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Battle of the Beards: The Wasp vs The Pagan

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    Hey mate are we judging pounds, ounces,grams, or strength for the plants. Just want to know the parameters. Lol


    Redwasp Hi Red, crack on and flip mate. Went to the hospital today and they found something and I`ve got to go in for an op and a look around. Old man shit, quite literally in this case Anyway, I`ll trundle along but don`t want you hanging around. I`ve thinned Peyote down to 14 odd stems to work with for now and reckon to flip her in 2 - 2.5 weeks assuming I`m up and about which they reckon I should be hopefully. What a f##king year mate. Been one of the best but also a right royal nightmare as well. There`s an expression over here, `Stone the crows`-great expression...basically it can mean in certain situations; ffs...STONE THE CROWS...what a growing to chuckle I suppose Later Red. Stay mellow mate


    • PaganRich
      PaganRich commented
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      alltatup I was talking to an old biker mate other day, hard lad but our chat was mainly over the state of our knees Like 2 old codgers we were. Made I laugh. He`s older than me so I came out of the chat a bit better. Thanks for your words Atu. My op date is the 9th. They wanted me in next week but we settled for a week later. All bit too fast for me. Need to get used to where this is going so 9th. Allows me to flip the Peyote to keep it in the competition with Red

    • alltatup
      alltatup commented
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      PaganRich i hope you dont have long in hospital, but I am living proof that it’s survivable. Hope the gorgeous plant will be fine too

    • PaganRich
      PaganRich commented
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      alltatup Thanks Atu-appreciated

    Pagan Ill give you the win. When you get better ill fly you to the states for some Barbeque.


    • PaganRich
      PaganRich commented
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      D.A.A.S.69 Feeling positive D I must admit. She does indulge and puts her requests in periodically to keep ticking over though she is a bit more drink orientated. Cheers D mate

    • Retodd
      Retodd commented
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      PaganRich Great day brother! I’m sure all will be well. ‘Fellow anarchist’ lol

    • PaganRich
      PaganRich commented
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      Retodd Thanks mate. Can`t beat a bit of subversive anarchy. Keeps things interesting

    PaganRichRedwasp I just happened across this this morning by seeing what RW was growing. Hella good reading! First off, I hope your doin ok PR. One of the things I’m loving is the different training techniques. I’m planning on fluxing my next grow like pagan. I wish timing was good where I could get in. I’m starting my cheese in a month. If you guys wanna do another. ✌🏻 Out! Keep em goin!


    • Retodd
      Retodd commented
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      PaganRich Yeah, they have different categories for best beard. I grow what’s called a full natural. They have best styled, like when they do sculptures and shit with their beard, there’s the Boston wailer which is just the chin and side w no mustache, mustache competition, and best groomed. It’s a good thing for charities and fun to do while getting

    • D.A.A.S.69
      D.A.A.S.69 commented
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      PaganRich, when I was young ,I wasn't any good with them bras, at
      I remember George on Seinfeld, getting a job at a bra factory, that was funny, the job didn't last long, haha
      Have a nice weekend, Mate.

    • PaganRich
      PaganRich commented
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      Retodd I never knew such things went on mate. Wonder if they do that over here. Will check

    She looks like a right pig`s ear I think Red,I can hear your fearful knees knocking together even over here
    Last edited by PaganRich; 10-21-2018, 02:03 PM.


    • Tika
      Tika commented
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      PaganRich : firstly...beautiful plant. Secondly: after all these years on GWE (however many they are) did I understand correctly you are 55? I would have put money on you being in your early 30s before this read. STUNNED.. are still young enough to be my child🤓 going to ditto D.A.A.S.69 Before. Or after...sitting is the worst activity for humanoids. In the news this last week about sitting being worse than smoking, diabetis....etc. sitting is for eating and getting your teeth cleaned at the dentist.
      Continue to wish you well and your high spirts moving you through.

    • Redwasp
      Redwasp commented
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      Very nice looking plant. Very orderly and well thought out there mate. Has to take you alot of time and work to keep her in check. Very nice.

    • PaganRich
      PaganRich commented
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      @Redwash Thanks Red Tika At heart I`m a raging 30yr old, just my old grey beard is telling me different

    PaganRich pagan can you give me an idea on when we are flipping? I know you said I can flip anytime but I'll wait. And exact date would be nice but a round about would be perfect. I just need to know how many leaves to keep removing to keep them manageable. I just dont want to have to remove to much after the flip. I know I know different styles. I was gonna make clippings but have to many girls to take care of already. Me and Toker1 are in a friendly game of smack talk now so more work. Lmao. But trying to keep them under control. They will not be super tall but they keep trying to fill the tent. I've eaten so many leave salads the last two weeks that I am starting to feel like a vegetarian. Lmao I'm going for 30 inch tall buds on the ak47 in the tent and dont want her to get to tall. Anyways bud stay strong. I can wait as long as you need. Just realize the bigger you let my plants get the lower your odds go.

