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My First Grow Journal...EVER! 600W MH/HPS Bubbleponics Cabinet Grow

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    For my next reservoir, I am thinking about going with a Rubbermaid Brute 20-gallon tote. Here is a webstore with a bunch of pictures (but likely not where I will order it from):

    As I look through the pictures, the one that stands out the most to me is the one of the person holding a watermelon at the top of the container.
    Click image for larger version

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    That really shows me the size of the container itself and makes me think it would be better to only do two plants in that container, side by side, centered under the light. I could go with larger net pots and I would put a string trellis above them so I could walk the plants out from the center. If you figure that watermelon as one root ball, that would give two plants a lot of room to get big! Otherwise, I could try doing as many as four and just grow them a bit smaller but in all honesty, if the root ball is being represented by the melon, it looks like four could work out without too much clutter below. I would likely only fill them with 10 gallons of water so there would be a decent air space above the water. As for the fan coolers I made, they would be left out of this design and replaced by a reservoir cooler I will also be building. Just stuff to think about but luckily I have time to think and prepare while this batch is finishing up!
    Whoever's growing a small patch of cannabis behind the gymnasium, congratulations! You have won a cruise! Report to security to claim your tickets.
    Ellz GrowCam Channel on YouTube:
    Ellz GrowCam Time Lapse Playlist:

    1st Hydro Grow: 600W MH/HPS Homemade Bubbleponics Homemade Cabinet - White Poison (White Widow x Durban Poison) COMPLETE! Final yield: 10.2 ounces off 2 plants. 124 days total from seed (34 days vegetative + 90 days flower)

    2nd hydro - Peyote Cookies and OG Kush COMPLETE! Final yield: 11.8 ounces combined, 2.7 ounces of Peyote Cookies (150 days from seed), 9.1 ounces of OG Kush (138 days from seed).


    • alltatup
      alltatup commented
      Editing a comment
      Interesting how when you start talking root balls, 20 gallons may not look so big, huh. You are right about it depending on the size you want your two or four plants to be!

    • ellz
      ellz commented
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      Yeah that pic really gives you a great comparison of the size. I am thinking I may just go with 2 plants instead of four. It would be a lot less crowded in the bottom. I will know for sure when I buy one and see how it compares to my net pots.

    Sorry to hear that ellz I truelly am going to miss you.. I'll probably still follow along assuming your not referring to me lol


    • alltatup
      alltatup commented
      Editing a comment
      Let Nebula know. For real.

    • ellz
      ellz commented
      Editing a comment
      It's all good now. Just a difference of opinions and nothing more. I was most likely being overly sensitive.

    • alltatup
      alltatup commented
      Editing a comment
      Just block em.

    Dude I'm glad you are sticking around. I like what you post. Gonna be a few jerks at every party just ignore 'em.
    "Life is not about being dealt a great hand but playing a poor hand well"...

    •Roots Organics over kindsoil in 5gal fabric pots

    •600w hps supplement w/Kind LEDs during flower

    •4" can-fan w/can-filter(carbon)

    •14,000btu air conditioner


    • ellz
      ellz commented
      Editing a comment
      Thanks. That's kinda what I figured too. Always one or two but why let them ruin it.

    ellz You are a totally valuable member of this forum, dont even think of leaving! You cant take personalities personally on a forum!! Folks cant help the way they are if they dont recognize there is a problem. just block em!!!
    Anyone can grow schwag. If you want to grow top shelf bud, study hard:

    Growing since July 21, 2016; pothead since 1967
    2 BCNL Roommate hydroponic grow boxes w/ 400w COB LEDs, Future Harvest nutes
    Grow # 18, Aug. 2023: Anesia Seeds: Imperium X, Future 1, Sleepy Joe, Slurricane


    • ellz
      ellz commented
      Editing a comment

    • abadtrip
      abadtrip commented
      Editing a comment
      U can block ppl I was looking for that function today

    • ellz
      ellz commented
      Editing a comment
      If it comes to that point I will but hopefully it's over with now.


    07:00PM: Okay so troll problem resolved. The person has now been blocked since they continued on even after I tried to just agree to disagree. Guess some people just can't help but be dicks. Anyway, back to my plants...WOW! They are looking amazing! I opened the cabinet today and was almost blown away at how big they got from just yesterday! I am definitely starting them flowering on Monday. The speed they are growing, I feel that would be best. I poured the leftover pHed HydroGuard water from the other day in both reservoirs. Doing a nutrient change tomorrow, along with a bulb change and I am changing my light schedule to turn the light ON at 6PM and OFF at 6AM. I was going to do 9-9 but I prefer not working on the plants when it is dark out because of the bugs. This way, I will have a couple of hours of daylight each day to mess with the plants and not have to worry about the bugs. I have attached photos below but it is almost hard to tell what plant is what. They look a lot alike even though there are different strains on each side!

