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8 Sativa's in the same 0.5L pot

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    8 Sativa's in the same 0.5L pot

    I was stupid and had 8 plants in a half litre pot and after some courage I transplanted them carefully when they were 12 days old

    At 7 days I think




      • lol
        lol commented
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        Around 12days

      • D.A.A.S.69
        D.A.A.S.69 commented
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        Morning lol, that plant looks good,

      • starramus
        starramus commented
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        Good luck after the transplant. Any pics post transplant?



      • lol
        lol commented
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        I just did it today in the morning. I carefully seperated each plant and I believe I didn't hurt any of the roots . I made like a cross section into the soil and it was easy to remove the plants without applying any force . I just hope they all survive plss wish me luck as I want to keep all the plants until I get to know their sex because they were germinated from bag seeds

      • D.A.A.S.69
        D.A.A.S.69 commented
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        I've grown plenty of killer from bagseed, I think your gonna do fine.
        Plenty of good help on GWE ,if you need any.

      Well good luck with your plants. They are looking fine. It's always great to get something from nothing. It is theorized that the universe started that way.


      • starramus
        starramus commented
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        On the contrary even time and space came into existence at the moment of "creation". Since I am short on time I will let you argue with Stephen Hawking.

      • alltatup
        alltatup commented
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        That's Hawking's theory; I don't agree with it. The big bang is just one expansion and eventual contraction of this little corner of the universe...
        Last edited by alltatup; 02-03-2018, 07:44 AM.

      • starramus
        starramus commented
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        I tend to go more with Hugh Everett's Multiverse theory as does Leonard Suskind. He won the black hole war against Hawking. Susskind's book Cosmic Landscape is my bible. If you explore more into vacuum states you might change your outlook on matter cannot be created or destroyed. A reading of Sidney Coleman's and Frank De Luccia's Gravitational Effects On And Of Vacuum Decay might demonstrate our origins from the virtual particles of the frothing quantum vacuum.
        Last edited by starramus; 02-04-2018, 08:53 AM. Reason: i toopid

      My plan is to micro grow outside so This will be their final transplant and because these are a sativa landrace(Indian) this will be a challenge as they tend to grow up to 12 feet without any kind of nutes , just good sun and water. Im already doing 10-14 light cycle (I heard that Sativa's need more dark period to induce the flowering ) from seeds .....Plsssss any and all suggestions are welcome I'll keep posting pics . Thank you


      • alltatup
        alltatup commented
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        lol I see your point. I grew a landrace sativa in a grow box last year, and it is not an experiment I'm wanting to repeat. I wish you good luck with your experiment, and here's a thread that might interest you:
        Hello Happy Farmers! Growing Cannabis Sativa can be a bit tricky both indoors and out. They can be tall, lanky and hard to manage. However the pay-off can

      • lol
        lol commented
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        Hey alltatup I have seen (all?) your grows and it was pretty cool .Before posting here I think I have spent many months just going thru the forums but I have been following for many years ,it's a porn site for sure .

      • alltatup
        alltatup commented
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        lol I will certainly watch with interest to see what happens with your little sativas!!! Maybe in a couple of years I'll be ready to take on a sativa again. Each person's grow circumstances are unique... Wish I could grow outside, but I can't. Waaay too humid here in the summer anyways.

      I don't care about the yield or how long it's gonna take , my only priority is to keep them as short as possible and I'll keep updating , the first thing I'll do tomorrow is take pictures of them individually and post it ...ryt now they r in their night time


      • D.A.A.S.69
        D.A.A.S.69 commented
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        Sounds like a plan.



      • lol
        lol commented
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        Day 14 from seedling and day 2 after transplant and all the plants seem to doing fine(yayy!!) And I hope they stay that way .....Notice the 2 purple stems on the plant? I don't think it's any deficiency or a problem they've been that way all along , genetics maybe?

      • Campesino
        Campesino commented
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        Don't really see, but yes probably genetics

      • lol
        lol commented
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        The reason I've kept them that way is because I know for sure some of these are gonna turn into males so when they do I'm gonna chop em up then more room for the females



      • lol
        lol commented
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        This is the other one that has a purple stem

      • Campesino
        Campesino commented
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      • lol
        lol commented
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        The wierdly oriented one and the other wierd plant is from before the transplantation , one reaching for sunlight and one just not getting enough



      • lol
        lol commented
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        The droopiness is just the plant going it's ways for light nothing to worry yet

      Hey guys the transplant was a total success!!!, all the plants have survived and looking good


        Originally posted by lol View Post
        Hey guys the transplant was a total success!!!, all the plants have survived and looking good
        Glad it worked out for you!

        Please visit for reviews on grow equipment. It is going slowly as I am trying to find products to review (and supportive companies!) I do giveaways there, do not tell me your from GWE however.


          The original pot


          • lol
            lol commented
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            Day 18
            And the the plants in the original pot have a faster growth (one got its first set of 5 fingered leaves



          • lol
            lol commented
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            I kinda overwatered thinking it will speed up the growth( I knew it was a bad idea but arrrghhhh) Now it has yellow leaves and tips look like it had a nutrient burn idk tell me what you guys think

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