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In THe NEWS... Corona

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    Follow me JohnEmad Let me be your guiding light. I wan to be an apocalyptic guru. You can be my first minion (not those stupid yellow pills with arms and legs.)
    First step: a marijuana product of your choice, consumed in a fashion you desire. We'll work things out from there.
    Who else?
    C'mon, mule!



      Hi all i just need to vent i can't at home or work or else eveyone will get freaked out! I am seriously starting to get worried by the coronavirus. Everyday where i live the numbers are going up and the GOV is on TV shutting more and more things down. I work in a high risk environment. On an average day we would have contact with maybe 3000 people. I follow all the proceedures. Entering work yesterday the security guard coughed all over me! I wanted to to smack him but he is in his 70's.And today he was off sick! I take care of my lovley wife so far fibermalgia (I grow mainly for her pain. 2.5 yrs of her not working and awaiting a diagnosis) but the doc says EDS is what it looks like, a brain damaged adult/child and child support. If i get sick who is going to take care of them? Maybe i should just take everyone to the family hunting cabin 6 hours north and isolate!

      Thanks for listening,

      Last edited by SmashGuitar; 03-18-2020, 02:48 AM.
      Vivosun 2 X 4 X 5 grow tent
      Viparspectra 450W and 300W LED
      Vivosun 4" inline duct fan with carbon scrubber
      2 small 6" fans
      Promix HP
      GH Flora Trio with CalMag


      • Farmall
        Farmall commented
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        Key word for anyone is afford..... with government closing many area of public grouping, our work is being suspended in a few places... it makes expenses difficult short term and near impossible long term.... If I could go from user to seller that would make a hell of a supplement ,’s just not my thing. Oh wait.... their thinking of sending us $1000...? That should solve everything

      • Gingerbeard
        Gingerbeard commented
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        Farmall I think the money is supposed to be paid back. The US is NOT going to simply give away $850m - $1 trillion, depending on your news source. So here's my Magic 8 Ball.
        "Magic 8 Ball, if the money, now, is supposed to he'p people out, what sort of hardship will it be for folks living paycheck-to-paycheck, to pay the money back?"
        "Prison style rape."
        I don't expect a check because the g'ment takes care of... my situation. I think it would be one of the flaws in the scheme. As much as I can use the money, I might not cash mine if one arrives. I would prefer to be raped by candlelight with soft music playing.

      • StillHigh1982
        StillHigh1982 commented
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        The 1k payout is insulting for us all. For those who need the money it's not enough. And for those with the money to spare it's just another govt policy that the worst of us will find a way to abuse at the expense of the taxpayer. I have been thoroughly disgusted with the US government for some time now, pretty much my entire adult life.(I'm 37) This is an all time low for me, all things considered. At this point I'm pretty much all middle fingers. I am sure the world would be better off if all my tax dollars went to buying crack/heroin/meth etc for junkies rather than the circle jerk we are all currently funding.

      Wonder why we haven't seen any public service announcements on TV regarding covid. One would think the gov would be running something about, washing hands, distancing, etc. Sounds obvious, but bet it still isn't to many. Perhaps they're (whoever they may be) figuring it might further panic the populous? Perhaps it would convince some this is pretty serious. Smartest move I've seen so far is keeping the first hour of store openings for only seniors and those most vulnerable.
      "That's your fortress of fucking solitude. That puts you, for the rest of your life, at a level of fuck you. Somebody wants you to do something, fuck you. Boss pisses you off, fuck you! Own your house. Have a couple bucks in the bank. Don't drink"


      • Farmall
        Farmall commented
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        GreenState, our family in Franklin tell us a different story from what they see on TV and what we see on TV. Almost like two different worlds. They are convinced they are doomed. And forgive me BUT, knowing the medical services there....they could be right. ‘Ayup...doomed”

      • SoOrbudgal
        SoOrbudgal commented
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        I heard that Wash. State is doing that but the hours were so dang early how many seniors are out at 5am shopping in the winter? Our libtard Or. gov. will do whatever Wash. and Calif does regardless of what the majority of rural Or. wants. There so smart up in Portland.

      Well they have made a big deal out of it with all major networks airing it, starts at 11 AM daily CDT. Each speaker says wash your hands etc. and so on for the next hour they also take questions. It ran over yesterday. Locally even the bars have been closed, anything that holds 50 people or more is shut down. Food places cannot open the dining room but can do drive through or cub service.
      This is going to get bad, real bad before its over, I am in the old farts group, and GF is in the immune compromised group (cancer victim).
      If you have money it is the time too buy stock! And yes I would be if I had the money.