    Side Note: I definitely want to make some changes on my next reservoir! For starters, I am only growing two plants at a time next time. The way these things have spread out tells me it would be far easier to maintain two plants versus four. I could easily let them veg a little longer and grow two plants out just as big as the four growing now...especially with the addition of the string trellis I will be adding. Also, I will be adding a much needed fill port for my reservoir changes! I will be using a 4" PVC cleanout pipe end and cap seen here. This will allow me to fill my reservoir without opening the lid! I also plan on installing a custom built check level gauge on the side of the reservoir using blue tubing and a bulkhead and elbow inserted in the bottom of the reservoir. This will allow me to keep a constant eye on my fluid levels easily and also without opening the top. Finally, I plan on either adding in a drain line from the water pump to drain the tank or leaving the suction head in my reservoir permanently with a plastic hose adapter and some garden hose and have a port up top to hook into to drain. I can monitor the level with the check valve so again, I wouldn't have to open the lid! Having a string trellis system above the plants, I don't want to have to ever need to open the lid as it would be very difficult and could damage the plants.
    Whoever's growing a small patch of cannabis behind the gymnasium, congratulations! You have won a cruise! Report to security to claim your tickets.
    Ellz GrowCam Channel on YouTube:
    Ellz GrowCam Time Lapse Playlist:

    1st Hydro Grow: 600W MH/HPS Homemade Bubbleponics Homemade Cabinet - White Poison (White Widow x Durban Poison) COMPLETE! Final yield: 10.2 ounces off 2 plants. 124 days total from seed (34 days vegetative + 90 days flower)

    2nd hydro - Peyote Cookies and OG Kush COMPLETE! Final yield: 11.8 ounces combined, 2.7 ounces of Peyote Cookies (150 days from seed), 9.1 ounces of OG Kush (138 days from seed).


    • ellz
      ellz commented
      Editing a comment
      alltatup I plan on putting the fill opening in a spot where I can see the roots by opening the cap.

    • alltatup
      alltatup commented
      Editing a comment
      ok, cool, just didn't want your roots being ignored!! ;-}

    • Aloner
      Aloner commented
      Editing a comment
      Don't forget the spinning rims! And hey, your plants are looking good! So lush!

    alltatup Here is a prototype of how it would look. This was just a rough sketch I put together. The two black circles would be the net pots and the white part is the fill port. The cap is not on there, I just drew it like it would be if it were open...

    Click image for larger version

Name:	brute tote modified.jpg
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ID:	123141
    Whoever's growing a small patch of cannabis behind the gymnasium, congratulations! You have won a cruise! Report to security to claim your tickets.
    Ellz GrowCam Channel on YouTube:
    Ellz GrowCam Time Lapse Playlist:

    1st Hydro Grow: 600W MH/HPS Homemade Bubbleponics Homemade Cabinet - White Poison (White Widow x Durban Poison) COMPLETE! Final yield: 10.2 ounces off 2 plants. 124 days total from seed (34 days vegetative + 90 days flower)

    2nd hydro - Peyote Cookies and OG Kush COMPLETE! Final yield: 11.8 ounces combined, 2.7 ounces of Peyote Cookies (150 days from seed), 9.1 ounces of OG Kush (138 days from seed).


    • Daskahn
      Daskahn commented
      Editing a comment
      Ok I'm not trying to troll you but holy shit you sketched that? Maybe you should be into art or art design.. I so thought it was a photo

    • Daskahn
      Daskahn commented
      Editing a comment
      Also I like very much
      Can I get a copy of ellz designs weekly? You always have such good ideas that I want to copy lol

    • ellz
      ellz commented
      Editing a comment
      I just drew the holes on the top, not the whole thing.

