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Temp control issues in new tent

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    Do you have hygrometer? What is the humidity in the tent? I had a problem with it being way low when my tent temps were high. Just wondering because if it's too low like mine was it will effect growth.

    Wise man say."Always someone who know more."


    • PuravidaC
      PuravidaC commented
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      I had the same problem until I added a small, 1 1/2 gal humidifier. When humidity was in the 60's during veg my temps were in the low to mid 70's with exhaust fan on low and I had to remove glass from air cooled hood to keep temps from getting too low. But in flower when I lower humidity to the 30's my temperature goes to around 80. I reinstalled glass on hood but I think I need a larger exhaust fan. Humidity definitely has an effect on temps but you want lower temps and humidity when in flower. Short version... increasing humidity with help with temps during veg but you need to get heat under control for flower.

    • Jackf21792
      Jackf21792 commented
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      Sorry it took so long to get back to you chef, weekends are always crazy at work. I have a thermo-hygrometer sp i can monitor temp and humidity at canopy level. You hit it on the nail, i have noticed that my humidity is pretty low with the high temps. About 30rh wheb temp is around 82F. Since the girls are in their humidity dome, it hasnt been a problem yet. But i will be transplanting them within the next werk or so, ill def have to myguiver something to help raise it

    You can always hang a wet towel or 2 to get it up once they get some leaves and bigger humidity will level out more the more vegetation it has the more it transpires and makes there own humidity. Spray the walls of your tent with reg water assuming you have a leak proof floor. A nice big tub or bowl of water near intake. Till they get big enough. Also adding other plants with lots of vegetation on them will help bring it up. I didn't want to spend money on a humidifier I would only use for a couple weeks.

    Wise man say."Always someone who know more."


    • Jackf21792
      Jackf21792 commented
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      Hey chef, ill def give that a try. Ill probably get a tub and set it behind the oscillating fan. Quick question, do you hang your hygrometer as they get bigger?

    The largest is about 3 days since breaking through. The others are about twp days
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      It's always nice to have more than one you can set one on the floor one at canopy level and one higher to get an average. With them being in domes the humidity will be higher so no worries there. Check out the article on temp and humidity for veg. I believe you will want more than 30 rh. They will drink more when humidity is low so if using nutes don't go full strength.

      Wise man say."Always someone who know more."


      • Jackf21792
        Jackf21792 commented
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        Ok cool, ill look into grabbing a couple more hygrometers. And with nutes i start at around 2 weeks and start at 1/4 strength

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