      • GreenState
        GreenState commented
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        Farmall , damn they're pretty far up north! They're always getting shit on up there, like the cow shit running into lake Carmi! (the reality is we all get shit on in VT except for Chittenden county-Burlington) SoOrbudgal ..I'm a senior and up way before 5AM! My Dad is 87, at the gym by 4:30am on the treadmill (g).
        I'm probably more at risk at almost 62 than my folks in their 80's, smoker etc.

      • alltatup
        alltatup commented
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        Rwise I don't see it as getting "really bad": I see us as trying to do what we need to do in order to prevent unnecessary spread of covid 19. So I stay mostly at home and I'm one less person who can get sick.

      Click image for larger version

Name:	FB_IMG_1584072305191.jpg
Views:	763
Size:	90.6 KB
ID:	385412
      Space for Rent.


      • 9fingerleafs
        9fingerleafs commented
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        i guess the conspiracy that makes the most sense would be that charmin and lysol did all this for that sweet sweet pandemic money

      • alltatup
        alltatup commented
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        9fingerleafs Bwahahahahahahaha!! Their stocks went through the roof.

      • PRIMO
        PRIMO commented
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        People in New Orleans said the only thing scarier than Katrina was some asshole showing up and saying "I'm from the government and I'm here to help"

      The hard part of all this for me is my Mother is in a nursing home and we cant go in and visit. This means the chances are good I have seen my Mother alive for the last time. She was given minutes to months last year and she crashes then plateaus, each stair step lower than the last.


        This whole things seems all wrong to me. Would not letting the masses get it and develop antibodies be the best thing? Protect the most at risk of death and then let it run its course quickly to minimize the disruptions.
        Maybe I am the crazy one but my gut tells me otherwise..


        • JohnEmad
          JohnEmad commented
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          I understand the idea of slowing it but the prisoner effect becomes long term. And nothing happens unless big brother says so. How fast/effective is big government? Yes at 3-4% death rate it is serious but if those most at risk are the only ones isolated it would drastically drop the mortality rate and allow people to continue to live. Fear is a powerful motivator.
          Maybe it is time for the world to consider reducing birth rates worldwide and bringing the population down slowly. Are not rising population levels the main cause of all our troubles anyway?

        • 9fingerleafs
          9fingerleafs commented
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          yeah i guess but its hard to be able to agree on stuff in small groups, try to convince 1 500 million people to reduce population... ohh wait thats what they being doing for the last 50 years... and i think thats a lot more controlling than trying to educate people on how to slow down the spread of a disease. nobody is actually stoping you from going out, but in china you couldnt have a second or third child without gov approval and big fines until the last decade. so it a case of gov control to prevent gov control right? i rather stay in a truly free country where the gov doesnt micromanage every aspect of human life. or maybe just cant, all governments limit freedoms, thats why counties have constitutions, to set boundaries to what freedoms the gov cannot take away. and then the gov write patriot acts, and terrorist acts, and they end up being able to bypass constitutions. why dont you all move to a truly free country with no gov control and stop worring about all of this, why keep chanting "US #1" when your number one enemy is your gov?
          Last edited by 9fingerleafs; 03-18-2020, 10:56 AM.

        • alltatup
          alltatup commented
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          Yup: you're crazy, I agree.

        A neighbor just got a job working nights at a retirement home. He said one of the patients shit on him but doesn't seem concerned.
        A lady on the news said she has had pneumonia in the past. She doesn't want to get sick and die so she can be with her grandkids. She sends her husband out, instead.
        Those are those where I have to say I'm serious.
        If Covid-19 is found in sick people's poo, do people need to cover their farts?
        There is a startup company making special filters for cars. It looks like a snorkel on a badass 4x4. The startup startedup because of the fear people have of catching the virus from people in front of them, driving down the road. If the car in front sneezes, coughs, or farts they want to have filtered air.

        The government is extremely involved in this. It's an election year. The pig is taking, and the media is following his lead for credit about the checks. Mitt Romney spoke about it, first. If this move follows through, the pig won a super shitload of votes. The election year will be over by the time people are required to start paying back.
        C'mon, mule!



