My 1st plant grown under my new Sun System Lec light. She's a Fast Buds GSC auto.
Keep in mind that I'm a noob. This is only my second ever grow/harvest & my very 1st dwc grow. My 1st grow was in coco.
I made a ton of mistakes with this plant & we battled root rot for weeks. I finally peroxided her & left her alone for almost 2 weeks. Didn't even lift the lid!
Expected to be throwing her away. I almost did throw her away several times.
Much to my surprise she suddenly recovered, so I proceeded to light burn her 3 different times while testing to see how much light she could take, fed her the wrong GH nute schedule most of her life-coco instead of dwc-didn't catch that until late flower, I also repeatedly stripped nearly every fan leaf off of her during flower. How I didn't end up with a little nanner tree is beyond me.
These autoflowers really are amazing! Stress & restricted growth just made her a short fat little beast in the end. She's only 17 inches tall.
The weeks she was sick & not growing were just added to the end when it was all said and done.
Instead of 56-65 days...she went about 90 days. And soooo dank! So sticky it's almost unreal.
My opinion on the lec? It's Awesome!!
Keep in mind that I'm a noob. This is only my second ever grow/harvest & my very 1st dwc grow. My 1st grow was in coco.
I made a ton of mistakes with this plant & we battled root rot for weeks. I finally peroxided her & left her alone for almost 2 weeks. Didn't even lift the lid!
Expected to be throwing her away. I almost did throw her away several times.
Much to my surprise she suddenly recovered, so I proceeded to light burn her 3 different times while testing to see how much light she could take, fed her the wrong GH nute schedule most of her life-coco instead of dwc-didn't catch that until late flower, I also repeatedly stripped nearly every fan leaf off of her during flower. How I didn't end up with a little nanner tree is beyond me.
These autoflowers really are amazing! Stress & restricted growth just made her a short fat little beast in the end. She's only 17 inches tall.
The weeks she was sick & not growing were just added to the end when it was all said and done.
Instead of 56-65 days...she went about 90 days. And soooo dank! So sticky it's almost unreal.
My opinion on the lec? It's Awesome!!