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Seedsman seeds Autoflower grows...

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    You seem to be a genius in your own right my friend..
    i believe I'm going to start stalking your grow journals lol


    • Green75
      Green75 commented
      Editing a comment
      Lol..feel free

    • Tika
      Tika commented
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      Don't forget to like while you stalk

    Might be time to find some Emerald Harverst nutes in Canada now that I can legally grow 16 plants indoors.


      Day 64... Harvest day...Deep Blue Autoflower.. She is a runt that almost got culled... Untrained and untopped... Just defoliation
      i noticed early on that she was going to be a runt so I didn't top her or make any cuts to the body...

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      I'm glad I kept her I guess... Almost a waste tho


      • Green75
        Green75 commented
        Editing a comment
        No thanks needed and thank you man

      • Sonnyhad
        Sonnyhad commented
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        They are all good, even the brunt. Great grow man.

      • Tika
        Tika commented
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        Don't dis your runts Greenie!!!!

      Day 1.. Sour Diesel Haze Autoflower...I'm trying out a new medium by ION ORGANICS... She will only get unph'd distilled water and a tea once a week... I took two of the smallest air pots they make and wired them together one on top of the other.. So it's like a really tall solo cup grow... I got about a gallon of medium in it.. Should be fun to watch..

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        Are you testing something particular with the "solo" cup or are you just foolin....
        Organic only soil grower
        Current: Medgom Auto (CBD Crew and (Grassomatic)
        Set up: 300w Galaxy hydro LED, DIY insulated growbox, dual thermostatic exhaust fans, dual circulation fans, thermostatic 300w heat, remote temp/humidity monitor.


        • PaganRich
          PaganRich commented
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          Are the pots bigger therefore than your other pots/grows like this or does it bring everything to the same height?

        • Vapo69
          Vapo69 commented
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          I've been wondering if tall and thin would work, if the roots would keep digging down.......guess I will see now dude lol

        • Green75
          Green75 commented
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          PaganRich It did bring the height up to match the rest..good catch

          Just imagine two solo cups on top of each other..but a bit taller..

        I have got to order some autos now . Never tried any and now that you show they can be trained I'm getting the itch to try some .
        Currently use 2 gal bubbleponics tank
        Using 150 Watt HPS
        Trying 300 watt LED
        General Hydro Nutes ,reg and organic
        Small 23" x 21" area


        • Green75
          Green75 commented
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          Autos are no different than photos

        • Tika
          Tika commented
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          Autos are different than photos..they are autos!

        green75 I have to thank you for your sharing of a great way to grow this looks amazing looking forward to growing some autos I just dropped 2 ww autos 2 northern lights and 2 kush autos
        new grow room built summer of 2017 ,argo max tent for veging ,big kahuna reflector, 1000hps with added leds for the full spectrum . 15th indoor grow ,5 years outside gorilla grows(stealth is the key),veg under t5s growing autos under 300w leds
        current grow


        • Vapo69
          Vapo69 commented
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          Dude I chopped a WW auto not long ago..............seriously stoned dude OJH you will love it

        • Sonnyhad
          Sonnyhad commented
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          Me too vapo, just got 5 weeks on cure, wow, the ww is awesome.

        Always thought a long and slender pot would be interesting to try - so I'm watching - also have a WW, SD, Blackjack and delicious candy pop up 2 days ago, all autos.
        ​​​​​​3 X 3 gorilla. Promix soil . Green Planet Nutes
        Mars Hydro
        Vortex in-line 6" fan


          Day 59.. Harvest for AK 48 by Nirvana Seeds... Seedsman sells them so it works here.. She was an all natural grow outside under the almighty sun.. in a five gallon air pot with Emerald Harvest nutrients.. She only got about
          10-12 hrs. of light a day... She was simply a conversation piece on my back deck.. Nice big BOOM BUD tho..

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          • Green75
            Green75 commented
            Editing a comment

          • Sonnyhad
            Sonnyhad commented
            Editing a comment
            Now, that's a boom bud!

