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Battle of the Beards: The Wasp vs The Pagan

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    PaganRich you almost flat out won today. Apparently somehow my vent fan got unplugged. Luckily I check my plants several times everyday. I am pretty sure I caught it before there was any heat damage. But we will see.


    • PaganRich
      PaganRich commented
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      Redwasp Bloody hell Red, that would`ve been bad mate. I wonder though if this shows that I may possess latent telekinesis powers that can manipulate objects from across vast oceans. Perhaps I subconsciously did this. I could be one of those X Men for all I know. The Pagan Pursuer perhaps? Anyway, night Red, stay mellow

    • Redwasp
      Redwasp commented
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      That is very possible PaganRich as I could not figure out how it happened. Stop using your mutant powers. Lol

    • Retodd
      Retodd commented
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      Gawd! Love you! Glad you caught it bro

    Guess what I’m ordering Rich? Btw, coffee is good 24/7
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    • Retodd
      Retodd commented
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      PaganRich I did a screenshot, so just look up the name at the top
      As far as your soil...fuck it and go with horse and lamb shit, mix with hay, and reg soil. Make yourself a compost barrel outside. I know you grow inside. Once you have it after a year the smell will be gone. You mix that with regular soil till you get the PH just right and your golden. I’d still do it that way, but don’t want to fuck with it anymore. All the bags in my pix total around $40. Guano is like $12, blood n bone meals are like $10, and same with worm casting. Organic soil is like $7-8. Even if you live in a town no one would question a composter. On my farm we’d deal with tons. Even as a kid I’d be out there turning the

    • PaganRich
      PaganRich commented
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      Retodd Nice price Retodd, with Brexit talks going on over here, prices are jumping about. I have thought about living soil as an option but I like your thoughts as well. Thanks mate, will explore further

    • alltatup
      alltatup commented
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      That looks like some dank ass coffee.

    Ok today is 5 weeks 1 day since the flip. The breeders say 8 to 10 weeks so I'm guessing 11 to 12 for the way I like them. So just guessing that these have 6 weeks or so to go. But they are getting pretty and very aromatic.

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    • Redwasp
      Redwasp commented
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      Cannabliss I appreciate it. I have been working on filling my space and using all available light since starting inside. I am getting a bit better at it everytime. I am happy with my progress so far.

    • Retodd
      Retodd commented
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      If I remember right the one on the back right is the one your in competition with Rich right? They all look great my friend!

    • Redwasp
      Redwasp commented
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      Retodd I'm sorry the Green Ninja is back left, wonder women back right and front left, and ak47 front right. Its is very very hard to beat the bud size on wonder women and the ak47s can grow some wicked thick and long colas. The Green Ninja appears as though the buds will end up filling out a very large portion of the whole stems though.

    What a difference a week makes. These are pics of the exact same bud just 8 days apart.

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    • RagWeedDWC
      RagWeedDWC commented
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    • PaganRich
      PaganRich commented
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      That is nice Red

    • Redwasp
      Redwasp commented
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      Thank you. So far I am very happy with all 4 plants. The Green Ninja is growing great and has a very stout aroma. Almost as strong as the ak47 but much fruitier scented. The wonder women are always great and fun to grow. At this point I still believe the Green Ninja will not yield as much as the others but it should still be a very very nice yield.

    Think I already said it, but that sure is a nice looking sea.....
    Organic Soil,
    with molasses,
    In a Greenhouse with,
    Redneck engineering.


    • Redwasp
      Redwasp commented
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      Thanks. I spend alot of time with my girls. They pay me back 100 fold.

    Peyote pics are dark. That is mainly due to the bloody weather, 3 days solidly pissing it down, overcast and wet. I remember a summer through to spring like this a few yrs back. Anyway, dim pics due to light. Pic 1 shows what joy it`s been recently-taken at 14.00...sigh.
    Remaining Pics 2-5 show Peyote. She`s still got a-ways to go and has slowed down drinking so I`m not going to feed her today but let her dry out further...


