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Veg issue

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    Veg issue

    so I screwed up pretty bad, placed my veg room on 12/12 and caused half to start to flower :X..

    Should i place back on 18/6 or toss them to flower, 70% of the room is showing bud signs pretty crazy wise, i was 2-4 weeks from placing in flower anyhow and i dont mind it if i should, plants are med size

    Edit :
    ok let me clear this part up!!

    I was not the one to set 12/12

    i have 3 areas going and in plans to expand to 4th room!!! my heads spinning from how fast my partner is moving!!! Not to include my little cuz being killed in Ohio. So i wasn't able to catch a issue as i was not in the state!

    Moved 4 big plants to flower room and left the baby's on 20/4

    my clone tent is 24hrs so i have been leaving a few in that tent for now so i never lost anything or screwed up to bad to it being an issue.
    vegging just got screwed
    Last edited by r3m1; 03-17-2017, 06:11 PM.

    these are not auto flowers either!!!


      If my plants were a foot tall or higher I'd let it ride.


      • r3m1
        r3m1 commented
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        let ride meaning switch to flower?? cuz that another room i have to move them too

      • BuddMarsh
        BuddMarsh commented
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        Yes, move them to the flower area.

      • r3m1
        r3m1 commented
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        good deal ill move tomm

      Honestly just try growing a shorty. If you think about it. It's going to take time, maybe week or more for the hormones to change back and you may risk making it hermie. Then you have to change the hormones again back to 12/12 If you don't make it hermie. That's a 2-3 week risk/setback on top of making them flower early. Personally I believe it may not be worth the time / risk of losing the plants if that possibility arrises.

      Just my thoughts


        How did you manage to put a veg tent on 12/12? How long did it take you to notice?

        Is this the grow you're supposed to be showing to potential investors for a commercial grow?
        Completed auto grows 3

        2x4 Gorilla tent
        600W HPS
        GH Flora Series trio + Armor Si, CALiMAGic, RapidStart, Liquid KoolBloom, Floralicious Plus, FloraKleen, Diamond Nectar, FloraBlend, FloraNectar (Pineapple Rush version), Dry Koolbloom + Great White mycorrhizae & Terpinator

        Grows using this setup: 1
        Largest yield from this setup: 20oz / 567g

        Previous grows:


        • r3m1
          r3m1 commented
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          i added hard line timers to the outlets i ran from 20a breakers. My partner did a 12/12 instead of 18/6!! i noticed a week out ( was gone one family emergency had partner who helps with odds and ends do the watering). i noticed the day i got back, I was moving them to flower. Other plants seem very little effected other then trying to pull to much nutes!

        • r3m1
          r3m1 commented
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          OzBud honestly think it worked out best that it was screwed up when it happened. Ended up changing my entire grow design again. I have bad ocd and always improve what i have going on. None of my smaller plants seem effected, their was 4 that i was trying to veg a bit longer but its not a big deal just was not trying to have 6 plants at harvest rather than 4. so now i have 3 plants at my first harvest and 6 plants at my 2nd that's 4 weeks behind the first. so over all its a minor setback to be honest

        When you put the room on 12/12 you did flip to flower. With it showing bud sites I don't think I would go back I would keep going to harvest at this point. Just say'n.
        completed 7 grows
        what I have learned so far:
        environment maters more than nutrients
        at least a dab of nutrients in every watering
        effective flushing before harvest is critical to quality


        • r3m1
          r3m1 commented
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          i didnt tend to do 12/12, 18/4 was the time it was ment for !

        You can do a complete grow in 12/12- the plant will not flower until it's able/mature enough.

        So, you are all set by keeping them @ 12/12
        It's all bullshit - until you smoke it!

        KISS @ Dry/Cure:

        Staged Harvest:

        Grow Journals:

        #3, Window Sill Grow - auto:

        #4, KISS grow- Girl Scout Cookies- auto:


        • r3m1
          r3m1 commented
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          thats what i was wondering if they would bud if they are small under 4 inch. thanks for the answer!!

        • Lotusyde
          Lotusyde commented
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          I've flowered plants at 3-4 weeks with no problem. Currently doing so

        If u want more smaller bushyier plants add red light like 2700k if u want taller plants add IR light.


        • r3m1
          r3m1 commented
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          thanks i didnt know red did bushier or the ir part, height is not needed as much as i bush mine big

        • Lotusyde
          Lotusyde commented
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          If you bought a dimmable led you would have the ability to balance the spectrums. And most decent led lights have ir built in.

        • r3m1
          r3m1 commented
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          I have HPS right now, i have been checking out these LEC lights more tho. was at an expo today and yet displeased with the set up i was able to score great information and a lot of seed banks here in MI and really close. LEC is prob a more effective way to go as the lights are way cheaper to run rather then led and hps,

        Depending how long the were switched for 2weeks of 12/12 and I'd leave em but less than that if u wanted to u can switch em back usualy without complications. Once switched the different color red will help u get what u want for the size of the plant u want.


          thanks tyler


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