I certainly did!
I didn't do them all at once...
But I would
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Locrian99s 2nd grow
Question on the super cropping, is there any reason you shouldn’t do all the colas on the plant?
Well I had just enough time before lights out to get to one plant this morning. We’ll see how she responds some branches I did the full on weaken the stem others were still soft enough that it’s probably more of just an LST job.1 Photo
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RosettaStoned yeah wish I could mass cultivate but maybe I'll just grow some monsters in a different area I don't have to be in a tent. But the weather kind of forced my hand.
When I had tents I put a piece of double sided tape under the hook of the pole and zip tied it in place. They stayed pretty well
RosettaStoned good thought. I actually had to use zip ties to mount my lights. The adjustable light hangers are going into the veg room soon.
RosettaStoned yea i was looking at that. Not sure how much clearance the light should have from the tent. But I think the heat sinks send it out the sides. I’m sure I could come up with something. Push the poles out try to get it more angle in the ropes could work too if I could stabilize the pole.
Chefbjy initial plan was to use the small tent with the led as a veg tent and the big tent as a flower tent. I started six seeds they all took so I went with it. Was my first time germinating didn’t know what to expect. And liked the idea of separating the shorter Aurora’s for canopy height so decided to do the grow this way. The big tent is on day 6 of 12/12. I flipped the aurora a few days earlier because of space I was planning on flipping both tents on the first of March from the get go. This’ll give me a reason to get creative in there.
D.A.A.S.69 I keep hoping my three gallon tree makes some more progress bud size anyway. Think I would have been better off in 5 but little yellow is doing okay and the nugs look like they'll fill their branches almost to the soil.She's still got 4-5 weeks.
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