alltatup I really do despair over the lack of education in your neck of the woods concerning medieval plate armour accoutrements. I mean, if you`re fighting lads armed with something called sinisterly, Bollock Daggers you`d want your meat and two veg to be somewhat protected. Granted these daggers had two bollock shapes incorporated into the handle but it`s the name that does give one pause for thought. Now, I will add some pics to show the appearance and function of a is in no way meant to be sexually intimidating or inappropriate but is added only to show historical edification. No fish were harmed or inconvenienced in the making of this article
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Organic Grow-Barneys Farm; Red Diesel & Peyote Critical Kush
Pagan: like your pictures, you are projecting. It is you, not I, who has a terrible problem with language. I think that perahps you suffer from a mildy severe form of dyslexia, because you keep getting things backwards. So please sit down and I'll explain.
This is a piece of cod. This is what you mean to say.
As for meat and two vegetables, you will have to protect your own plate. This looks like typical British food to me, with the veggies in the middle. Surely you did not mean to suggest that bollocks are vegetables, which is just absurd.
Regarding this word "bollocks" you keep using, and all this talk of protection, daggers, sinisterly attacks, etc. If I understand you correctly, I think you are actually referring to the bullet bra, which was first worn during Medieval times:
Let your trussed up lad near her, and she'd pierce his armor (no u, thank you) in a heartbeat. The armor's protrusion doesn't stand a chance against these fierce doggies.
All of the above information can be synthesized if we simply use the crab bra:
We have shellfish, so no need for cod. Or the British food. We have fierce claws, so no need for dagger or armor.
Finally, Pagan, you speak of something giving you paws (or perhaps claws). Here:
I give you paws. Now all of this linguistic confusion must stop. If the Queen were reading your garbled pidgen English rantings, she'd have you taken to the Tower. So just never mind the bollocks.Anyone can grow schwag. If you want to grow top shelf bud, study hard:
Growing since July 21, 2016; pothead since 1967
2 BCNL Roommate hydroponic grow boxes w/ 400w COB LEDs, Future Harvest nutes
Grow # 18, Aug. 2023: Anesia Seeds: Imperium X, Future 1, Sleepy Joe, Slurricane
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alltatup I must just say one final thing....that was a damn fine looking breakfast, take 3 sausages off and add another fried egg and more bacon plus switch the toast for fried bread and add a glass of orange juice(Need those vitamins) with the coffee and that would be just about Heaven sent can`t beat a good fry up. Sets you up for the day. True. Set up and good to go.
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alltatup No...but I was getting a tad peckish though....Hang on I usually get a tirade against our culinary cuisine. Not a mutter over fried bread, no hint of distain for another fried egg (cooked in lard as well)...I am`s like the Cavalry Sergeant that rides up to the Officer and says `It`s too damn quiet. I don`t like it. ` and next minute, he`s riddled with arrows and there`s Apache everywhereLast edited by PaganRich; 08-25-2019, 02:52 AM.
I am nearly choking on my damn ice tea you two are killing it. FYI alltatup I had the best cod fish fry last weekend camping at our coast with some friends. I think she use tempura batter with beerI did the cabbage slaw & onion rings with her tempura beer batter. LOL vernacular warping
Smoke Ganja create Peace Respect Nature don't trash the Planet
Soil grower with coco/perlite mixed in
indoor/outdoor grower
1 36"x36"x66" tent- Viparspectra P2500
I use a t-5 & 54watt CFL for seedlings
Sometimes i use plastic sometimes i use fabric grow containers
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Peyote Critical Kush-Pic I shows this grow`s plant and Pic 2 shows her next to another of the same strain.
Red Diesel-Pic 3 shows the main lass and Pic 4 shows her next to another RD-growth is slightly slower than PCK but not by much
Neem oil foliar spray applied and watered....currently around 9" and will flip at 18". I love the LED`s I`m using-first time and they`re the dog`s bollocks, that`s for sure
5 Photos
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My peyote critical will be cut this evening. Today 100F and possible big thunderstorms tonight. Could let her go another day or two but don't want to chance it. It is only 1 of 2 that survived the root aphid invasion, infestation and destruction. She probably would not have made it but she is highly resistant to pathogens introduced by the aphids. The yield should be double what it is and I am sure quality suffered from the dread of root aphids. The are virulent, pernicious,and unrelenting. Nothing can kill them that won't kill you. Will post some pics when trimmed.