    END OF VEGETATIVE STAGE! Total vegetative stage time: 34 days from seed (07/05/2017 to 08/07/2017)


    06:15PM: After swapping my light to the HPS bulb, I drained both reservoirs and filled them with the Week 5 batch of nutrients from my feed chart. The plants basically grew so much last night that it cut the distance between the light in half overnight!! I moved the light up a bit higher since I swapped to the HPS bulb. Once the light came on, I was able to see that the HPS bulb puts out a ton more light than the MH one did! I tested the lux at the top of my plant and it was over 90k even after moving my fixture up due to the previous night's growth so I moved the light fixture up about 2/3's of the way up and retested it and the highest reading was back down to 85k which is the max amount I want (also the most the plant can absorb). I will need to keep an eye on it once the stretch happens. With the reflective wall covering, the reading down at the bottom of the plant is still as high as 45k and that is under the shade of other leaves! That reflective film I bought is wonderful at bouncing the light! Below are the photos of the plants on their very first day in the flowering cycle! Thanks for reading.

    10:20PM: I decided to raise my light up a few more clicks due to the levels of light reaching the leaves. Prior to moving the light this time, my highest lux reading was about 85k which is max for cannabis. After moving it, my highest reading was about 73k which is much better and as fast as they are growing I will likely have to adjust again soon!
    Last edited by ellz; 08-07-2017, 11:26 PM.
    Whoever's growing a small patch of cannabis behind the gymnasium, congratulations! You have won a cruise! Report to security to claim your tickets.
    Ellz GrowCam Channel on YouTube:
    Ellz GrowCam Time Lapse Playlist:

    1st Hydro Grow: 600W MH/HPS Homemade Bubbleponics Homemade Cabinet - White Poison (White Widow x Durban Poison) COMPLETE! Final yield: 10.2 ounces off 2 plants. 124 days total from seed (34 days vegetative + 90 days flower)

    2nd hydro - Peyote Cookies and OG Kush COMPLETE! Final yield: 11.8 ounces combined, 2.7 ounces of Peyote Cookies (150 days from seed), 9.1 ounces of OG Kush (138 days from seed).


    • alltatup
      alltatup commented
      Editing a comment
      You have created a monster, ellz: beautiful!

    Very nice..
    few questions where are your trunks lol?
    also curious to know what method of defoliation your gonna use if any?


    • ellz
      ellz commented
      Editing a comment
      Thanks. Yeah the trunks are down there somewhere among the lettuce! LOL. At the moment, I am not going to defoliate anything because it seems to be doing really well. I am going to do some reading on defoliating tonight so my plans may change. If they do, I will update the post to reflect that.

    I know yourll read it somewhere but basically defoliating allows light to lower "bud" sites increasing yield.. it also tricks the plant into putting more energy into your buds instead of leaves but yourll read that lol

    i just want you to sing lollipop lollipop oh lolli lollipop while you do it lol it's stuck in my head



      08:00PM: Checked on the plants after I got home from kayaking and they are still going strong! I made sure the light wasn't too strong on them and it is still maxing out around 76k on the lux meter. The lower end is around 45k so that is good as well. I posted some photos below of how they look on day 2 of flowering (day 36 from seed). Still not sure about the sex. Not seeing any indicators just yet. I hope to by the end of the week. I also plan on checking the reservoir tomorrow because they will likely be down about 2 gallons each. Will update the post then. Thanks for reading!
      Whoever's growing a small patch of cannabis behind the gymnasium, congratulations! You have won a cruise! Report to security to claim your tickets.
      Ellz GrowCam Channel on YouTube:
      Ellz GrowCam Time Lapse Playlist:

      1st Hydro Grow: 600W MH/HPS Homemade Bubbleponics Homemade Cabinet - White Poison (White Widow x Durban Poison) COMPLETE! Final yield: 10.2 ounces off 2 plants. 124 days total from seed (34 days vegetative + 90 days flower)

      2nd hydro - Peyote Cookies and OG Kush COMPLETE! Final yield: 11.8 ounces combined, 2.7 ounces of Peyote Cookies (150 days from seed), 9.1 ounces of OG Kush (138 days from seed).



        06:30PM: Checked on the plants today and they are growing strong! I had to add 2 full gallons per reservoir or pHed, HydroGuard water. I pHed the water to ~6.3 because the reservoir was already around 5.9 and I like to have the pH go up and down so that all the nutrients get absorbed. I actually ended up adding 2.5 gallons to each one since there was room for more water in the res. Still no indication on sex yet. I guess they will let me know when they are ready. I decided to defoliate the plants a bit today since they were getting very bushy. I only removed the large fan leaves and only in places where there was excess shade from them. On some of the plants, I only removed one fan leave instead of both due to the fact that the second one wasn't really blocking anything. I ended up pulling off about a half-gallon ziploc bag's worth of leaves but the plants are still very full...just a bit more open. I have attached photos of both groups of plants below, as well as before and after of the defoliating. Thanks for reading!
        Last edited by ellz; 08-09-2017, 08:47 PM.
        Whoever's growing a small patch of cannabis behind the gymnasium, congratulations! You have won a cruise! Report to security to claim your tickets.
        Ellz GrowCam Channel on YouTube:
        Ellz GrowCam Time Lapse Playlist:

