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The worst part of growing is growing alone

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    The worst part of growing is growing alone

    Not meant to be a sob story, but I've chatted and talked with over the years some great folks I have met online here and other places who have given me great tips on growing. Without some of those tips I've gotten right here, I would not be have the grower I am. But the fact remains, I still grow alone. I dont have anyone in my orbit that grows that I can share strategies with and have fun growng with. Really kind of sucks where you have one of those hobbies that would really benefit from team participation, but its not something you can talk about at work either. When I go back to work on Monday and my boss asked me what I did this weekend, I always struggle, cause I can't tell him I replanted 4 clones and harvested a lb of four gorrilla glues either. So, I tell him something else that is trivial and we move on.. In any case, was wondering how alone I am in this field of cannabis growing. Do you most of you grow alone, by yourself? Do you have relationships with other growers in your community that are accessbile to you to you for advise and support? How do you all work on your skills to get better at the next round?

    Nope. All alone. I have a couple of family members that know I grow but they don't and we don't talk about it. None of my friends grow that I know of. Everything I know I learned here.
    Gorilla Grow tents, HLG Lamps, Coco/Perlite 50/50, All Autopot, CX Horticulture nutrients full line
    Growing photo's and autos


      Hello !!

      I live in a country where growing cannabis is " sort of allowed ", heavily regulated and strict laws. But is frowned upon by the general public. There is a lot of recreational use and medicinal is starting to pick up.

      I doesn't bother me though, as I find peace in tending to plants and my insatiable curiosity is being fed by every new step or hurdle to jump.

      The one thing that has helped me be at ease with all of this is journaling. I have a post here where I upload photos and share.
      And I have a notepad in my computer where I write all that comes to mind regarding the plants. So I don't carry all my weed thoughts all the time with me.
      Everything, from colour to development, to watering, to smell, to changes and light and feelings and thoughts and expectations, etc etc.

      Enjoy your grow !


        I am surrounded by wannabe dope growers. Folks who ask how to do this or that but never do anything. They are curious about what I do. I've even given seeds to a couple people before requiring they have houseplants before trying to grow weed. I know there are dope growers in my community, but I don't know any of them.
        Marijuana is legal in California, so I don't have to worry about the legals. Unfortunately, there will always be and everywhere be people who suffer from extreme cases of self-righteous indignation. The worst are people who have never been around weed but know all about it. The prohibitionists will fall by the wayside as they did after the 21st Amendment.
        In the end, sometimes we have to respect others more than they respect us. We have to wear the clothes that suit the climate, so to speak.
        C'mon, mule!



          All by myself. There are a few people who know and who I could call on to pinch hit if I was not available to tend the garden, and a few that I give seedlings to. Better to keep it on the down low even if it is legal. There is always someone willing to take advantage of a situation. I know there are other growers in the neighborhood because I can smell their dank. I'm sure they can smell mine. Just best to keep it quiet.
          Last edited by Ckbrew; Today, 02:42 PM.
          Don't worry, be happy, grow sticky buds.


            I laughed at the comment about the boss, or most anyone.... I just give them some boring household chores story while I sang "Big Rock Candy Mountains" in my head. My early excitement to discuss gave way to the better advice given above. Loose lips...
            That said, it is a drag to not have someone to discuss face to face.

            Just gotta bear the cross in your happy spot.


            • Gingerbeard
              Gingerbeard commented
              Editing a comment
              You are getting a thumb for the BRCM mention. Gonna have to Pandora up O Brother Where Art Thou and get my hillbilly on.

            I have one meatspace friend who grows, which is nice, but absolutely, yes, it is lonely!

            It's legal where I live, but I don't want to become a target for anything from judgement to theft. The local dispensary hosts high yoga, but no garden club.
            Outdoor container gardener in USDA zone 7. Autoflowers for now. Approaching weed gardening as an art, not a science.


              That song stuck with me from Better Call Saul, during my first outdoor grow. The friends I grew up with during the late 70s 80's that haven't smoked in a long time can't get the memory of that crap, from then, out of there minds and don't realize the exponential advance in quality. Or the others that still think it's taboo. Self-righteous indignation, lol.

              Even the wife, until she started gummy therapy and one hitters before bed. But now ..... I have an inside grow tent. Patience worked, just like growing bud.
              Thanks Dr Chong!


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