Looking good bud! You hear about the 3 old ladies and the flasher?..Three ladies on a bench, a man in a trench coat comes running by, gives 'em a nice show. Two of them had a stroke, the third's arms were too short. 🤘😅
No announcement yet.
Organic Grow-Barneys Farm; Red Diesel & Peyote Critical Kush
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Lol, the way I heard it, it was a nun and a flasher
He flashed, she politely asked if he would show her àgain, since she is a nun
He exposed again, this time she asked if she could touch his balls, since she is a nun
He said yes
She grabbed one ball in each hand and banged them together, with every syllable "DONT YOU EVER DO THAT AGAIN"
Well, it`s defol time and then Flipped. Height of lasses from soil roughly 16-17". So, here we go:
Red Diesel Pics 1-2 before and 3-4 afterwards
Peyote Crit is looking slightly sad but she had been thirsty before and I gave her a tidy over drink for now but I had also bought a new fan and she`s been growing well each day but I hadn`t appreciated the effects the air flow has had as she was really close so she`s looking a little bedraggled but fan raised and she`s been moved elsewhere so she`ll bounce back...saying that she`ll probably be dead by tomorrow.....anyway, Flipped...that was bloody awful grammar above-sorry about that-standards are falling evidently9 Photos
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After first 12/12 night they have handled the defol very nicely...I will ease up on nutes in compost tea for a week then bring back up to normal depending on how the next few days go but everything looks fine so pretty pleased overall3 Photos
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PaganRich duckman Symptoms of OMCS (Old Man Creeping Syndrome): The subject cannot control his creeping: he creeps about his own house, about the garden, out shopping, at work, in church. His creeping about all the time really creeps everyone out, except for his family and close mates, who defend his creeping habits, insist they aren't the same thing as creepiness, and belive that the best thing for the fellow is to train his creeping within a circular trellis.
Just a brief update
Pic 1 is Peyote Critical-another one is growing taller though this lass is healthy and I`m very pleased with her and currently 12" above the lollypop/ frame line. I really want to get a feel for the light penetration for these vipars so 12-18" above frame is my desired grow/ bud range at present
Pic 2 is Red Diesel (In the middle)-she`s lovely
Pic 3 is a combo of Reds and Peyote and so far so good
The recommended height for these vipars are 24" above canopy but they are handling 21" okay and will let them go to 20" before I think about adjusting. Only problem is the town I live in is swamped with flies and it`s mild so it`s a tad awkward temp wise at the moment but hanging in nicey around 26-28C4 Photos
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How's the air circulation? The proper breeze, you know, will discourage various pests (like gnats, etc.) And that final picture: Is that Death Joking Around? Is it the Joker Staring Down Death? Is the Universe really just a meaningless miasma of matter in space and infinity? Should we Don't Fear the Reaper? Is that Death on Vacation with a Brush?
alltatup My airflow is good thank you, both on a personal and growing level though polite company might not be so enthused with the former....with regard to the latter part, I really couldn`t say however I do like your philosophical musings. If I wouldn`t look unhinged I`d quite like a facial tattoo like that though the beard would spoil it-I suspect I`d end up looking like a bald headed panda
This isn`t the 2 girls shown above but 2 from the same strain. Both had been robustly defoliating 2 weeks ago and in that time started to develop budlets and got swamped in big fan leaves throughout. Decided to bring their 3 week defol up sooner and robustly defoliated-sorry, the picture isn`t that great but you get the idea-and they are now roughly 19" above frame with no budlets showing before 17" so I reckon my LED`s are good for a foot and a half solid light penetration but since this is my first grow with them I`m just hazarding a working guess. Anyway, these are taller than I wanted as 12-15" above frame was my target to see how the lights worked. PC on left, Red D on right. Probably talking absolute chack about light penetration but we`ll see how it shapes up. Going to defol the 2 girls from this blog on Friday and will include better pics
Added: Took another pic to show defol via a better angle3 PhotosLast edited by PaganRich; 10-08-2019, 08:15 AM.