          • stevenics
            stevenics commented
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            Is this day 59 from when the seed first broke the surface and became a seedling? Or day 59 counting from when the very first white pistils appeared?

          Dude...teach me the ways lol...

          I have a few questions if you don't mind.

          ​​​​​Soil or coco?

          If growing in Coco, do you keep your pH around the same or do you have it fluctuate (around the range of 5.6 to 6.4)?

          How do you guage how much nutes you use? Do you go by ppm? Do you go by the instructions on the bottle? Do you start lower than the instructions and bring it up slowly?

          When you topped the ogre, did you strip off lower sets of leaves/branches, leaving just those two branches to start?

          Is that the only plant you are growing in the tent? It appears to be.

          Seriously great work you are doing sir! I'm on my first grow, and while I'm happy with what my harvest will be (around an oz a plant), I would love to get the numbers you are getting. I have the same size tent and have 3 red poisons and a jock horror growing right now.

          Keep up the good work!
          Last edited by Doubledealing72; 09-06-2017, 10:54 PM.

          Past Grows


          • Green75
            Green75 commented
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   6 always
            Nutrients full strength always
            Yes all other growth is gone after I top at the third node.
            Not the only plant

            Thanks for compliment man..means a bunch

          Day 72 for this ogre..

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ID:	131673

          Full house


          • Weed Pharma
            Weed Pharma commented
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            Green75 , I've had 3 Ogre starts with Seedsman seeds- and have not been able to keep one alive, always first above ground and first to fail- using various methods, but they all ended in the trash.
            I've never had that happen with other seeds- and the plants gropwing the same time as the OGRE's did fine.
            I did start another recently and hope as least one will survive. >
            I know how to grow and I wasn't doing any training etc on them -as they never looked healthy enough.
            Your astonishing grows of Ogre's has been what keeps me in the OGRE game, lol

          • Green75
            Green75 commented
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            They want calmag..lots of previous critical ogre was same way... I have to give her calmag every time I give her something or you can tell quickly..

          • Garrett
            Garrett commented
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            Green75. This is the first plant I have ever seen with a cfl inside of it!!

          awsome looking plants green75
          new grow room built summer of 2017 ,argo max tent for veging ,big kahuna reflector, 1000hps with added leds for the full spectrum . 15th indoor grow ,5 years outside gorilla grows(stealth is the key),veg under t5s growing autos under 300w leds
          current grow


          • Green75
            Green75 commented
            Editing a comment
            Thank you sir


          Dyy-no-miiiite !
          Gotta love those beasts that you raise !
          "Life is not about being dealt a great hand but playing a poor hand well"...

          •Roots Organics over kindsoil in 5gal fabric pots

          •600w hps supplement w/Kind LEDs during flower

          •4" can-fan w/can-filter(carbon)

          •14,000btu air conditioner


          • Green75
            Green75 commented
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          Day 1.. Hubbabubbasmelloscope by Mephisto Genetics
          Mephisto also sold by Seedsman Seeds.. Five gallon smart pot ..Coco loco medium..Emerald Harvest nutrients

          This one is back in the Mephisto grow battle on due to a seedling loss

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          • Paracelsus
            Paracelsus commented
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            Hello Green75, Paracelsus the lurker here. Since it could be a few things I thought I'd ask,
            What is ?

          • Doubledealing72
            Doubledealing72 commented
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            Autoflower network

          • Paracelsus
            Paracelsus commented
            Editing a comment
            Thanks M4, I never would of guessed

          hey green just ordered some afgan kush rider autos for the next auto grow
          new grow room built summer of 2017 ,argo max tent for veging ,big kahuna reflector, 1000hps with added leds for the full spectrum . 15th indoor grow ,5 years outside gorilla grows(stealth is the key),veg under t5s growing autos under 300w leds
          current grow


          • Green75
            Green75 commented
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            I have some Chronic Ryder I will drop next round

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