    • PaganRich
      PaganRich commented
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      Retodd Just checked the stats mate, that does look a nice lass. Would love to grow outdoors mate but it wouldn`t survive un-molested sadly

    • Redwasp
      Redwasp commented
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      Yes PaganRich Retodd the stone that Blue Dream can give you, and the flavor from it are wonderful. Really good any time. Any where, for any reason. Meaning that it seems to give you exactly what you need when you need it. It's not the strongest out there but damn it is one of the best at making a person feel great without problems you may have with other strains.

    • PaganRich
      PaganRich commented
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      Redwasp That`s useful about the headspace struggle in that department I must admit mate. Thanks

    I usually forget to eat and I`m bloody hungry so 8 slices of bacon and 4 rolls will sort me out til tomorrow now....@alltatup No nagging about greens now this is good honest British fare albeit without the brown sauce which I have got. Ladies on the left are both Peyote Critical Kush with the furthest being the comp`s entry. Lass on the right is Pretty Lights. Apart from Spider Mites which is a bloody drag treating-plants out, treat, plants in...sigh...everything is going well for me. Although it was a rough start to my growing season, this is turning out to be up there with my best efforts to date though only being growing 37 odd months now. A couple more more years and I reckon I`ll be able to really grow some right humdingers.


    • starramus
      starramus commented
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      No was concerned about your health. As always your girlies are looking extra fine.

    • Peebz
      Peebz commented
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      Nothing beats a bacon roll and a thick smoke to start and end your Sunday 👌

    • PaganRich
      PaganRich commented
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      I hear you there Peebz

    It's funny though you see more old drunks than Drs, more old farmers than nutritionists, and unless they get killed by a plane, an overdose, or suicide musician's seem to live a decent length of time. Lol

    My great grandmother had eggs. Sausage, and home made biscuits every morning, a BLT for lunch, and hamburgers for dinner everynight. She had her fruits and vegetables of course. Anyways she lived to 105. At 92 she gave me her car because she walked to church and to go shopping so no longer needed it. Lol


    • starramus
      starramus commented
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      Kind of reminds me of the climate change denier's arguments. You get a bit of a cold snap, and they will tell you global warming is hogwash. There are exceptions to rules, but overall it has been shown that these nitrates, and nitrites cause colon cancer. What exactly did your great granny die of? She might have lived to 120 with a healthier diet. I have had a moratorium on mammal meat for quite some time. Although I gotta have a big pot of spicy chili once in a while. You can't make good chili without ground beef so even I will break the rules on occasion.

    • Redwasp
      Redwasp commented
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      Lol maybe. But I've always found the global warming argument funny. The earth is always going from periods of cooling down to warming up. Over and over since the beginning of time. It has been much warmer and it has been much colder. So saying flat out that their is no such thing is moronic. It happens and is natural.

      Are we speeding the circle up as humans of course we are. In the far far far past the same gases came from volcanoes. Well guess it's our turn to cause it. Will it wipe out the human race? Well something eventually will. Should we stop contributing to it? Sounds reasonable. Are people going to give up their stuff and amenities to stop it? Not in a million years.

      All of our farms are organic. Our tree farm is also a wildelife refuge and all cuttings are for the purpose of keeping the ecosystem stable and increase the wildelife in the proper proportions.

      Sorry got lost in a white widow haze and started spouting. My bad.

      As far as my great grandmother she just said she was tired and was ready to go home. Well a week later she did. We dont have an actual cause other than heart failure due to age I believe is how it was worded.

    • Retodd
      Retodd commented
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      Thank God The earth is flat😂

    PaganRich I was wondering....the start if this was called Battle of the Beards... Now, Red and I are both extremely bearded fellows, but are you? Btw, I just took 2nd in the last beard competition if that tells you anything. Lmao
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    • PaganRich
      PaganRich commented
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      I`ve been compared to many things in my time, often unpleasant things and often from ex`s but this is a new one. Even for you two

    • Redwasp
      Redwasp commented
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      PaganRich I am sorry mate. If that was taken the wrong way I truly did not mean to make it offensive. The statement was so far from meaning to be offensive to you that I had better just stay serious for a bit as I must not be thinking clearly. Anyways again I am sorry my friend.

