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Battle of the Beards: The Wasp vs The Pagan

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    Yeah I am not in the mood for the opera atm. So we will have to find another large and beautiful lady to sing last. I can picture a few in my head but cant think of their names. They are large, carved, smiling, and can sing their asses off. I want to hear one of those.


    • PaganRich
      PaganRich commented
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      Redwasp I believe that in your heart you`re thinking of Valkyries Red mate,,,rather apt, warriors and all that. They are large lasses. All that heaving cleavage, leather and metal fastenings mate does get a bloke to thinking. My mate was `experimenting` with bondage when the police raided his flat in error. That was interesting by all accounts and a fair wack of angry screaming from his mrs certainly livened things up even further for him
      Last edited by PaganRich; 11-04-2018, 03:50 AM.


    Who is the Fat Lady, and why do we have to wait for her to sing before it''s all over?

    Anthony, London UK
    • I've always assumed this refered to the Prima Donna, the large, women who would sing the final aria at the end of an opera, usually as she's dying.

      Tom Garrisi, Houston USA
    • The story I heard was that Al Capone became much enamoured of opera, swotting up with scores, records, and even tutors, until he regarded himself sufficiently au fait to sample the real thing. Accompanied by two bodyguards, he took his seat at the opera house. After the first aria, the goons rose to leave, whereupon Al grabbed them by their coattails: "Siddown," he growled, "it ain't over till the fat lady sings".

      Mark Power, Dublin Ireland
    • Kate Smith, a large lady, used to sing the 'Star Spangled Banner' at the end of American football matches in the 1950s. Thus one knew the game was over when she sang.

      Tony, London UK
    • The phrase "It's not over until the fat lady sings" is actually a mis-quote. The correct phrase is "It's not over until the fat lady sinks" and has its origins in the game of billiards. The black eight ball was commonly referred to as the "fat lady" so no matter how bad the game was for a competitor it wasn't over until the "fat lady" sank.!!

      Debbie Pollard, Yorkshire uk
    • It's from a variety show in the United States called the Grand Ole Opry. A very large woman named Lulu Roman would sing at the end of every show.

      Elvira Clarke, Lima Peru
    • Dame Nelly Melba was a woman of considerable, operatic proportions. During a triumphant tour of Australia concessions were offered to school groups and teachers notes to accompany the event included an advisory covering arrival, seating, general conduct in this formal setting and the line "Please tell all students that the show isn't over until the fat lady sings."

      Fiona, Kaitaia New Zealand
    • It is not "sink"! Kate Smith sang "God Bless America" at the START of the Philadelphia Flyer's Ice Hockey team, which is why fans said "It ain't BEGUN 'til the fat lady sings!" The first person is correct, it is about the last female opera singer in many operas.

      Geela, NJ USA

    Add your answer I always thought that it was Brunhilda singing during Gotterammerung The Twilight of the Gods.


    • starramus
      starramus commented
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      "Act 3
      Hagen and Siegfried go out hunting. Hagen makes him take antidote to the potion. Siegfried recovers his memory and his time with Brunnhilde. However, Hagen stabs Siegfried in the back with a spear.
      Brunnhilde is told all by three Rhine maidens. Brunnhilde sets fire around Siegfried’s body. The fire causes the river, Rhine to flood. In the flood, three Rhine maidens recapture the magic ring, and Hagen dies from drowns. Brunnhilde’s fire burns the castle of the gods, Valhalla, and the glory of the gods ends."

    • PaganRich
      PaganRich commented
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      starramus That`s a hell of a brilliant answer mate


    Well, she`s a bit lost in there...she`s in the middle bless her, struggling to get above her sisters. Lucky she hasn`t a pair of scissors really. Gods, that was a bit abstract...reckon the day`s gonna be a strange one...its a bit cramped but that`s only temp til 3 lasses are harvested soon


      "I remember watching these massive. leather clad opera women singing the Ride of the Valkyries from Glastonbury on TV. Man, that was pretty hot stuff I tell you...phew...leather clad heaving bosoms, very ample posteriors. Must be something in the diet."

