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New Thanksgiving tradition?

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  • Woodsman67
    It was like coming out gay to my son. This is the kid I taught to stay away from partying and work hard, because I didn't. He was the coolest kid that didnt alter his mind with substances. So when I had the talk, it was weird. He is 21, this was last year so not like he is a little kid, just getting his approval for my choices in medication was huge. Most family that know definitely support it, the rest think it's just to get high. I take high risk medications to control my MS, smoking weed and oil takes the place of 6 meds daily for controlling side effects. Those 6 kept me in constant dazed and confused state. Weed makes me smile. Those that are close know that I smile way too little

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  • kingfish
    All of my family knows. I just don't advertise on Face Book. There are alot of people on FB that I just as well, they don't know.

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  • YYCannabis
    started a topic New Thanksgiving tradition?

    New Thanksgiving tradition?

    Not sure how many people here share with their families that they consume cannabis. Myself, nobody in my family has ever known.

    Not at my family get-togethers LOL


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