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To buy a second tent or not? Is a 2nd setup worth it?

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    To buy a second tent or not? Is a 2nd setup worth it?

    Hey everyone, so I'm really having a blast with my first indoor and have a ton of seeds to grow over time. I did some measuring and I think I can fit a duplicate 3x3 setup in close proximity to my first tent. It's a costly setup with the LED, but I've already sort of convinced myself to go for it, but I'm sort of holding back because I know how much time I have invested in the original tent, so now I'll be doing double the effort. And also adding more to the electric bill. It's not terrible, but it's that much more consumption.

    I'm also teetering on trying a lower priced LED, but I know I'm loving the growth with the light I am already using. The main idea of a second setup is to eventually have a perpetual grow. I've got a little shelf setup (that I need to work on the light leaks since it's in the same room as the grow) for clones with a tray, humidity dome, heat mat and 24w T5 2ft 2-bulb fixture. My thinking is to start seeds/clones in the dome and get the new tent vegging until time for flowering. The first grow hasn't flipped to flower yet and one strain says 56 days and the other has 84 days. With it being a scrog, I'm not sure how easy it will be to remove the first plant when it's done and throw in a new vegged plant to take it's place. Or am I better to start vegging in the new tent and take them to flower and when tent #1 is done, start a new veg?

    I just know I want to get some more seeds rolling lol. Any thoughts from those with veg and flower setups? Is it twice the work? Is it worth the effort/cost? What would you do differently if you were choosing the second setup again? Looking forward to your responses! Thanks!

    I'm running 2 just like you stated to get a perpetual grow going. If you do rotations of 2 in each would be fine and manageable. im about to go to 3 plants per tent in 4x4's myself. 8 going at once seems to much for me.

    Bills are not that much worse. Basically double what your bill gained for a similar set. Try to make your 4 plants account for enough to have paid the bills and where you dont pay for meds. That would make me happy.
    ~UrbZ~ Grow Big or Go Home!


      Whats up Gdog.
      so two tents is three times the work, some nights you have to water/nutes all the plants, I'm in coco and that means waiting for each plant to stop runoff, rotating all the plants and with me thats up to 10-5gallon pots! I can spend 3 hours mixing nutes, trimming, training, checking for bug, problems, Amber....... Not to be a downer but it is a big pain in the ass if you start have multiple problems with multiple plants
      Is it worth it, for me YES. I love plants, I love cannabis and I find my happy place there. With a 2-3 stage ability plants move through the grow stages FAST. 10 weeks Flower=10 weeks veg which equals a lot larger plant and bud in flower. Nake sure you have your setup dialed in and keep a good Journal of all activities.
      If you have the,
      Go for it!
      Space for Rent.


        I’ve been running 2 tents for the last 11 months, perpetual photo period. I started in Coco and switched to hydro back in August. If I hadn’t switched I would have dropped the second tent. Running hydro has cut my “work” time in half. That being said I started with 2 -3x3’s and I did down size my veg tent to a 2x4. I run 2 plants at a time in my own modified scrog/trellis adventure, so I always have 2 plants in flower and 2 plants in veg. To be honest, when I am talented enough to get bigger harvests I’m probably going to drop a tent and just run the one for 3 harvests a year. IMO, It’s all about growing what you need for as little $$ as possible.
        Failure is an opportunity for improvement!!

        Current Grows:

        Completed Grows:


        • Paracelsus
          Paracelsus commented
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          I agree that its all about growing what you need for the least amount, I also want the highest yield for my efforts too though.
          A 3 space rotation is the most efficent, highest yield per kW
          take a look at the vid below

        Of course the Grow Boss wants you to buy equipment from his store but what he has to say makes sense.
        3 tents or spaces and harvest every 30 days .
        Grow Boss just creeps me out. still listen and learn.
        One veg, two flower (one just flipping, the other near harvest) plus a cloning station.
        Of course you will be a full time gardener and working 3 times as hard. You can start the vid at 20:00
        Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

        Last edited by Paracelsus; 01-13-2018, 07:48 AM.
        My Growing and going full tilt NoTill NTG thread
        The universities do not teach all things


        • Paracelsus
          Paracelsus commented
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          did anyone watch this video start at 20:00

        • gdogfunkly
          gdogfunkly commented
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          Yes, I have watched that video several times in the past. I agree that I can only take that dude in small doses. He starts to ramble and loses focus lol

        • abadtrip
          abadtrip commented
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          I watched it now I can't unwatch it

        I like a perpetual grow also. I have a photo tent, an auto tent, and a spot to start the seedlings.


          I have 2 tents I run autos in 1 and photos in a scrog in the other is not alot of work for me I grow in dwc so sundays are busy doing all the res changes but other than that is the same as having more plants in 1 bigger tent. I think.
          It's 4:19 u got a minute?


            Thanks, everyone! I went ahead and ordered a duplicate setup. Only thing I need is the humidifier. In November, I paid $58.99 for it and when I looked to order it again, it was up to $91.00! WTF? Now all the online price gougers are sitting at $120.00 and it's now out of stock for the $91.00. Is it just the season or did I get a great deal on the first one? lol Several things went up in price since November....oh well. Looking forward to trying some autos!!


            • Paracelsus
              Paracelsus commented
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              try craig's list if you have one local, leave a wet towel in the tents until you can get your RH up to speed.

            I have never used a tent. My indoor grows have all been extremely productive some 7 foot plants with horse dick colas. Why should I expend resources on even one tent? Convince me.


            • gdogfunkly
              gdogfunkly commented
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              I need a tent because I'm growing indoors in a basement in the middle of winter and need control over temperature, humidity and plant height. In addition, odor control and the ability to scrog for maximum yield in a small area.

              I want a second tent for the same reasons, except I'll likely use the new setup for vegging to prep for the scrog in the other tent, as well as growing autos.

            • Paracelsus
              Paracelsus commented
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              Not my yob mein

            Absolutely...Two tents really takes the stress out of growing I find and nought more work really in the scheme of things...


              hey Gdog My friend just bought one from wal-mart for around 40 bucks he loves it ,I saw it working puts out some fog
              new grow room built summer of 2017 ,argo max tent for veging ,big kahuna reflector, 1000hps with added leds for the full spectrum . 15th indoor grow ,5 years outside gorilla grows(stealth is the key),veg under t5s growing autos under 300w leds
              current grow




              • BlueBudz
                BlueBudz commented
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                Ya I got my humidifier from Wally World for about $40 and it works great

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