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    Hey everyone! It's way past Saturday, but it's been a busy week and sometimes life kicks ya in the ding ding (or the hoo hoo depending on your gender).

    The Bubba Kush is currently at day 92, and she has bulked up a little bit since my last post. Most of the hairs are orange now, and the trichomes or mainly cloudy but no Amber yet.

    She is definitely getting closer to harvest, but it's still a little ways out lol. I'm super excited to harvest this one!

    Canuck147 - your Bubba is looking great! That trunk is massive! Mine isn't nearly as impressive, but I'm quite happy with it! I think you will have me on weight at the end😁

    Have a great week everyone!

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    Past Grows


    • Canuck147
      Canuck147 commented
      Editing a comment
      Yours looks Fabulastic

    • Doubledealing72
      Doubledealing72 commented
      Editing a comment
      I am too Retodd 😁 I'm going to take a guess and say around 4 oz. I'll be ecstatic with anything more.

    • oldjarhead100
      oldjarhead100 commented
      Editing a comment
      hey isn't your hoo hoo gender neutral lol Is all the pictures of the same plant wow its getting close

    Okay well here are some current pics of the curing buds. A few more days until no more opening jars. And for those who missed it, a gif of the grow..Sweet Tooth Auto from N420G
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    β€œPounds of weed. Sour D. That medical for my allergies.” - Juicy J

    Second Grow:

    Sweet Tooth Autos (4)
    192w t5 (veg) 400w HPS (flwr) 24/0hr
    3 Gal Smart Pots
    FoxFarm Trio
    +Open Sesame

    First grow:

    150w hps hydro grow (DIY)

    Current Grow:

    (1) new420guy Black Domina and P98 Bubba Kush
    192w t5
    Rapid Rooter/Jiffy-Pot/5 Gal Smart Pot
    FF BushDoctor Coco-Loco
    FF Nutrient Trio + CaliMagic


    • Juicyj89
      Juicyj89 commented
      Editing a comment
      Thanks everyone. I’m a little confused though? So when I cut my plants, I chopped the big mains and most everything else that was worthy lol but seriously, I cut all the good stuff and then just left the larf on the plants and just set them outside the tent so that I could dry what I cut. So I dried it for 3 days and on the third day it felt dry on the outside but the stems still didn’t snap. So I went ahead and jarred them. But then the next day or so when I checked them, they were basically soggy. So I’m assuming they were drying too fast. Anyways, I didn’t know what to do so I just laid all the buds out on a rack over night and when I woke up they were dry to the touch again. So I replaced them in the jars and they’ve been there since. I’m not sure what’s going on or what might have happened but when I open the jars, you almost get some fruity scents but then it’s almost like composting grass. Just grassy and kind of sweet smelling. But then when you take the buds out and smell them individually, they almost have no smell or it’s like a weird cardboard/pine cone smell. I just don’t know what’s happening?? I figured it would be super pungent by now. Or at least have some of its characteristic smells. So to top things off, I decided to chop the larf that i sat off to the side and start drying it too. I just cut the plant at the base and have been drying in a cabinet since the tents occupied. Anyways, I noticed one plant still had some green color to the larf buds/leaves. Unlike the rest of the plants that had all pretty much completely changed colors all the way thru. So I pulled them out tonight and was observing the smells and I noticed that the plants with the β€œdiscolored” buds did have much smell either like the ones in the jars. But when I grabbed that still green plant and took a whiff, it about knocked me out! It was extremely pungent, it smelled like some super potent top shelf bud to me. Just stung the nostrils and could almost take your breath. INSANE SMELL. So, I have mostly said all of that so ask this, do any of you think that I could have basically baked my plants with my 400w hps in a 2x2? Because all the buds that were exposed directly to light completely changed colors, lost all fan leaves and from my mild observation has almost no smell or a weird cardboard-ish smell. Hard to describe. But I guess just that one plant, it’s was dense enough to block that intense light from those little buds underneath and therefore they’re were really doing much? But they’re the ones that actually smell like a reeking skunky weed plant should! So yeah, I have my own opinions as to why but really I’m at a total loss as to why my buds don’t smell like weed. Tia for any help.

