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"Learning Fast !"
Last Activity: 05-07-2020, 07:09 PM
Joined: 10-16-2017
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Burnt a top with cfl! Help! (Topic in the GWE Marijuana Growing Community forum)
02-01-2018, 08:09 PM
Cal-Mag yes or no ? Never use it !! (Topic in the GWE Marijuana Growing Community forum)
04-27-2018, 07:40 AM
Calling for volunteers for a leaf-cooking and consuming experiment. (Topic in the GWE Marijuana Growing Community forum)
03-08-2018, 05:54 PM
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04-14-2018, 01:34 PM
can 2 year old seeds expected to go bad? and also Can Rapid Rooters ever go bad? (Topic in the GWE Marijuana Growing Community forum)
11-02-2017, 03:19 PM
can anyone exsplain why/how defoling increases yeilds? (Topic in the GWE Marijuana Growing Community forum)
02-15-2018, 09:34 PM
Can Everclear be Fully Saturated with Cannabinoids? (Topic in the GWE Marijuana Growing Community forum)
02-17-2018, 08:32 PM
Can exhaust fans lose umph over time? (Topic in the GWE Marijuana Growing Community forum)
02-16-2018, 03:26 PM
Canoeing leaves and trichomes disappear (Topic in the GWE Marijuana Growing Community forum)
11-21-2017, 02:09 AM
CBD Grow (Topic in the GWE Marijuana Growing Community forum)
03-27-2018, 11:47 AM
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