      Pagan you're a modern day Shakespeare. After that erotic tirade I am going to have to start a ME Three Movement. It's gotta be all of that wienerschnitzel my friend.


      • PaganRich
        PaganRich commented
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        Ah mate, I could give the Marquis de Sade a run for his money

      • starramus
        starramus commented
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        Watch it Pagan we're supposed to be asexual drones!

      OOOOPs I am gonna start oozing.
      Last edited by starramus; 11-04-2018, 08:34 AM. Reason: i naughty


        Ok worked a bit on the plants structure today. I'm getting closer to what I am looking for. I worked on 3 of the 4 today with the Wonder Woman in the far right not done yet. The Green Ninja, the contest plant, is the back left. I'm guessing many wont see what I've done or where I am going but some of you will.

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        The Ak47

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        The Wonder Woman who spent time working on her dress.

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        The Green Ninja

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        The Wonder Woman who stayed home.

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        I thought I had a picture of everything that was removed but guess I forgot. I filled a 2ft by 18 inches by 10 inch tall box.


        • PaganRich
          PaganRich commented
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          Redwasp Nice grow room you`ve got going there mate. Girls are looking lovely

        Lol Tika Gotta have fun with it. I wish I could impart some country wisdom on you but I just cant tell a story without the sound effects and body motions. And cant get close to telling a story like My Papaw could or I would tell you one.

        To get a good image of a decent country story teller just watch some Jerry Clower. I doubt many here even know who he is except D.A.A.S.69


        • Retodd
          Retodd commented
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          Oh My God, that brings back memories from when I was a kid. Dad had a few Clower albums! Nice reference

        Man alive...both tents now have nasty spider mite infestation...the borg type as well. It`s an organic grow so will undertake organic measures.....will start with a 9-1 water to alcohol solution tomorrow, wipe the leaves and stems. Man, that`s some work. Next day, spray with a compost tea. Might try molasses and alcohol as well for a few weeks...imagine this is just going to be a long, long old battle. Reading I`ve done says alcohol evaporates very quickly post wiping and doesn`t damage the leaves or plant. Well, we will see


          Sadness PaganRich all is not lost, some of the most fierce battles fought my friend were dire till the sheer end. Good luck and happy growing!!!
          “Call a plant beautiful, and it becomes a flower. Call it ugly, and it becomes a weed."

          -Jonathan Lockwood Huie-


          • PaganRich
            PaganRich commented
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            Thank you mate...little b`stards

          I'll stay quiet till tha battle is over


          • PaganRich
            PaganRich commented
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            Redwasp Nah, these things happen Red. Three yrs of growing and first infestation so been lucky and hammering the little fucks later this morning. What with this and hospital op tomorrow I have to really be on top of them today and then hopefully a bit down the line nail them again. Viewing this as an ongoing battle now. B`stards were partying yesterday like there was no tomorrow which for hopefully most of them will be the case. I couldn`t make this up Red. This has got to be one of the most protracted and problemed growing times I`ve known generally. If I didn`t get so much enjoyment outta this I`d be banging my head against a wall. These little fuckers are dead mites walking the green inch...saying that I`m closing the tents down June next year if not sooner due to the health of my uncle but when I do that will be a final, final erradication...I`m taking 3 months off over summer nowadays due to heat

          • Retodd
            Retodd commented
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            Do a mix of castille soap and water spray. I know your a all natural grower like we are. Good luck friend

          Originally posted by PaganRich View Post
          Man alive...both tents now have nasty spider mite infestation...the borg type as well. It`s an organic grow so will undertake organic measures.....will start with a 9-1 water to alcohol solution tomorrow, wipe the leaves and stems. Man, that`s some work. Next day, spray with a compost tea. Might try molasses and alcohol as well for a few weeks...imagine this is just going to be a long, long old battle. Reading I`ve done says alcohol evaporates very quickly post wiping and doesn`t damage the leaves or plant. Well, we will see
          This worked for me one grow. Nuke the sonsabitches!


          • PaganRich
            PaganRich commented
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            starramus Looked it up and a gallon is £100 over here . Too steep for me I`m afraid sadly

          • starramus
            starramus commented
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            There is a quart size for much less. We can't all be the Bourgeoisie can we?

