious as I usually like to be. It's the end of the dabbing day and I'm looking to spread a little paranoia to keep us warm while we sleep.




            Out for a social distanced walk this morning Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_2211.JPG
Views:	320
Size:	4.96 MB
ID:	388103
            "That's your fortress of fucking solitude. That puts you, for the rest of your life, at a level of fuck you. Somebody wants you to do something, fuck you. Boss pisses you off, fuck you! Own your house. Have a couple bucks in the bank. Don't drink"


            • alltatup
              alltatup commented
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            • Farmall
              Farmall commented
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              Ayup! Know it well. As my mother in law will say...’goddamn snow”

            Get back to work by Easter, not going to happen! You cant slow it down and rush it at the same time.
            I am not afraid of this virus, but the hysteria scares me. Either people are scared shitless over this, or there is a supply issue, one of these explain the bare shelves at the stores, maybe both. I buy a months supply at a time 'cept for some fresh veggies/fruits, I am not sure if the items I need/want to buy are going to be on the shelf when I do go (I ran out of sausage, went to 2 stores to find any). And its not like the fake oil shortage was (pumps were turned off, tanks were full), the farmers are still farming as far as I know, so where's it going?
            I am also seeing price gouging at the store, Jimmy Dean sausage $5.50 a lb! I got the Farmland at 0.99 and Williams at 2.99. I thought I would pick up an extra sack of beans, not even, I did get the last 2 bags of rice!
            Some of the food banks have also closed, hope those folks can find something to get them by!


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