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Locrian99s 2nd grow

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  • oldjarhead100
    hate when that happens doesn't seem to have bothered her or that anything is missing shes still looking very perky lol

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  • Locrian99
    Got Ai2 out and gave her a bit of a hair cut. Day 15 of 12/12. I got a little reckless and took out a side branch I shouldn’t have.

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  • Locrian99
    commented on 's reply
    The temp down there is awesome. And through the winter I had ideal conditions.

  • Chefbjy
    commented on 's reply
    For sure. Temps must be good though huh? My space heater takes out some of the humidity. And I have a pellet stove on the other side of the house still cool enough to keep them going. I'm sure when it gets warmer your basement will stay cooler then my old ass doublewide. I know some of the good dehumidifiers aren't cheap.

  • Locrian99
    commented on 's reply
    My tents are in the basement too which doesn’t help

  • Chefbjy
    commented on 's reply
    Yeah pac nw here too have to keep my tent unzipped. 51% in the house 68% outside...but keeping it unzipped a bit it's sitting at 47% I didn't worry about all that stuff my first grow and it turned out great. But I want this grow to turn out better so rh and temp have been a constant concern now lol.

  • UrbZ
    commented on 's reply
    Looking good in there, nice training. I feel you on the spring humidity. It's kicking in here heavy too.

  • Locrian99
    Today was day 14 of 12/12, well last night was. So I figure an update is in order. Everything’s looking pretty good. Humidity I think may become an issue. PAC NW spring, it’s going to be wet. Currently sitting 60% humidity in there with the lights on. I was hoping to do a little defoliating last night but got stuck late at work. Tonight or tomorrow night, might help a bit with humidity. They seemed to have stopped stretching, I think they stretched about 5-7 inches total. And currently are about 20 inches tall. They are filling out the tent nicely. Also tossing in a pic of the big tent at day 11 of 12/12. GSC in front WW in back.

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  • oldjarhead100
    commented on 's reply
    I remember seeing Aerosmith in a night club before they hit it big good memory

  • Locrian99
    commented on 's reply
    They actually seem like the turned just had some canopy cover them. I got them above it now. I turned everything so much I got leaves shooting everywhere. Tomorrow is day 14 I might do a light defoliation before the big week 3 one. They could use it, and the humidity is getting higher in there.

  • Campesino
    commented on 's reply
    Yeah, they can look pretty gnarly and discolored, but mine always turn up toward the light (at least through the stretch).
    I have been debating silica as I now feel the skywalkers might have benefited had I used it, your comment has given me more to think about. It may make doing the cropping harder, but shouldn't affect recovery (I wouldn't think).

  • Locrian99
    commented on 's reply
    Ok I just don’t remember seeing that in any pics. I have a couple that don’t seem to have turned up towards the light as well too.

  • Campesino
    commented on 's reply
    Browning and discoloration are normal - along with an increase in vigor - just sayin

  • Locrian99
    commented on 's reply
    Curious if adding silica with every nite feeding makes this super cropping more stressful on the plant and harder to get to give. My stalks are pretty solid and get woody pretty quick. On my AI’s I feel like I’m seeing so discoloration almost a browning at the bend. I don’t see a split in the stem though, thinking I’ll stick with just LST for the remainder.

  • Locrian99
    commented on 's reply
    Oh I’ve got no problems with dreads. I try to go to at least 1 reggae show a year and anytime steel pulse comes to town. Just thought it was a funny mix, not an instrument I’d expect to see a guy with dreads down to his waist playing. I’ll kerp an eye out for your buddy I love going to small venue shows of up and comers. Never know what your in for and if they hit it big you get to be the guy saying I saw me back when... lol

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