3 weeks.
Planted 5. 4 came up. 1 rotted/died at about an inch above coco. Champ is left. The mutant is right. While the other two were growing their first three finger fans, Mutant Girl grew a one-finger and a two finger and the first one-finger leaves were real crinkled-like. Front is the slacker. Slacker Girl and Mutant Girl have picked up the pace and are looking less mutantish. Are the first three weeks more stressful than harvest?
When Rotten Girl rotted, I put another seed down from another strain and the same thing happened. That pot is obviously cursed by Satan and will not be used this grow. All coco is a mix of second and third generation and I thought that might be an issue. But since Champ, Mutant Girl, and Slacker Girl are doing well, I'm leaning more towards the curse.
... and Dabber getting ready to attack your face... or go back to sleep... it has already been a long day of attacking faces...

Planted 5. 4 came up. 1 rotted/died at about an inch above coco. Champ is left. The mutant is right. While the other two were growing their first three finger fans, Mutant Girl grew a one-finger and a two finger and the first one-finger leaves were real crinkled-like. Front is the slacker. Slacker Girl and Mutant Girl have picked up the pace and are looking less mutantish. Are the first three weeks more stressful than harvest?
When Rotten Girl rotted, I put another seed down from another strain and the same thing happened. That pot is obviously cursed by Satan and will not be used this grow. All coco is a mix of second and third generation and I thought that might be an issue. But since Champ, Mutant Girl, and Slacker Girl are doing well, I'm leaning more towards the curse.
... and Dabber getting ready to attack your face... or go back to sleep... it has already been a long day of attacking faces...