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New Thanksgiving tradition?

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  • Spidermite
    commented on 's reply
    oldjarhead100 that sounds very familiar. I even have family buy seeds and bring them to me to grow like you just throw it in the ground. I'll take them and grow them and then give them maybe an ounce. They ask is that all it made? Well the seeds cost you what $10 or so each? Well shit drive to a dispensary and see what $10 will get you. Not to mention that unless you want cbd flower you have a hell of a drive to get it. Lol

    Guess that's why we had over 60 people show up for Thanksgiving and I swear I didnt recognize alot of them.

  • Woodsman67
    commented on 's reply
    Missouri. We just legalized it for medical but it's not available for another 6 months. Unless you grow

  • SoOrbudgal
    commented on 's reply
    Good 1

  • alltatup
    commented on 's reply
    oldjarhead100 It's a great thing you do for your family: they'll never be able to smoke street weed now...

  • homegrown
    commented on 's reply
    no problem LurkingInTheGrass, do you wanna bring a salad? Or desert? lol

  • LurkingInTheGrass
    commented on 's reply
    sounds like I just got invited to a "homegrown" Christmas

  • SoOrbudgal
    commented on 's reply
    Me too I love giving away presents

  • starramus
    I'm just the evil pusher around these parts, and everyone knows it. Spreading good cheer far and wide.

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  • oldjarhead100
    I dont hide the fact that I smoke my entire Family knows it was kinda tough talking with my grand kids (teenagers only) I try not to smoke around them but if we are out fishing and I'm in pain oh well . My dad would be amazed in how it helped me I would be pushing him in his wheel chair and be having a hard time of it I would smoke and push him up a mountain lol.
    We had a birthday dinner with my wifes family and I brought a zip for one of our Daughters and One each for 2 of our granddaughters both in 20s , My sisters kids both stop by and fill there smoke jars when in town , And you guys wonder why I have to grow so much lol

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  • oldjarhead100
    commented on 's reply
    hey Jeremiah where you from , I know exactly what you mean I have bad leg pain and was on huge doses of Opieods by smoking I came off of them

  • homegrown
    Have smoked for a very long time..way under the radar. Now that its become legal up here the bad stigma has begun to change. I would say at least half my family does in some form(CBD/THC tintcture,caps,flower..etc..not sure but more and more are finally coming out of the closet..ha. Around here we just smoked what was available from the grow season..usually indica strains grown in corn fields. Sometimes you couldnt get good weed so had to resort to the shit brick weed from mexico. Trash. Had a bad car wreck 15yrs ago and my Dr, would load me up with oxy' 5 per day plus some smaller ones to take when the oxy's didnt do the trick. WTF! happened to run into an old friend who had been dealing with MS for years and he gave me some of his home remedy to try. I have never taken an Oxy since that day! this point in my life, i really dont care what anyone else thinks lol. If you dont like the delicious smell of bud. You better not come for Christmas either....

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  • LurkingInTheGrass

    havent had that kind of Thanksgiving in a long, long time. It was not a family meal. Close personal friends only

    At 40, I had to out myself to my mom (she was coming to visit for a week, and needed to be aware)

    The other side of the family,
    passing a doob around the the campfire, turned to my left, held it out and looked dead into my father in-laws eyes. Been 15-20 years, we never spoke of it.
    Now, it's legal, so he stops by occasionally, to burn one, kind of cute, him hinting around wanting to smoke
    (Funny, it took a little time to get used to smoking with him, never bothered me smoking up with cops in uniforms)

    and, now he wants to grow. Guess who his 'seedbank' is? 😁

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  • Gingerbeard
    The folks are dead. I'm sure my mom had an idea. I know my dad smoked when he was a teen. Not sure about her. Grandparents are dead. I'm pretty sure neither knew what pot smells or looks like. Brother said one reason he was better than me is because he's never smoked pot or a cigarette. A couple cousins, somewhere. This is my second annual Thanksgiving with Dabber. Real fine in my book. Some neighbors will bring leftovers from their family's gathering. Some won't forget I don't eat bird or pig. Other friends will stop by to share dabs and weed. I will eat a lot of Mexican carb dishes and get real high. Watch football until I'm bored. Make sure to watch my traditional Cowboy's football.
    Pain killers work as well as weed for me. Neither take pain. They just make things a little easier to handle and weed is much more convivial. But opiates make me sick and stop me up.

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  • SoOrbudgal
    Our families know that we prefer weed over booze. When they come over kids stay busy adults outside taking turns hitting a water bong or doobie. Eat and eat again LOL

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  • Spidermite
    We have 2 people out of 50 that come for Thanksgiving that dont use cannabis in some form. Whether its cbd, low thc flower, or cannabis. If those 2 ask its hemp. Hard to hide that you have a hemp farm. Lol

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