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Things are growing nicely and I reckon at this rate I`ll flip in about 9 days at 18" from soil and 12" above frame. The instruction manual for Vipar 1200`s veg is 32". These are resting under 24" with both veg and bloom switches on and doing just tickety boo
Both are out for height re-adjustments (minimal thankfully) and weekly Neem oil foliar spray
Peyote Critical-Pics 1-2
Red Diesel-Pics 3-45 Photos
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alltatup I`m on a quest...perhaps it`s in the blood...castles, the Grail and all that malarkey. I know my local city zoo has an insect dep`t, I`ll drop them a line. You see it all comes down to Amelia Earhart and her navigator being consumed by giant Coconut crabs and it made me wonder how the humble crab made it to those sandy beaches miles from nowhere as they drown in sea water in under a day...makes you think, doesn`t it. Well, made me think. Perhaps indifferency is reigning supreme in your far flung lands, I don`t know but in my opinion, crabs can be a serious cause for concern
Hi pagan
Here is a picture of the barneys farm peyote critical kush bud. I was able to get about .5 kilo from her of bud like this. The root aphids had infested her and I put her out of her misery about a week ago. She should had produced double and double or triple better quality but root aphid invasion is a succubus. I think it was in 17th century Europe they called the grape root aphid the plague before they destroyed almost all the grapes in Europe.2 Photos
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That is some of the nicest bud I`ve seen for a-whiles and a lovely yield considering....that type of colour and bud is my fav as well...well done mate, very nicely done. That grape aphid might explain why the French nation was so aggressive around that time as well-running out of bloody wine...beautiful grow DD and thanks for allowing me to see as well mate-did enjoy
Well desertdan i'm feeling your pain for loosing crop. I'm still battling through. I could only wish my critical would be as lovely as yours. I have one of barneys critical struggling to get finished mines pretty ugly. I think you need a big congrats for pulling off what you did. Maybe it's my mind and whats going on outside the grow that's got me more anxious than usual but this season has tried my patience. I think your harvest looks grand.
SoOrbudgal Do you like the TV show `Open All Hours.` with our Granville by any chance?
PaganRich Morning Pagan we have no cable we have Netflix, youtube and a few local channels through antenna. We have local internet service. We are pretty much in the dark with tv shows. We are probley watching stuff from years ago LOL. No I've never heard of that show.Smoke Ganja create Peace Respect Nature don't trash the Planet
Soil grower with coco/perlite mixed in
indoor/outdoor grower
1 36"x36"x66" tent- Viparspectra P2500
I use a t-5 & 54watt CFL for seedlings
Sometimes i use plastic sometimes i use fabric grow containers
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I'll subscribe to any thread featuring a codpiece, thanks for the giggles! now I can't stop thinking 'bout Blackadder...
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Is that a English comedy show can I get it on Netflix? We love the old Monty Python shows we watch them during winter.
it is indeed, SoOrbudgal, an English tv comedy starring Rowan Atkinson, and a damn fine one. it's not on Netflix here in the Great White North, can't say for sure about U.S. Netflix but if one Googles "Blackadder episodes" you will see many options for viewing. My favourite is Season 3 also starring Hugh Laurie (of "House" fame) as probably the dumbest Prince Regent ever!
Peyote Critical was a bit limp this morning which I can associate with though perhaps lacklustre might be a better choice of word for me as you don`t want to convey the wrong impression and in fairness mine can be attributed to the classic phrase...`fancy a pint? ` to which I happily went along with and the second and the third,, she was watered and treated with a Neem foliar session and I then put her straight back into the main tent so not a detailed pic but Pic 1 shows her looking okay...she`s a thirsty lass
Red Diesel is doing well....watered and Neem spray & reckon another 7 days tops before I robustly defol and flip...Pics 2-34 Photos
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PaganRich funny about the floors,Mate.
Your plants look beautiful, nice Yeild coming your way.
You got that strain figured out ain't you?
Good talking to you, I hope you are doing well, Mate.