        1st Hydro Grow: 600W MH/HPS Homemade Bubbleponics Homemade Cabinet - White Poison (White Widow x Durban Poison) COMPLETE! Final yield: 10.2 ounces off 2 plants. 124 days total from seed (34 days vegetative + 90 days flower)

        2nd hydro - Peyote Cookies and OG Kush COMPLETE! Final yield: 11.8 ounces combined, 2.7 ounces of Peyote Cookies (150 days from seed), 9.1 ounces of OG Kush (138 days from seed).


        • alltatup
          alltatup commented
          Editing a comment
          Looking very nice, ellz!!!

        • Sheesh
          Sheesh commented
          Editing a comment
          They look great Ellz. Nice growth spurt the last couple of weeks. How are your canopy and res temps these days? I recall your initial posts had some heat concerns and you've done a lot to manage the heat.

        • ellz
          ellz commented
          Editing a comment
          Thanks! As for the temps, the canopy temps are still staying in the low 80s and the reservoir temps are sitting around 70-71ºF. The groundwater temp has dropped the past few weeks making it easier to keep the reservoir temps down now. The water starts off in the upper 60s instead of the upper 70s now so that helps a ton! The new bulb is much warmer and brighter than the MH one so I turned my vortex fan up to high and it blows against the back wall then bounced to the light and over the canopy. I also adjusted my top two clip fans to blow down on the canopy. I will likely have to move the light frequently and then monitor the temps closely when I reach the max height of the light but that should still be some time away...I hope!


        06:30PM: Checked on the plants today and I believe I have at least one female so far! YAY! The other 3 aren't showing sex yet but I noticed on one of the White Poison seeing some tiny little pre-flowers starting on one branch and they look female. I have attached a photo below of the plants today and that one close up but it is hard to see the preflowers in the photo. I tried to mark them as best I could so they are a bit easier to spot. I can tell you this much, the smell coming out of that cabinet is very promising! I will likely need to top off the reservoir again tomorrow with another 2 gallons or so each. I will update the thread then. Thanks for reading!
        Whoever's growing a small patch of cannabis behind the gymnasium, congratulations! You have won a cruise! Report to security to claim your tickets.
        Ellz GrowCam Channel on YouTube:
        Ellz GrowCam Time Lapse Playlist:

        1st Hydro Grow: 600W MH/HPS Homemade Bubbleponics Homemade Cabinet - White Poison (White Widow x Durban Poison) COMPLETE! Final yield: 10.2 ounces off 2 plants. 124 days total from seed (34 days vegetative + 90 days flower)

        2nd hydro - Peyote Cookies and OG Kush COMPLETE! Final yield: 11.8 ounces combined, 2.7 ounces of Peyote Cookies (150 days from seed), 9.1 ounces of OG Kush (138 days from seed).


        • Aloner
          Aloner commented
          Editing a comment
          I agree, signs point to female. Crossed stipules is always a good start -- shouldn't be long before you know for sure!

        • alltatup
          alltatup commented
          Editing a comment
          Look at them little crossed stipules...

        • ellz
          ellz commented
          Editing a comment
          Thanks for your replies. Yes I agree, the cross stipules are a great sign! All four plants have those so I am hoping I have 4 of 4 females! I am hoping to see more signs before the next water change but I can't rush them. They will tell me when they want me to know, lol.


        06:30PM: I checked on the plants again today and I am now seeing signs of females on at least 3 of the plants (one Rug Burn OG and 2 White Poison). All four have crossed stipules and 3 of the four are starting to show the right shape preflowers (still no pistils yet) so fingers crossed! Still hoping to know the final sex by the end of the weekend. As for the reservoirs, both are down about 2 gallons each so I am making up some pHed, HydroGuard water to pour in them later. Will likely over fill them again and hope they last through the nutrient change on Monday. The roots are looking strong down below...very large root balls and very white and healthy! Temps are still staying in the low 70s in the reservoir and only up to the mid 80s in the foliage area. Humidity in the cabinet is around 48% but I have the swamp cooler's fan on only so there is no extra water being put into the atmosphere. I sometimes turn on the water just to bring up the humidity to around 60% since they haven't started budding just yet. Once I see buds forming, however, I will likely keep the humidity down around 50% or so. Pictures of day 39 are below, along with 3 photos of the preflowers. Thanks for reading!

