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  • RosettaStoned
    commented on 's reply
    I dread my electric bill each month 😅

  • Dutchman1
    commented on 's reply
    Dang you got your hands full OJH. You need to hire another set of hands, lol.

  • oldjarhead100
    So Sunday I watered with straight water in bloom room I gave them all 2 scoops and yesterday they wanted more so I gave them all a half scoop . I am taking autos out today to do some LST on them this last run I grew some Amnisia and they are just going crazy they tower over everything else in the room so this is telling me dont grow autos during Nov,Dec,Jan,Feb its a waste of money

    Stressing out over bloom room want them to be done soon so I can get back on track I have tutankhamon coming out of my ears I have the 7 that survived the attack and the 6 I started right after the Attack and then my buddy gave me 7 clones that are looking great so I have at least 2 runs of tut this is a good thing my friend is having trouble keeping them down in the sog he says there in his light every night ,he said the stock on one is outgrowing the net cup

    I need to get the outside plants going soon not a real problem just dont want to turn on my other veg table because of my elec bill LOL

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  • oldjarhead100
    commented on 's reply
    Ya Dutchman you got buried I think we are going to this storm its blowing small hard snow and its coming down fast ya Tika whenever you feel down about rain we can do a video call and it will be like you here with out the cold lol

  • Tika
    commented on 's reply
    12 inches snow...I'll quit pissing about rain ( that we desperately need) . I wish it didn't take me so long to come to my senses.
    Stay warm, healthy and cozy you both🤗🤗🤗

  • Dutchman1
    commented on 's reply
    12-18 inches down my way.

  • Paracelsus
    commented on 's reply
    Slip sliding away

  • Paracelsus
    commented on 's reply
    So you’re running a home for work orphaned plants you win some and you win some!!

  • Paracelsus
    commented on 's reply
    Google images is your friend

  • RosettaStoned
    commented on 's reply
    Another one tonight?! I don't envy the East coast....

  • Tika
    commented on 's reply
    Bundle up!!!!

  • alltatup
    commented on 's reply
    Good luck with latest nor easter.

  • oldjarhead100
    its getting there things are looking better every day ,I wind burned a couple of plants the fan slipped down in direction so it was blowing right on them hope they recover but not many leaves left and it has 5 more weeks to go Damn buddy just texted me wants to go for a walk so I'm off I have 12 inches of snow to go stumble though lol no we are staying on a road

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  • RosettaStoned
    commented on 's reply
    Nice collection of buds

  • stoneotter
    commented on 's reply
    Hey OJH Good to see you here. Sweet work too! Man you been busy. Nice new room, meds galore, life is good in spite of itself. Glad your dad is coming along and your tongue is as well. Keep growing brother!

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