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duckman alltatup I always wondered whether a bloke`s todger was housed inside the humble codpiece and found out that at some point it was fashionable to house said todger within ( Probably not when battleaxes were nearby)which then gives the impression of a glorified tea urn when it comes to taking a much needed wazz though without the drip tray which would probably trip you up anyway. I would image that in the run up to a battle with all those blokes intent on caving your head in, urine output would probably exceed most 20litre urns-well, it certainly would for me. I also found out that there were flaps to allow this to happen otherwise it`d be like a high powered water jet spraying out of a colander. I did ponder upon this for quite some time as you can imagine-it does raise some tricky issues like how to wipe your bum, etc...not easy been a Squire to a Knight I suspect especially if dysentry was making it`s rounds...I`d look good in armour I reckon though clankng into your local supermarket shouting `6 of your finest oranges my good woman and don`t dally` whilst wielding a mace and shield might not go down well with probably a disrespectful `sod off` coming backLast edited by PaganRich; 10-10-2019, 02:32 AM.
alltatup I don`t mean to be crude but if your fella`s size-not you obviously, being a lass and all-could fill a 20litre tea urn I`d recommend getting down to A&E asap. And not by bus either. Saying that, cost a fortune in hand made trousers and you`d probably need a wheelbarrow or some form of mobility aid like one of those walking frames that act as a seat-now that would work though you`d need to drap a curtain or towel over it for modesty sake. I have attached a picture of said support just to clarify any points of confusion-You could use the basket to keep the gonads in...also, a todger can be a Tallywacker, a John Thomas, togger, meat puppet, chopper, custard launcher, yer lad, Master John Goodfellow, old chap, me fella (as in:Jesus! Just caught me ole fella in me zip...fair bought tears to me poor eyes it did-and this does happen rather regularly-not to me though as I wear undies and have buttons on my jeans), pecker, hairy canary, weapon, plonker and about 20 other assorted names which I found contained within a highly informative article on penis slang names. Now, would you Adam & Eve it, eh? Us blokes. So, just to clear up any confusionLast edited by PaganRich; 10-10-2019, 08:38 AM.
PaganRich thanks for that clarification. A&E = ER; codpiece = jockstrap; 20 litre = 20 liter = 5 gallon. You posted the picture of the tea urn. I don't know how you got to a fella in my life with a giant member. I got totally lost there, but if you try to explain anything else in your strange and garbled English, I'm afraid I'll get even more confounded. Suffice it to say there are no tea urns, no giant sea urchins, no grotesquely large pants, no shopping carts, or any of that stuff.
Peyote Critical Kush-just shy of 3 weeks but decided to defoliate. I`ve also experimented with dropping the Vipar to 18" above girls` canopy but leaves started to show heat stress so I raised up to 19". Whilst not as tall as another of this strain I am just as happy as this is the height I was aiming for.
Pics 1-2 before the blades started to whirl
Pics 3-4 After. I have to say that I`m particularly pleased with this defoliation. The 2 lasses I showed above have bounced back without missing a beat and I expect this lass to do the same but I really was able to read this lass & where I thought future big leaves could develop from smaller ones currently in situ and blocking light, I removed. The reason here being, this is it...no further work from myself til Harvest or she keels over from nervous exhaustion.. I am pleased with how she looks and trundling along...long may it continue
Just noticed, pic has my 2 exhaust tubes in sight. I use these to heat my house and burn shed loads of incense to effectively mask any odours-reckon I could give the Sistine Chapel a run for it`s money in the nasal departmentLast edited by PaganRich; 10-10-2019, 01:16 PM.
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Red Diesel...Apart from one budlet I inadvertently removed which always niggles me a tad it was a very peaceful and relaxing defoliation. Well, for me anyway.
Pic 1 & 2 before I started and 3 & 4 after. More removed than I initially intended but there were a lot of concealed budlet sites which needed to be opened up...When I defol around week 3 I stop the Neem oil foliar spray but keep a strong lookout for mites
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alltatup I know you were not refering to me. I was personally refering to me. I want to be a rock but I'm really just a piece of clay that is constantly bent out of shape
Cannabis helps me cope with people (growing and smoking, not always in that order)
Growing (not just cannabis) in general has inspired a closer relationship to nature.