    Just to be fair I watered the plants with Grey Goose today so they would be hung over for a few days. Cheers.


      Redwasp Sorry about the poor angle of the pic but it`s an idea where I`m at with her. She`s a couple of days away from frame height mate so I reckon 14 days Red then we`ll flip. How`s that sound. I`m in hospital on the 9th for my op so would want her in so not much to do when I come out. Does that work well for you?


      • Redwasp
        Redwasp commented
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        You tell me when you want to flip. 14 days is good. I have plenty of height so can wait as long as you need.

      And your plant is looking great. Think we have a good competition here. One of my wonder women looked like she was crying yesterday. Not sure why but will see how she is today. The Green Ninja looks like she wants to take over the tent. Lol


        Redwasp Don`t want you to think this is a walk in the park me old fruit. Three lasses flipped 14 days ago. Days are cooler, nutes and watering sorted. I`m giving motivational speeches to the Peyote as well. Not sure how that`s going though her leaves do rustle when I play Queen`s `I Want To Break Free`. Game still on mate. Flip in 2 weeks.


        • D.A.A.S.69
          D.A.A.S.69 commented
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          Hell, yeah, I'll be glad to judge it, and smoke it for yall.@Redwasp

        • Redwasp
          Redwasp commented
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          Now we just have to get pagan over here. Lol

        • PaganRich
          PaganRich commented
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          Redwasp D.A.A.S.69 It`s never gone well for folks, especially in Christian lands, when pagans are `invited`. Churches seem to mysteriously burst into flames and gold and silver becomes suddenly scarce. And they`re such a friendly bunch of lads as well. Mind you, you`re so heavily armed over there, they`d never make it off the raider. There was one battle here that went really bad for them. They fled back to their ships and the English lads fell upon them and were lobbing hands off arms as the Norse lads tried to get aboard. Very few ships made it off the beach according to the records.

        Redwasp Flip date 7th November..Thanks for being patient mate. I mean this has been epic in time duration if nought else. Fourteen days Red then I`ll defoliate and 3 weeks later a second defoliation and that`s pretty much it. Winner if you`re mellow with this mate is dry weight trimmed buds prior curing jars. Does that sound reasonable?


        • Redwasp
          Redwasp commented
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          Sounds good to me. And the date is fine. You just get through your current situation. No worries.

        Redwasp Hey Red, been 6 weeks last Monday we started this, another 2 weeks so 8 weeks...felt like 3.5 months so far to be honest. How tall is your lass at the moment...inches to tip from soil top? Hope you`re chilled mate


        • Redwasp
          Redwasp commented
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          I'll have to check in the morning. Havent even checked. But I've kept them short on purpose so not as tall as yours.

        Peyote Critical Kush-Last 7 days before flip next Monday. Many thanks to Redwasp for being so patient. Currently 14 inches above soil and that`s slightly tied down in places to promote other growth. Lollypopped to focus growth towards tips for final veg bit. Bit stretchy and massive leaves. Will do a minimal defol next week as I`m not sure how this lass likes to grow. Reckon flipping at 17 inches could result in her going towards 30 even with a heavy indica lean. Got roughly 14 stems of which 11 are pretty damn decent.
        Pics 1-2 before I did much
        Pics 3-6 show lollypopping and tying to sides of frame to help with height evenness. You can see she`s spacey though lollypopping has opened her up to more light


        • Retodd
          Retodd commented
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          Pardon the pun, but I think Red is gonna smoke ya...lmao. I love your training tho

        • Redwasp
          Redwasp commented
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          Nice looking work there my friend. Alot of work went into the making of that piece of art. Hopefully all that work will pay off for you and you will come out with a win.

        Hi Retodd mate...the only smoke will be that pouring from his ears as he pulls his hair out in bitter frustration and despair


          D.A.A.S.69 Hey D, saw this and thought of you mate...Grateful Dead hat pin no less


          • D.A.A.S.69
            D.A.A.S.69 commented
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            PaganRich, thanks Mate, that is very nice,
            Cheers, have a nice week.

          PaganRich she is 12 inches tall and 24.5 inches wide atm. She has no where else to go side to side due to her cousins living with her so she is just gonna have to get taller now.

          Click image for larger version

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ID:	262218


          • kingfish
            kingfish commented
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            Just for my own curiosity. Is the main cola the far back one? It just seems to stand out kind of proud.

          • Retodd
            Retodd commented
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            Redwasp Can you take a pic of the base to show how she’s trained? I know you did earlier somewhere. She’s lookin nice for the winners cup😂

          • Redwasp
            Redwasp commented
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            Yes kingfish she was topped and the cola from that is at almost 12 o'clock. The other side of the split is between 4 and 5 o'clock. The next set are at 3 and 9 o'clock. If that makes any sense to you.

            And thank you D.A.A.S.69

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