D.A.A.S.69 I`m doing very well D mate...always am after a good blast and I was drinking Doom Bar which always goes down a treat. I do like the Red Diesel and PC strains I must admit. Have a mate growing 3 lasses outside, one Kush and 2 Auto`s and the weather`s been so iffy that after 4 months nought in the way of budlets so when I look at my little lasses I`m content. Good to hear from you mate and hoping you and yours are fine and dandy...stay mellow my friend
Pagan please describe the feelings that those strains give. I love gorilla glue, Clarendon candy, Stoned Henge, Girl Scout cookies, iced grapefruit, white widow, black widow, Nitro Lemon haze, carmelicious, blue dream, blue velvet, blue tooth, ak47, raspberry cough, and on and on. But still havent tried those. Maybe next grow you can try my strains and I can try yours.You may win the race, but you pass all the best things in life on the way.
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Hey Spider, how you been doing, very well, I hope.
He told me one time that, it was very powerful, almost to the point of hallucinations, i believe him too.
PaganRich I just got BillWymans of the Stones, book called TreasureIslands from Amazon, it's about MetalDetecting, and you should see, what he's found around his property, and close by, he lives close to Suffolk, wherever that is.
Unreal amounts of goodies he's found, he's been detecting since 1991.
Have a nice Sunday, mate.
D.A.A.S.69 Hey up D mate,yeap, seen it but haven`t read it but I`ve heard he`s hard core...his neck of the woods had a lot of dust ups over the years, Jutes, Angles, Saxons, local tribes, Celts, Britons plus the Roman and Norman lads as well as your Nordic lads but if you want to see something to really float your boat, check this out
Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.
Nearly been nighthawking a few times but never got round to it which karmically is prob for the best as the old ones sometimes don`t like their stuff disturbed however did hold a very nice Roman broach few yrs back with clasp and all...that was pretty nice but not big on Roman, more dark ages/ medieval myself...they found a boar figured Anglo Saxon battle helm that`s now in Leeds Armoury-that`s pretty sweet
Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.
Suffolk ain`t too far from me, couple of hrs if that -`By the fifth century, the Angles (after whom East Anglia and England are named) had established control of the region. The Angles later became the "north folk" and the "south folk", from which developed the names "Norfolk" and "Suffolk". ` Loads of burial mounds,etc down that neck of the woods as well so good metal detecting ground. The Avon on the other hand `s just a short ways from me, literally
Spidermite I am always up for a bit of quality control feedback mate...the particular strain D`s referring to is Barney`s LSD which is also a variant of the Mazari strain-I`ve grown it a few times now and it`s got a real trippy feel to it but then, saying that, a few of my strains lately have seemed to have gone that way, like Purple Envy which was real pokey
Later ladsLast edited by PaganRich; 09-23-2019, 06:20 AM.
That sounds like something the wife would like PaganRich. She loves the strains that take you out of your normal day to day "mind." Of course she also loves Gorilla Glue as it lays you on the bed, holds you down, and you wake up the next day.
We do go through alot of iced grapefruit lately during the day. It is really good at getting rid of headaches, stomachaches, and just not feeling good in general. Honestly lately we have gone through alot more of that than everything else combined but I cant say it's my favorite because if we feel good we never pick it. Mentioning that, when someone is really sick to their stomach we go to Girl Scout Cookies. I've not found a stomach ailment that GSC cant help, not to mention that the flavor is one of the best.
Anyways, the strains you are growing have me Interested as you have grown them multiple times. Cheers mate
D.A.A.S.69 I've been getting by. Been really busy back in construction due to life issues taking all my money. But life is great. I live in the south with good food, nice people, and plenty of work so no way in the world to complain. I never run out of smoke, have my family around me, and can do what I want when I want to do it. Life is greatYou may win the race, but you pass all the best things in life on the way.
Glad to hear you and yours are doing good, our huntin woods, just North of Vicksburg got the second worst flood in history, this Spring, second only to the flood of 1927. So our hunting is gonna be bad for a few years, guaranteed.
Instead of the Delta, we gonna have to hunt in the Pine tree woods, this year.
Did y'all have any river flooding this spring , n your area?
Google ,Eagle Lake, Ms. Flooding, and you'll see what I mean.
D.A.A.S.69 We had flooding at the beginning of the growing season. It took out half of our early crops due to the water sitting in the fields for so long. But since then we have been really dry. I cant even remember the last time it rained. We even put in a lake and irrigation ditches in the one farm due to the lack of water. My brother in law has been working that farm this year so we will see how that goes. All and all it's been a pretty decent year as far as farming goes. Just lots of time watering everything.