That connection (rooting? 😁 ) and finding something (soooo easy, it's just growing a weed 😁 ) that challenges me - has been instrumental to recovering my mental balance.
And lurking around here;
nattering with persons, such as yourself (who seem to understand my 'humor')
Seeing some really great grows
Seeing some great techniques
Trying to understand what I see
Trying to incorporate what I see, into my grow 'style' (regimen isnt the right word, to harsh)
Thanks LurkingInTheGrass I come here and try to help. But honestly I know very little. I follow what the plants and animals tell me and just follow that.
Well, I have been mucking about with these frames and as a mobile Scrog, I am taken with them. With the LED`s added (Which I have now above the canopy at 17.5-18 inches with no adverse effects overall for some time now though I am monitoring closely, compared to the manufacturer`s guidance at 24 inches) and long may it last, a lack of spidermites-shudder-my mistakes are slowly being rectified and my grows are improving. But I am still making some:
Pics 1-3 show a Bud Bud Bling Tingz-I flipped this early at around 14inches above soil and 6.5- 8 above frame. I did this out of frustration as in a previous grow I had packed my soil too densely and it was not good to put it mildly. Here I was too cautious and as you can see, the soil level is roughly 2 inches at least lower due to settling,than I`d prefer. Saying that, she`s roughly 12 inches above the frame and getting good light. I have wanted my girls` to flower within a 12-15 inch height above the frame to see how the LED`s cope with this and so I am happy
Pics 4-5 show a Red Diesel and Pic 6 a Peyote Critical that I defoliated well a week ago and now coming along very nicely and which I showed previously post defoliation
Pics 7-8 show a Peyote Critical and Pics 9-10 a Red Diesel that I started this page off with that were def`d about 7 days ago and which are bouncing along very nicely...though shorter, these 2 girls are of more interest to me as I want to see how the buds turn out with the light signature. Pic 11 shows that I packed the soil too lightly on the Red and the root compost cube is now above the surrounding soil but she`s very happy.
Finally, pics of the lasses chilling in the tent-Pic 12-13-I`ve added sticks to support and guide growthLast edited by PaganRich; 10-17-2019, 10:34 AM.
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Wow Pagan those are fantastic plants long tall sally colas. I love the LEDs my tent's a 4x4 have 2 450watt vipers so whats that about 440total watt I think. Never goes above 80f in winter, I open the flaps for air will occasionally set a stand up fan about 5ft away on low and give them some wind flow. Hope you enjoyed the movie!!
SoOrbudgal Thank you for your words and yeap, love LED`s. I agree about gardening-totally with you thereIt was close, long tall Sally was close as I can`t abide Mustang Sally-urgh-and don`t even get me started on Freebird-I loathe that track with a vengence. That track alone could`ve started the punk movement it is so monumentally diabolical. Saying that, there`s this song by Ghost which is very, very catchy though unfortunately the chorus starts off with Hail Satan and I`ve had to watch out as I`ve been humming it whilst out and about with the odd Hail Satan popping out along the way. Is catchy though they pronounce it like Startan so hopefully people might be thinking I singing about the Heart medication Statins
Last edited by PaganRich; 10-18-2019, 10:33 AM.
LurkingInTheGrass You wrote:
Cannabis helps me cope with people (growing and smoking, not always in that order)
Growing (not just cannabis) in general has inspired a closer relationship to nature.
That connection and finding something that challenges me - has been instrumental to recovering my mental balance.