    • Retodd
      Retodd commented
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      PaganRich All in good fun mate

    This is a picture of the younger non-comp Peyote...I`m getting the feel for this grow now and reckon I can get them to grow taller though this lass is currently around 30 inches from soil. She`s out being treated then back in for a tea watering but she`s got some right nice, oily buds on her which are filling out well


    • Retodd
      Retodd commented
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      I wanna hear how she smokes! With the 100’s of different strains out there......

    • PaganRich
      PaganRich commented
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      Retodd I think you can rely upon me to give it a vigorous and extensive quality control testing mate

    Yes I hope you are good at describing aroma and flavor. My 2 biggest criteria. I can tell you for sure that if the green ninja isnt up to my standards when done and you believe yours is up to yours I'll hand you the win. Even if I got 30 ounces off of her.

    One ounce of great smelling and tasting bud is worth more than 30 ounces of sub par smoke.


      Gotta admit’s all about the payoff of the good jobs we all do. About to spark some nicely cured white
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        They don`t get enough praise from me but I`d really like to say a special thanks to my dear close friends D.A.A.S.69 & alltatup without their long held belief and encouragement over the years, especially throughout the darkest of my numerous bad grows, I would`ve given up in despair ages okay if they hadn`t freely given their time to my appalling effoerts. Daas has got to be the best, most experienced all round grower that I`ve ever encountered. The lad`s awesome. No one is as skilled or humble as this lad. Alltatup is not only a barking mad great lass but her grows always inspire me and man she keeps a beautiful grow room. Beautiful plants as well. This pic is a thank you to both of 2 guys for all your kind tears now Atu, remember Shield maidens don`t cry they just kick you in the crown jewels....Back 2 plants are Peyote Critical Kush, front lass is Pretty Lights. May the Medicine Buddha look after you guys
        Last edited by PaganRich; 12-08-2018, 08:42 AM.


        • Retodd
          Retodd commented
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          As we say here in the hills.....them sure are sum purty plants and sum durn nice words coming out your mouth about them fellow growers mate

        • RagWeedDWC
          RagWeedDWC commented
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          Shield maidens? PaganRich I'm going to have to read your post closer :-) wyrd
          Shield wall! Archers release!

        • PaganRich
          PaganRich commented
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          RagWeedDWC I wouldn`t, they`re all usually barking mad
          Wyrd bið ful āræd. Fate is inexorable`

        It's a "Jungle" over there!


        • starramus
          starramus commented
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          Look what you have wrought Atu. Your fecundity hath overfloweth!

        • PaganRich
          PaganRich commented
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          starramus You`re right there lad, Atu is a bloody mint lass in that department. Glad you appreciated my thoughts mate

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        boohoohoohoohoohoohoo!! I'm all choked up with happiness, and I can hardly see the screen for the tears of joy that keep welling up in my eyes.

        First, I'd like to thank the cannabis goddesses for making everything so fleek.

        Next my agent, paganrich, for getting me this fantastic gig and for teaching me how to love kidney pie, bangers and mash and gruel. I'm going to convert to Vikingism after the new year.

        Finally, my gratitude goes out to daas, who gave me a juicer when life gave me lemons; who put a spoonful of sugar into my cannabis medicine; who sent me a box of river mud when I needed it the most; and who, as pagan said, is one of the wisest and most experienced growers on the forum. I couldn't have done it without you guys.

        Now where's my check?
        Last edited by alltatup; 12-08-2018, 11:43 AM.
        Anyone can grow schwag. If you want to grow top shelf bud, study hard:

        Growing since July 21, 2016; pothead since 1967
        2 BCNL Roommate hydroponic grow boxes w/ 400w COB LEDs, Future Harvest nutes
        Grow # 18, Aug. 2023: Anesia Seeds: Imperium X, Future 1, Sleepy Joe, Slurricane


        • PaganRich
          PaganRich commented
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          alltatup I am seriously impressed lass

        • alltatup
          alltatup commented
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          PaganRich As am I by your sweet post. What a mensch you are, Pagan...

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