Hello everyone, this is my first post. I am a newbie to growing and am just looking for any advice. I am running a 2.5x2.5x5 tent, a 600w welpar LED panel, and a clip on fan. Also have a digital probe therm/hygrometer in there. I understand that with limited pics comes limited help and I'm working on that, but this is the only pic it will let me upload, I'll try to put more pics. Also, I'm feeding half strength soil milk every other watering. Should I soak down the smart pots and the other buckets right after transplant?
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Newbie looking for assurance
I'm growing in SmartPots ,I just put my RR in my pot and just watered in a little circle until she got a little bigger but I'm growing in KindSoil. Looks like You got a nice grow setup, what kinda soil you using and PH.?Cfls for a week or two
315lec for everything else
Dug up Ms.topsoil, with perlite added
36x36x63 inch tent.
6inch - exaust - intake fans an scrubber
Smart pots
Get ur self some silica and b vitamins npk industries is very cheap and goes a long way. What silica mainly does is strengthens ur plant and b vites puts ur plants immune system in over drive to fight against stress and to recover much faster this is a key thing for transplanting yes a lot of people do it successfully but there plants dnt recover very fast some even die. B vites 1 to 2 weeks before transplanting start feeding them this and ur chances are way better. Just a thought. After transplant give them about 500ml nutes/water. U want a fertilizer with a mid range of phousphous when transplanting like a 3-4-4 type roughly. Also kelp and humic acid 5-1 ratio will help with rooting it's basicly what the rooting hormones use unless there synthetic.
1 Photo
Your gonna be alright, normal for drooping after watering, don't overwater an keep your PH 6.2 to 7.0 ,my plant really likes 6.3 to 6.5 . Your gonna do a good job, good luck.Cfls for a week or two
315lec for everything else
Dug up Ms.topsoil, with perlite added
36x36x63 inch tent.
6inch - exaust - intake fans an scrubber
Smart pots
Thanks for the info, I wish I could put more pics on here for whatever reason it won't let me get the size down.
Do you think silica and b-vitamins is necessary
Not at all. If you are using soil you'll barely going to need any nutes. Just for flowering something with P & K. In hydroponics any nutrient high in N will do for veg and the same PK for flowering. Lots of other stuff to learn for now. Staring with watching the plant grow.
Btw take a screenshot of your phone/computer and upload that. Works great
Stick ur finger in the soil upto ur 1st nuckle (1inch) and if it feels cold and moist ur fine. The trick is to water then let dry out very well then water again also do u have holes in ur pots for air to get to ur roots. Fabric pots are the way to go to prevent over watering. On a scale of 1-10 for dryness u want around 2-3 and when u water u want a 7-8. I hope this helps
FFOF has got plenty of good stuff in it to hold her till she gets at least a month old.About the phones I got a Samsung and I don't know Jack do-do about sizes cept when you click on phone you click those 3 little dots an it goes to sizes ,hope that helps.Cfls for a week or two
315lec for everything else
Dug up Ms.topsoil, with perlite added
36x36x63 inch tent.
6inch - exaust - intake fans an scrubber
Smart pots