You put that perfectly, for real. Cultivating cannabis is so therapeutic, calming, grounding, rejuvenating and peaceful. It makes me so happy. I'm always singing in the grow room.Anyone can grow schwag. If you want to grow top shelf bud, study hard: https://www.growweedeasy.com
Growing since July 21, 2016; pothead since 1967
2 BCNL Roommate hydroponic grow boxes w/ 400w COB LEDs, Future Harvest nutes
Grow # 18, Aug. 2023: Anesia Seeds: Imperium X, Future 1, Sleepy Joe, Slurricane
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@LurkInTheGrass I whole heartedly agree with the above. Working in the garden saves my soul from turning my thoughts into wanting to scream out at some of the insane violence that goes on, savages without any compassion for man or animal. My outdoor and indoor gardening is my therapy. Well said comment alltatup. Peace to all
Singing is out for me, I couldn't carry a tune with a bucket
and my musical tastes often lean towards both kinds of music (loud and obnoxious) 😁
duckman It was indeed a period of some festivity and a bit of a foggy head the next day I must admit. Also, my house is near a stream and whilst not that old-only about 100 yrs-there has always been strange events happening here-presences as you might: wet dog, cat shadow, big black shadow, banging on walls, big bangs on floors, footsteps on stairs and landing plus cupboards opening and closing, tobacco smells....friends and family have reported it as well as orbs caught on film. Well, it built up 2 days before but ceased immediately afterwards and has gone quiet again. Not a problem but I definitely share this house
alltatup Not a lot happening over here Atu, just very peaceful time of year as well as being immensely wet, grey, overcast,damp, soggy and a bit moist but on the whole, peaceful and just finished celebrating the pagan New Year so a bit hungover. Had a nice breeze around Stanton Drew t`other day...that was nice-stone circles-as well as a bit of Stony Littleton long Barrow with ale though my mate was swigging this magic mushroom`s concoction that I rather cautiously avoided....pretty nice getting back in touch with the land and the ancestors...last pic shows me leaving...I`m a 5`10" build and it was low and tight inside-well built though5 Photos
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PaganRich SO BEAUTIFUL, pagan!!!! That's where I want to live. Just stunning. Here's what I get to look at each day:
Don't tell me we ain't got no history down here in the South!!!!!
Anyone can grow schwag. If you want to grow top shelf bud, study hard: https://www.growweedeasy.com
Growing since July 21, 2016; pothead since 1967
2 BCNL Roommate hydroponic grow boxes w/ 400w COB LEDs, Future Harvest nutes
Grow # 18, Aug. 2023: Anesia Seeds: Imperium X, Future 1, Sleepy Joe, Slurricane
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alltatup No I didn`t...that`s not nice. Don`t like that kinda shit. Horrible. Farmall Bit different over here it was the IRA or lads like the UDF who would kindly let you know-and still do to some extent-which turf you`re in-lad I knew went to Belfast not long ago and he had to have a lad with a known face where he was cruising or he`d have caught a right kick in but it happens still
SoOrbudgal I love my country. To me it`s the best place on Earth...granted it`s wet, bleak, windswept, barren, unrelentingly cold, overcast and everyone smells of damp & mold and are pallid from lack of sunshine but at least the sheep seem happy enough but Stony Littleton longbarrow is 7 miles from me and Stanton Drew about 10...Stony is older than Stonehenge by 500 odd years and they found bones inside in 1816 and Stanton Drew about the same age as the henge and is 3 circles with one helpfully located in the Druids Arms beer garden...The Drew is roughly 2-3000 BC but you get out to these places and they`re like everywhere right, and you just chill...very, very mellow hanging out on the ley lines with the old ancestors and folk are very respectful of these places but you don`t mess with the old gods so that helps keep them fairly okay but stony has some absolutely lovely rolling hills round it....it re-aligns you just being there...you are with your ancestors and ready to kick any Romans straight in the nuts as well...that`s what happens if you don`t wear a codpiece, strange hairy blokes run up to you and boot you in the nuts...occupational hazard for any Romans round here at one time, being kicked in the nuts....repeatedly. May even have been responsible for a decrease in Roman male fertility who can say, certainly gonna cramp your style a bit trying to engage in a bit of action and your nuts like 2 giant purple cantaloupes...might explain why they wore togas1 PhotoLast edited by PaganRich; 11-04-2019, 09:41 AM.
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duckman I know Penzance and Mousehole mate as well as the the Scilly Isles and St Michael`s Mount...been there a few times-great neck of the woods mate-love that area. Haven`t heard of him but just looked him up and that is right up my street, love that genre so thanks for the shout mate. Farmall I thank you-tbh I often wonder what I`m talking about myself, mate