For my next reservoir, I am thinking about going with a Rubbermaid Brute 20-gallon tote. Here is a webstore with a bunch of pictures (but likely not where I will order it from):
As I look through the pictures, the one that stands out the most to me is the one of the person holding a watermelon at the top of the container.

That really shows me the size of the container itself and makes me think it would be better to only do two plants in that container, side by side, centered under the light. I could go with larger net pots and I would put a string trellis above them so I could walk the plants out from the center. If you figure that watermelon as one root ball, that would give two plants a lot of room to get big! Otherwise, I could try doing as many as four and just grow them a bit smaller but in all honesty, if the root ball is being represented by the melon, it looks like four could work out without too much clutter below. I would likely only fill them with 10 gallons of water so there would be a decent air space above the water. As for the fan coolers I made, they would be left out of this design and replaced by a reservoir cooler I will also be building. Just stuff to think about but luckily I have time to think and prepare while this batch is finishing up!
As I look through the pictures, the one that stands out the most to me is the one of the person holding a watermelon at the top of the container.
That really shows me the size of the container itself and makes me think it would be better to only do two plants in that container, side by side, centered under the light. I could go with larger net pots and I would put a string trellis above them so I could walk the plants out from the center. If you figure that watermelon as one root ball, that would give two plants a lot of room to get big! Otherwise, I could try doing as many as four and just grow them a bit smaller but in all honesty, if the root ball is being represented by the melon, it looks like four could work out without too much clutter below. I would likely only fill them with 10 gallons of water so there would be a decent air space above the water. As for the fan coolers I made, they would be left out of this design and replaced by a reservoir cooler I will also be building. Just stuff to think about but luckily I have time to think and prepare while this batch is finishing up!