    • Retodd
      Retodd commented
      Editing a comment
      Juicyj89 I’ve had that happen with me a couple times before too. I think it was Canuck that I recently told what I do, but I dry my buds hanging in my room with a 20” fan on low blowing directly on them. My room is 8’X8’ and I’ll run my exhaust filter in the room cause it’s in the house. My parent would dry in our barn in the tobacco stripping room with multiple fans. That room is 18’X10’. After 1-2 days they’d be ready to bag or jar with orange peels. If you get a green or fresh cut grass smell then they aren’t ready at all. Density of the buds IS a big factor. For them I’d separate and lay them on a tray.
      Good luck bro

    • Doubledealing72
      Doubledealing72 commented
      Editing a comment
      Juicyj89 So when your buds are first going into the jar, it's very normal for them to be "soggy" the next day. Moisture works it's way out of the bud from the center. You did the right thing by taking them out of the jar to dry a little longer. I'll normally take the lids off the jar and let them dry out for an hour or so, and check on them. If the outside is crispy again, the lid goes back on. Sometimes you have to do this multiple times until you get that perfect touch of how you want your buds to feel.

      Also, it's completely normal for your buds not to smell as potent as when you harvested them. And yes, it will smell like fresh cut grass for about a week. Eventually that smell is replaced with the scent of the weed that you grew. I will say my buds never smell as potent as they did while they were growing, but the fresh cut grass smell does go away.

      Hope this helped@Juicyj89!

    Looks great Juicy! Looks like we all got started on spring as well. I have. OJH is way ahead of us - he will be planting outside soon as the snow is gone.

    Like to say thanks again to Retodd , Redwasp for starting this thread. I have learned a lot. Wasn't very confident on my LSTING techniques before I started - but all is good now. So good I started 2 more Purple Stilton and a strain that is supposed to grow to 5 feet. All autoflowers.
    It's called 'Think Big' - a strain from Dutch Passion. Mostly sativa - high THC - high yielder - 13 week flowering, which is 90 days of flowering. So this one I will definitely be LSTING, the other 2 I will top and see how they grow.
    And they are 5 days out of the soil.

    Happy growing everyone.

    ​​​​​​​Don't wait for spring - do it now.
    ​​​​​​3 X 3 gorilla. Promix soil . Green Planet Nutes
    Mars Hydro
    Vortex in-line 6" fan


    • RagWeedDWC
      RagWeedDWC commented
      Editing a comment
      As soon as my cookies are done, I plan on stopping until fall. However,,,,,,, in the fall I plan on joining you guys on a grow, just have to find the auto seeds (I will).

    • Juicyj89
      Juicyj89 commented
      Editing a comment
      My opinion feels so, so irrelevant...πŸ˜” i thought I was part of the team! Oh well, I’ll just be over here....growing my pain away...

    • oldjarhead100
      oldjarhead100 commented
      Editing a comment
      the smell also depends on how you dry/cure ,I cut my buds off of the stem and weigh out 100 grams of bud ,this goes in a separate place on drying rack and in about 3 days it will weigh 25 to 30 grams at this time its ready for jars ,when it goes into jars it may feel dry but it has quite a bit of moister deep in the bud ,this will make the buds feel soft and soggy , when I burp I go by the RH in the jars if rh is at 70%or above I leave jars open for 1 hour the close if its in the 60s I open and close the jar ,all we are doing when we burp is let out that moister, when all is said and done the smell and taste returns , also if you dried them with the light over them on then yes you probably bleach/burnt the color and taste from it it should still be good weed to smoke maybe not as smooth

    Nuthin much to brag about. Lots of bad luck with this my first auto, and winter grow. My White Russian mother far right a photo period. I hope I can get her out of the basement in the Spring. Center the stunted White Widow Auto cricket victim. I'd be foxtailing too if I had my roots chewed completely off. Going to the chopping block tomorrow. The far left supposedly 2 Gorilla Glue #4 Autos. The front one looks like what it's supposed to be. The back one doesn't even look like the same strain. From Seedsman not in the original packaging. Their sister born without a tap root. Front center 2 child clones from Mother Russia.
    Can't wait for Spring to get back to photos. Will veg outside and flower in my barn. Click image for larger version  Name:	IMG_0217.JPG Views:	1 Size:	2.10 MB ID:	298412Temporary set up in the corner next to the water softener. Boiler for the heating system about 8 feet to the left. Probably a bit too hot and dry but I do have a box fan on them.
    Last edited by starramus; 03-14-2019, 07:41 PM.


    • starramus
      starramus commented
      Editing a comment
      I bought 5 gallon grow bags, but would have had drainage problems. Of course with customs, crickets, and male seeds, I had enough problems. Very disappointing experience.

    • Colombo
      Colombo commented
      Editing a comment
      Hey starramus Can I ask what light schedule you have them on as you stated you will place a photo clone outdoors spring? I have a couple Acapulco Gold clones that are on an 18/6 schedule and wondered if they could go out in spring?