          My life is more directly changed by the rain than C-19. My dope smoking buddies are staying home so they don't get wet. Sharing an alcohol swabbed bong or pipe is not a deal but hippies don't like getting wet. I washed Dabber, yesterday. Damn me if she's going to go running around in puddles. My jammies are still on.
          My outside interaction is mostly limited to the liquor store and CVS. There is as much food in my fridge and as many rolls of TP in my bathroom as I usually have this time of month. My bills will get paid because I am government funded. My dabbing shrine is to my right.
          Lucky or not, my family has already died from various illnesses so I don't have to worry about anyone getting sick. Empathy for those who are affected, always.
          The pig is hemorrhaging money from the stock market. I am happy about that.
          C'mon, mule!



            If you're tired of waiting in line to get your t.p. just cough a couple of times and say "Whoa that's gotten a lot worse since I got back from Italy" Click image for larger version

Name:	distance.jpg
Views:	682
Size:	118.1 KB
ID:	385530


            • alltatup
              alltatup commented
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              PRIMO You won the Social Distance World Championship in Italy?? CONGRATULATIONS!!! Now go and isolate yourself utterly.

            • PRIMO
              PRIMO commented
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              alltatup Naw I'm just a rookie. And don't call me utterly.

            "And don't call me utterly." Lol


            I have to venture out this Morning wife needs beer and I need some rye whiskey you know important stuff lol I need to pick up meds and some food so only 2 stops , I dont buy food at walmart but I got to wondering if they have just the food area open or do they get to keep the whole store open by default Hmm strange thoughts lol
            new grow room built summer of 2017 ,argo max tent for veging ,big kahuna reflector, 1000hps with added leds for the full spectrum . 15th indoor grow ,5 years outside gorilla grows(stealth is the key),veg under t5s growing autos under 300w leds
            current grow




            • alltatup
              alltatup commented
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              Go early. Don't go often.

            • SoOrbudgal
              SoOrbudgal commented
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              oldjarhead100 me and hubby hauled his wood splitter big old homemade heavy assed thing to a hydraulic shop to get worked on. Pulled it onto the fwy to a town 30mi away had a ball. Then went to liquor store got some whiskey and ginger ale to sip around the afternoon slash pile burn.

            A good thing coming from this is the air is clearing world wide, Earth gets a breath of fresh air!


            • JohnEmad
              JohnEmad commented
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              Crazy destructive humans(me being one of them) find every excuse to burn fossil fuels and believe we cannot do without them. This is partly true as petro chemicals provide the far majority of all modern necessities we need to survive. However I ask people to stick their face by an exhaust pipe of a running combustion engine and breath normally for a few minutes and tell us what it's like.
              Last edited by JohnEmad; 03-19-2020, 08:30 AM.

            • GreenState
              GreenState commented
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              And yet we're all waiting for temperatures to rise into summer to dampen the virus..ironic.

            • Rwise
              Rwise commented
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              Farmall I agree 100% It is sad to see what some do to our living planet.

            Hey JohnEmad that would produce a coughing spell but not very long.
            Smoke Ganja create Peace Respect Nature don't trash the Planet

            Soil grower with coco/perlite mixed in
            indoor/outdoor grower
            1 36"x36"x66" tent- Viparspectra P2500
            I use a t-5 & 54watt CFL for seedlings
            Sometimes i use plastic sometimes i use fabric grow containers



            • JohnEmad
              JohnEmad commented
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              as said above. So nice to see empty highways and have cleaner air if only for a short time. I have had my vehicle parked for almost 2 weeks due to no work and being a horder. Lol.

            Well my sister is not use to " being without essentials ie: TP" she's got 2wks at least worth but that's not enough for her she says. I had to remind her how our Mother with 13 brothers and sisters lived on a farm with what they had around them to make do. She's hootie tootie LOL I got her 48 rolls gotta go run them to her 1 1/2 hrs away, she's a hoot.
            Smoke Ganja create Peace Respect Nature don't trash the Planet

            Soil grower with coco/perlite mixed in
            indoor/outdoor grower
            1 36"x36"x66" tent- Viparspectra P2500
            I use a t-5 & 54watt CFL for seedlings
            Sometimes i use plastic sometimes i use fabric grow containers



            • 9fingerleafs
              9fingerleafs commented
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              its like when the town has a rumor spreading that the bank is out of money so everyone rushes to the bank to get their money and that is what makes the bank run out of money. nobody is using more TP just the fear that it will ran out its making people stock up on it and that makes it to actually run out so you have only one option, to watch the panic unfold with or without tp. so i rather buy a months worth a be cool

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