        08:45PM: Added 2 gallons of pHed, HydroGuard water to each reservoir. They plants are drinking about a gallon per day so that is good! I also moved the light up four clicks on each side (about an inch or so) because the top of the canopy was getting over 85k again! The center is the hot spot so I monitor that now every couple of days to see if I need to raise the light. After raising the light this time, the max reading was around 84k but only in one specific spot. The rest are back down to around 76k or so.
        Last edited by ellz; 08-11-2017, 10:04 PM.
        Whoever's growing a small patch of cannabis behind the gymnasium, congratulations! You have won a cruise! Report to security to claim your tickets.
        Ellz GrowCam Channel on YouTube:
        Ellz GrowCam Time Lapse Playlist:

        1st Hydro Grow: 600W MH/HPS Homemade Bubbleponics Homemade Cabinet - White Poison (White Widow x Durban Poison) COMPLETE! Final yield: 10.2 ounces off 2 plants. 124 days total from seed (34 days vegetative + 90 days flower)

        2nd hydro - Peyote Cookies and OG Kush COMPLETE! Final yield: 11.8 ounces combined, 2.7 ounces of Peyote Cookies (150 days from seed), 9.1 ounces of OG Kush (138 days from seed).


          Wow, you must be able to watch the grow! I'm on my first ever coco run, one week since I flipped to 12/12. Last night I checked them at lights on and I swear they had grown an inch after 3 hours. It's something to see when this great plant is growing vigorously. Anyhow, looking real promising on the sex. Nice crossed stipules!
          4X4 Gorilla with Solar Storm 440 LED. Coco / perlite, 5 Gallon fabric containers. LST and scrog. Grows to date all Indica Dominant Hybrids

          2018 Grow Journal Here -->> (Blackjack, Super Skunk, Critical CBD)

          2017 Grow Journal Here -->> (AK 48, Wonder Woman, Master Kush)


          • ellz
            ellz commented
            Editing a comment
            Thanks. Yeah, they are growing like mad for sure! I almost wish I had a web cam installed in the cabinet so I could watch them grow! That may be something I add next time since I had no idea they would grow this quickly!! The crossed stipules make me very happy but I still want to see those pistils coming out of the preflowers to be certain. I definitely don't want to get my hopes up just yet but I am almost positive they are all girls. That would be awesome, but I wasn't expecting it to be honest. I planted four thinking that I would end up with at least 2 females, lol.

          • ellz
            ellz commented
            Editing a comment
            Nice to hear yours are growing a decent rate as well! They sound like they are stretching out pretty well each day!


          06:30PM: Wanted to condense the weekend posts into one since not much went on with the plants the past two days. They are still growing along nicely, but it looks like I may have a boy in the mix!! One of the Rug Burn OG plants looks like it may be forming pollen sacs and not buds. Still just a bit too early to tell since the preflowers are still very small but I posted some photos below showing some closeups of the plants where sex was starting to show. I also have included a picture of the roots under each plant as they sit today, along with a photo of both groups of plants yesterday and today. They are getting so large that individual reservoir photos are somewhat redundant so I will stop posting those since the group shot shows both plants nicely. Thank you for reading and I will update tomorrow after my water change!
          Whoever's growing a small patch of cannabis behind the gymnasium, congratulations! You have won a cruise! Report to security to claim your tickets.
          Ellz GrowCam Channel on YouTube:
          Ellz GrowCam Time Lapse Playlist:

          1st Hydro Grow: 600W MH/HPS Homemade Bubbleponics Homemade Cabinet - White Poison (White Widow x Durban Poison) COMPLETE! Final yield: 10.2 ounces off 2 plants. 124 days total from seed (34 days vegetative + 90 days flower)

          2nd hydro - Peyote Cookies and OG Kush COMPLETE! Final yield: 11.8 ounces combined, 2.7 ounces of Peyote Cookies (150 days from seed), 9.1 ounces of OG Kush (138 days from seed).


          • ellz
            ellz commented
            Editing a comment
            Thanks! That's what I was thinking too unfortunately. I am going to check them again tomorrow but if I think it's a boy, it's gone!

          • ellz
            ellz commented
            Editing a comment
            I think the last two photos show females....the single horn seems female.

          • Aloner
            Aloner commented
            Editing a comment
            Get that dude outta there -- no boys allowed!

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