          • PaganRich
            PaganRich commented
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            starramus True mate, wouldn`t mind more money but not the attitude some people adopt when they have it. For some reason a lot of money changes a fair few people and it shouldn`t but it does and often not for the better sadly

          PaganRich it does happen. I am better equipped to deal with issues of all kinds. Just by luck I guess. I can get anything I need with no issues and it will never hurt me. I hope you get those bastards. And the health goes well. You know me I'll never consider a win when someone is down.


          • PaganRich
            PaganRich commented
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            Redwasp I`m planning on winning Red...highly unlikely granted but like the RAF against the Luftwaffe I reckon I`m in with a chance. Believe it or not but this grow has been a silver lining for me. Gives me a chance to natter to yourself and others and even these little fuckers are helping re-focus my thoughts. I`ve got neem oil, alcohol solution and SM-90 ordered plus in June I shut the tent down so it`s only battling for 8 months as these little b`stards I`ve got are the ones growers call the Borg. Well...resistance is futile for those little fellas is my motto. Later mate

          • GreenhouseEffect
            GreenhouseEffect commented
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            Man, sorry to hear about Pagan, those little $hites suck!
            If you have any plants that you have not flipped yet, you can give them a good watering with neem as well. Like two Tea spoons full per gallon of water, every 3-4 weeks till flowering. Only reason to stop by flowering switch, is so that the flavor can metabolize out of the plant, and not affect your bud flavor. I used it that way all summer, kept aphids away, which were having a party one foot away, on my tomato plants.
            Good luck with the battle, I know Kingfish is always talking about the Captain Jacks Dead bug, sounds like it will deal a crippling blow to the fiends, as well( the stuff is basically Spinosad, so may be able to just order another brand if thats what they have over in Merry Old)
            Hope the health issues go alright to,
            my best,

          • PaganRich
            PaganRich commented
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            GreenhouseEffect Thanks Greenhouse, That was a very useful post of yours as I`ve just read a load about Spinosad. Hit the flowering near harvest plants with alcohol/water solution-80% genocide, hit the rest with Neem solution-80% dead and got SM-90 on order so will rotate between the 3 to keep the little buggers off guard. Thanks for your thoughts re health mate, appreciated

          I don't know what is going on this year. Seems that Spider mites are on everybody's shit list. Don't fuck around with them. I Hit them hard with 2 things. Like greenhouse said. Spinosad if you can get it and Safer's soap. You have to alternate with both because they will get used to one kind but not 2 different kind of insectercide. Don't mess around with homemade remedies. They are a bitch to kill and WILL take over your grow if you don't. Good luck mate. I know what you're going though.


          • PaganRich
            PaganRich commented
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            kingfish I`ve clocked your post mate and looked up both products and ear-marked them. Can you run an on-going battle with these fuckers as you grow but keep their numbers down as a solution if you can`t wipe them out..also, I`ve read a lot about them and I`m amazed I haven`t been hit by them before but it`s definitely the Borg ones I`ve got. Appreciated kingfish mate

          • kingfish
            kingfish commented
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            Pagan, if you alternate between 2 products (Spinosad and Safer's soap), the bugs won't have a chance to build a immunity towards any one kind. You can use Spinosad every day. But Safer's soap can only be used once a week.

          At least you can fight your problem. I got a couple of Lolas. 😣 Expensive junk genetics.

          Good luck with the ozzy tomorrow mate.

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          "Life is not about being dealt a great hand but playing a poor hand well"...

          •Roots Organics over kindsoil in 5gal fabric pots

          •600w hps supplement w/Kind LEDs during flower

          •4" can-fan w/can-filter(carbon)

          •14,000btu air conditioner


          • PaganRich
            PaganRich commented
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            Californiakid Hey CK I can`t quite make it out, what are they mate?

          • starramus
            starramus commented
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            "She walk like a woman, but talk like a man."

          • Californiakid
            Californiakid commented
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            PaganRich, 2 seeds I paid more than usual for, hermied on me. A few of us bought some Rare Dankness(breeder) dark gohst train haze, and more than half of us got plants with balls 3 weeks into flower.

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