    • starramus
      starramus commented
      Editing a comment
      24H I think you will be OK if you wait until May 15.

    Spring to do list.:


    So I chopped down Phoenix tonight. Trichomes have been amber for a couple days. In the pix you can see how the end buds are shaped. It ended up being more of a bonsai plant. Just going to trim her up and dry. My digital scale isn’t up here, so don’t have a wet weight to figure out dry weight. Looking at it I’m guessing I’ll only get 3/4 oz. dry. Oh well. I’m soaking my widow seeds to start them in a few days. I will say that the blue cheese smells really good! I’m prolly gonna come in dead last in this competition, but as long as you end up with something good to smoke you’re still a winner.
    Attached Files


    • Retodd
      Retodd commented
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      oldjarhead100 I was just thinking of doing the same thing as this of best photo challenge. You know, best weight for one plant and biggest bud. We can do it like this one where everyone is growing something different.
      starramus You should smell my house! I did my trimming at the kitchen table last night and then took them and put them in my tent on a tray to dry. My mom came in this morning telling me how the house smells like pot and I smell like pot!πŸ˜‚. I’m not doing a weigh in, I already put both together. If I’m lucky I’ll end up with 2oz from both plants.
      Trimming them up was a total bitch!

    • starramus
      starramus commented
      Editing a comment
      ask your mom to smell your fingers. stanky dank the best smell goin!

    • Retodd
      Retodd commented
      Editing a comment
      Funny thing starramus.....I did just thatπŸ˜‚

    I'm looking forward to taking pictures today mutant louie isn't getting very tall but I think shes going to be a award winner ,you know one of those plants that just is special , I wish I could of cloned her to see what a 3 way stem could do outside
    new grow room built summer of 2017 ,argo max tent for veging ,big kahuna reflector, 1000hps with added leds for the full spectrum . 15th indoor grow ,5 years outside gorilla grows(stealth is the key),veg under t5s growing autos under 300w leds
    current grow


    • Retodd
      Retodd commented
      Editing a comment
      Can’t wait to see ole man

    So this is where I’m at on my current grow. I think it’s been 3-4 days since placing inside rapid rooter. Didn’t even soak them before hand. Just threw them in dry and they’ve all sprouted already! I have to change my signature tho because the two NL I planted didn’t germinate. So I planted 4 random GSC and they all germinated. So I’m hoping Paul at n420g will replace them. If not, hope for a girl outta these 4!
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    β€œPounds of weed. Sour D. That medical for my allergies.” - Juicy J

    Second Grow:

    Sweet Tooth Autos (4)
    192w t5 (veg) 400w HPS (flwr) 24/0hr
    3 Gal Smart Pots
    FoxFarm Trio
    +Open Sesame

    First grow:

    150w hps hydro grow (DIY)

    Current Grow:

    (1) new420guy Black Domina and P98 Bubba Kush
    192w t5
    Rapid Rooter/Jiffy-Pot/5 Gal Smart Pot
    FF BushDoctor Coco-Loco
    FF Nutrient Trio + CaliMagic


    • starramus
      starramus commented
      Editing a comment
      Juicyj89 Rapid rooters are the only way to go. Have been using them my last germinations. At least if nothing pops you can find the seed to see what happened. I do soak the rapid rooters though, but not the seeds.

    • oldjarhead100
      oldjarhead100 commented
      Editing a comment
      I gave a friend 10 seeds and he did nothing to them I did 10 seeds and did the N,heat,humidity and He got 2 out of 10 I got 8 out of 10 ,its not perfect but it beats starting 50 seeds to get 8 female lol starramus I have started to slice my root riots (same thing ) in half and open them like a sandwich its easier to do seeds with tails .

    • starramus
      starramus commented
      Editing a comment
      oldjarhead100 I do the same, but close up the "sandwich" with twistex (bread ties) after my investigations.

    Okay - I'm in. Two more Purple Stilton - plan on topping these and watching how they grow, maintaining a reasonably level canopy is what that means. The other plant will be topped and LST will be happening on her. She is from Dutch Passion and is 'Think Big'. Sativa dominant - supposed to grow to 5 feet - that's not going to happen. If I keep them all 4 feet or lower i'll have accomplished that goal.

    So they only look dry - fed them after pic was taken. Half strength nutes with CaliMagic. Only have the white COB lights on - 18/6 Click image for larger version

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    ​​​​​​3 X 3 gorilla. Promix soil . Green Planet Nutes
    Mars Hydro
    Vortex in-line 6" fan


      50.8 grams from thing 1. Click image for larger version

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      • Retodd
        Retodd commented
        Editing a comment
        50.8 that your total dry weight? I didn’t get a PM. Didn’t you get 120 something from your other one? Fill me in bro.

