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    I went ahead and ordered some too, I got the 10 pack of the 1/4 pound bags. I was probably going to have to get more jars anyway so I figured why not for $29. Won't be able to really use them for a month or so but I'm anxious to try it. If they work well enough I may order more and get rid of my jars all together.


    • dphipps1020
      dphipps1020 commented
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      I have to keep mason jars anyway cause that's the only way my dogs for sure can't eat my weed. But yeah, also as a backup plan. My guess is they're going to work a lot like the Boveda packs. Do you still have to burp them? Since they're designed to let everything extra out, does it take in fresh air too?

    • Toker1
      Toker1 commented
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      Yes, remember matter is never created or destroyed. If gas was only allowed out and not back in, it would create a vacuum inside the bag. The inner walls of the bag would collapse in crushing the buds inside. So it has to be a free exchange of air inside the bag.

    • Farmbuck
      Farmbuck commented
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      I'm not sure, I did not see anything on their site about "burping" so what i am doing is to have one bag that I "burp" and the other one sealed. Like I was saying they claimed that their bags have microporous layer to let air in and out !! So once again I'm keeping my jars to control the airflow on my own.

    So I wrote to the company to clarify a few things for myself before I use my bags, thought I would share the info.

    Hey David,

    I am contacting in regards to your questions about our products:
    "After drying, do you have to put the buds in a mason jar to make sure the moisture is dispersed evenly or can you put them straight into the bags? Also, during curing do you have to burp the bags the same as you would a mason jar, or do you just put the buds in the bags seal it and leave it alone for a few weeks? "
    • There is no need for mason jars with our bags
    • Once you have done your initial dry and gotten your product to about 12-13% moisture content you can put it in our bags.
    • Our bags are designed to eliminate the burping process during curing and storage
      • All you have to do is give the bags a light shake and agitate them every other day to keep fresh as the day you started curing for 6 months
    I would be happy to setup a call to answer any other questions you might have or to go over processes. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you need.
    Thank you and have a great day,

    Dominic Monaco
    Operations Analyst


    • 9fingerleafs
      9fingerleafs commented
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      i love how polite and helpful they are, but ive been thinking about this whole curing thing. the most important factor to control is oxygen, you need to have oxygen and then not to have so anaerobic bacteria can also thrive and play its role in the curing. anyway if what this bag does its allow oxygen to get inside to prevent anaerobic bacteria from totally decomposing the bud. isnt that exactly what any other non-sealed container does? for example a brown paper bag? i dont want to bummer you guys down im all in for a solution to burping im just thinking out loud

    • Toker1
      Toker1 commented
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      Paper bags will draw moisture out. Plastic film will not.

    Is that 12-13% moisture correct?


    • Toker1
      Toker1 commented
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      I believe they are talking about moisture content in the plant material, not the RH inside the jar.

    • Spidermite
      Spidermite commented
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      Yes they are talking about %,moisture left. You can get meters to test it almost anywhere they sell lumber. It can be more accurate that relative humidity in buds.

    • Farmall
      Farmall commented
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      Oh, I wasn’t even thinking that. I have a wood moisture meter but it sends a charge thru the wood using two pins...does it just read air? I’ve never checked

    I am placing some dried but fresh flower in the bags today. We will see how it does vs a jar. I'm excited but dont think it's possible to skip burping but we will see.
    You may win the race, but you pass all the best things in life on the way.


      Tag,, I am following, but I was told the earth is flat and if you get to close to the edge you could fall off, so I am not ready to go that far out yet,,,


      • LurkingInTheGrass
        LurkingInTheGrass commented
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        /me sighs

        If the earth was flat, cats would have knocked everything off the edge by now 😁

      Farmall you can use the type with the 2 pins or the pinless type that use electromagnetic waves.

      Click image for larger version

Name:	20191220_072937.jpg
Views:	843
Size:	150.1 KB
ID:	358951
      You may win the race, but you pass all the best things in life on the way.


      • Farmall
        Farmall commented
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        Hell yeah... never realized that. I do lots of wood working and have one of the ones with pins. Sometime the simple things pass right over my head.....duh! thanks Spidermite

      • LurkingInTheGrass
        LurkingInTheGrass commented
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        You have the gadget, do you use it? Is it of value to a grower? (grower with a small G, not a plantation owner)
        Just wondering, enquiring minds, yadda yadda
        (its Christmas, Lurking is thinking he needs a new toy 😁)

      • Farmall
        Farmall commented
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        Using it now after a new set of batteries.... they are like pH pens $10.00 to $200.00

      Ok this morning I took one of my recent harvests that stayed a steady 61% humidity for 3 days and separated it. Seven ounces went in the "bags" and 7 ounces went in jars. I got a sample ready to have it tested with our next run of tests. I'll post the results as soon as I have them. And then again in 3 months and 6 months. This is all from one plant so currently everything should be equal. We will see if these work as well as, better than, or worse than using jars and burping everyday for 2 weeks.
      You may win the race, but you pass all the best things in life on the way.


        So far the buds in the new bags are gaining their aromas back faster than the ones in the jars. I hope the trend continues. Just keeping you up to date.
        You may win the race, but you pass all the best things in life on the way.


        • Farmbuck
          Farmbuck commented
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          Kool same here, and the moisture is about the same.. ! How about you Spidermite ?

        • Spidermite
          Spidermite commented
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          I have been weighing them every few days and keeping a meter in them. They are holding very steady at total weight and humidity. They are staying in the perfect range. So far I'm really impressed.

        • FunkyButtLovin
          FunkyButtLovin commented
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          Great, a couple more good reports from you guys and I think I'll be trying them out.

        Very interesting
        Smoke Ganja create Peace Respect Nature don't trash the Planet

        Soil grower with coco/perlite mixed in
        indoor/outdoor grower
        1 36"x36"x66" tent- Viparspectra P2500
        I use a t-5 & 54watt CFL for seedlings
        Sometimes i use plastic sometimes i use fabric grow containers


          I just like my jars.. and now Ball sells brown jars that keep out 99% of all light, so even in a mostly dark space, it's gonna stay SUPER dark inside.
          Love them, don't see a need to use a bag that is disposable and not seemingly biodegradable.


          • Spidermite
            Spidermite commented
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            I most likely have far more to store than you do Ardek and jars weight and size become very very burdensome.

          • Ardek
            Ardek commented
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            Good to know for now, may look into it in the future... I am in the process of becoming a Caregiver in Michigan, so I will be in the process of scaling up to 72 plants.

          just thinking out loud......With 72 plants and the cost of those brown mason’d be best to seriously investigate those bags....$$$. If your yield is even near typical, you’ll need several hundred of them for 1/3 of that crop


          • Ardek
            Ardek commented
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            Yep, that's exactly why I noted I'd look into them for the future as I scale probably

          I haven't seen where those bags are for sale. I saw the website but I don't want to buy 1000. Anyone know of a retailer? Online or otherwise?


          • Toker1
            Toker1 commented
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            Keep looking. You can buy single bags. Or contact them by email. They will give you pricing if you can’t find it online.

          Nevermind. I just didn't far enough down on the web page. Ordering 50 today.


            I am ordering 1000 more today. Maybe 2k.
            You may win the race, but you pass all the best things in life on the way.


              They have a coupon code on their web site....does anyone know what it could be?


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