      • oldjarhead100
        oldjarhead100 commented
        Editing a comment
        very nice teddy

      • BurningTeddy
        BurningTeddy commented
        Editing a comment
        Yep, total dry. Thing2 was around the same, little less I think. Both have been the smallest yields off of autos I've had BUT have also been the best quality bud I've grown.

        Didn't take biggest bud shots cuz I was worried about mold and pulled it apart before it was fully dry.

      Happy Saturday everyone! Today is day 96 for the Bubba Kush, and she continues to stack. She smells amazing, and exactly like the previous Bubba Kush I grew. I'm guessing around a week to go before I finally get to chop her, and I can't wait!

      I'm still guessing around 4 oz dry, but we will see what happens!

      Have a great weekend everyone!

      Past Grows


      • Doubledealing72
        Doubledealing72 commented
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        Fuck, I forgot to post pics again lol

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      This is all my girls at the moment. Front left is White Widow CBD and back left is Bubba Cheese. Both autos and around day 67.

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      Past Grows


      • oldjarhead100
        oldjarhead100 commented
        Editing a comment
        well done mcubed thats a monster

      • Doubledealing72
        Doubledealing72 commented
        Editing a comment
        I appreciate the kind words OJH!

      So far I have the following people’s totals. Can the rest leave me a comment on who I’m missing?Canuck147 uncledoug Mr.furley Juicyj89 Spidermite
      Im not leaving my total....not enough to even
      LurkingInTheGrass hasn’t messaged.with total. Let me know guys. This has been a great run for all of you. Doubledealing72oldjarhead100 hasnt sent totals either
      ​​​​​​​see yasoon


      • Doubledealing72
        Doubledealing72 commented
        Editing a comment
        I'll get mine in about 2 weeks!

      • LurkingInTheGrass
        LurkingInTheGrass commented
        Editing a comment
        my Things are still under lights

      • Retodd
        Retodd commented
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        Just checking in fellas. Both of mine together only came to around 1-1/4-1-1/2. Fuckin fire! πŸ˜‚

      I spent the day yesterday trimming and lsting the plants in veg so when I got to the autos was I surprised I have 4 that are ready including Mutant Louie,first 3 pics Mutant louie and the rest are of other ready girls
      new grow room built summer of 2017 ,argo max tent for veging ,big kahuna reflector, 1000hps with added leds for the full spectrum . 15th indoor grow ,5 years outside gorilla grows(stealth is the key),veg under t5s growing autos under 300w leds
      current grow


      • Doubledealing72
        Doubledealing72 commented
        Editing a comment
        Looking good OJH! I really like the reddish color in that last photo!

      Headbanger, 8 weeks from seed to harvest, dropped 11/20 (up in 12 hours)
      White Widow 65 days from seed to harvest, dropped 11/20 (up in 24 hours)
      White Moscow, 8 weeks from seed to harvest, dropped 11/20 (up in 24 hours) (had helmet head and birth defect)
      I can say I am disappointed with the time these are taking, they have stopped putting on new flowers, so maybe not to far off, what do all you guys and gals say?
      Himalaya diesel is right on target for its harvest time of 120 days (+2 weeks), the snowryder is due 3/23 - 4/6 and also looks more on target then the first 3
      Some of y'all are posting your trunk, I bury mine,,,, I can hardly wait for harvest

      So many very nice plants and harvests all y'all have done/ are doing,,,


      • oldjarhead100
        oldjarhead100 commented
        Editing a comment
        out of curiosity why do you bury the trunk I was turning the compost pile last fall and I turns over about ten stumps cause they just dont compost I burn them now and put ash in compost

      • oldjarhead100
        oldjarhead100 commented
        Editing a comment
        nice looking plants how did the pollinating go was it easy or a PITA

      • Rwise
        Rwise commented
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        IF they ever ripen,,, 120 days the 24th, not bad for 8-9 week plants,,,ahh, ya,,,

        Its an old school thing, IDK if it works with autos, but the intent is anything covered grows roots, (like cloning with the limb still attached) when I pull them I will know whether it worked or not.

        I put the pollen in a (half size) sandwich baggie, broke it up, stuck the bud to be impregnated into it, zipped it up as best I could with a branch sticking out, and shook and hope not to much escapes, I have spotted a couple of strays,,,

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