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Suggestions on humidifier ac infinity T3 vs vent fan

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    Suggestions on humidifier ac infinity T3 vs vent fan

    I got the t3 humidifier and the instructions say to not let the hose point or turn down. So in my tent that means it’s just above my carbon filter and vent fan so the fan basically sucks the mist as soon as it comes out of the tube. Wondering if any one has suggestions or tips on set up.

    Th anks

    I have a fan blowing down on the outlet which is about 3 ft up the corner of the tent opposite the extraction fan and it seems to distribute the moisture evenly throughout the tent. The fan is above the light to move some of the heat around too.


      Originally posted by Bowhunterwoody View Post
      I have a fan blowing down on the outlet which is about 3 ft up the corner of the tent opposite the extraction fan and it seems to distribute the moisture evenly throughout the tent. The fan is above the light to move some of the heat around too.
      Great thanks 🙏


        Originally posted by Bowhunterwoody View Post
        I have a fan blowing down on the outlet which is about 3 ft up the corner of the tent opposite the extraction fan and it seems to distribute the moisture evenly throughout the tent. The fan is above the light to move some of the heat around too.
        what size tent do you have and is it in a cold environment? I have a 4x4 tent in basement and. The basement temps drop to 68f.

        with the tent temp at 73 and vent fan off I’m only hitting 39 rh


        • Bowhunterwoody
          Bowhunterwoody commented
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          I'm in a 3x3, running the t3 on auto, with the minimum of 60% on level 5. The lung room is my den, which gets down to about 63° at night, but I run my lights off during the day when the house gets up to about 70°. I have a 300w SF light that keeps the tent between 77° and 80°. I move everything down to the basement for the summer and fall grows. Easier to keep cool.

        Thanks for the info!


          Just position it in a way so that the end of the hose isn't pointing down and letting the condensate that collects in the hose drip all over the tent. You can position it over the plant itself then you don't have to worry if any condensate drips into the plant.


            How much water are you guys going through, are you using distilled water? I am using over 1 gallon a day


            • Bowhunterwoody
              Bowhunterwoody commented
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              Just about a gallon/day at first. Less now that the lung room rh is higher.

            • Rootsruler
              Rootsruler commented
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              Same. About a gallon a day.

            I run the T3 without the hose as I had the same problem.
            They supply the regular defuser with the unit, similar to what most normal humidifiers have.
            If you want it a little higher you can put it on a bucket or something. From there my oscillating fan blows it around.
            KIS mix organic living soil from Black Sallow soils in 7gal. pots
            Black Swallow Organic Bloom mix top dress before flower.
            Reusing soil with Black Swallow nutrient pack between grows
            Maybe some compost teas
            Blumat watering system
            Microbial Mass and other microbial boosters(Wallace)
            3x4x6’ tent
            Photontek 465wpro
            6” AC Infinity outdoor air in and out, humidifier, dehumidifier, heater, oscillating fan.
            Inkbird controllers heat/humidity​


              Originally posted by Smallgrow View Post
              I run the T3 without the hose as I had the same problem.
              They supply the regular defuser with the unit, similar to what most normal humidifiers have.
              If you want it a little higher you can put it on a bucket or something. From there my oscillating fan blows it around.
              I made a vapor stack for the T3 out of parts I found at Home Depot. I used the dispersion head at the top of it. Works great!!!

              Click image for larger version

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              • Smallgrow
                Smallgrow commented
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                Good idea!

              Originally posted by Smallgrow View Post
              I run the T3 without the hose as I had the same problem.
              They supply the regular defuser with the unit, similar to what most normal humidifiers have.
              If you want it a little higher you can put it on a bucket or something. From there my oscillating fan blows it around.
              I’m really leaning this way, with my exhaust fan on the humidity only gets to mid 30%.

              I just put a timer on the exhaust fan to run every other 30 min and will see how that goes cause with the fan of my temp hit 82 in a few minutes. I will watch and see how it goes.

              now looking for a thermostat timer not sure what direction to go with that either


              • Rootsruler
                Rootsruler commented
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                See if you can find the fan speed that you can leave on constantly to even out the temperature in your tent. This would be the best option so that you are constantly bringing in fresh air but still maintaining the temperature that you want. My issue in my tent is that it doesn't get hot enough currently but I only have 2 lights on so once the tent goes into full swing the lights should heat the tent to where I want it.

              With the fan as low as possible humidity can’t get over 30’s


              • Bowhunterwoody
                Bowhunterwoody commented
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                How do you have the settings on the t3? I have mine on auto, 65%, on level 5, with the off level at 0, but I'm in a 3×3. My 4" AC exhaust fan on 3 full time, 300w bar light at 85%. I'm able to maintain 65% rh and 79-80° temps w/lights on. Lung room at 64° w/35% rh. My exhaust is located at the very top left corner mainly for heat removal. I have the t3 inside the tent with the probe at canopy hight hanging right in the center.
                Last edited by Bowhunterwoody; 02-03-2025, 05:13 PM.

              I've grown in a small area and struggled with humidity issues before. First I found it best to put my humidifier near my air intake, I even got to a point I tried adding the humidity to my incoming air stream coming from outside my unit. I tried a variety of things to increase my humidity, like have you ever tried to dry towel out of the washing machine by hanging it to dry and closing your bathroom door and doing nothing else? It will spike the humidity levels, so I did it in my growing environment and everything worked out great as my RH jumped up. If my RH dropped during flowering to low, I would spray the walls with a spray bottle of water, and that really helped me a lot. I tried sitting containers of water out, and even hanging the towel down into a container of water, but it came with MASSIVE problems. I did try a water fountain inside my growing area and that really put off the most amount of controlled humidity in such a way I felt I could regulate it and know what to expect from day to day. The towel worked great in the winter time when I need lots of humidity, and then different towel materials and the sizes of them also depended upon how much humidity they put in the air and I have no control over it. I even put a fan behind the fountain so the air blew over the fountain to raise the humidity levels even more.

              As for does it matter about the mineral content of the water? I deal with some really hard water, so minerals are a real problem for me creating nonstop problems on my humidifier so I learned right away it's cheaper to use distilled water over replacing units and parts. Then I was reading a comment one day on a carbon filter, the company was saying "they will not warranty the carbon filter because the person used something beyond distilled water for their humidifier which was the cause behind the carbon filter failing". I've never heard anyone say something about it before, but I have lived near the ocean and know how salty the air is, so I'm not going to debate if the minerals really do or don't end up in the air and could actually clog a carbon filter, it seems like it could be a legit thing, even though I've never heard of it before.

              One of the ways I got around the temps spiking when I don't exhaust the air non-stop.. I used a mixed flow fan to pull air from the bottom of the wall on a straight metal duct about 12-inches off the floor so I don't pick up as much dust and dirt, and then I brought it up to the top of the wall with a 90-degree elbow and blasted it across the top of the lighting and plants, since CO2 is heavier than air, I thought it was going to have a double duty. All I know is I got my air temps to stabilize from the ceiling to the floor, my exhaust fan is on an "Sentinel DEC-4 environmental controller" I picked up on eBay for like $70. My plants are thriving for it and it was what really helped me get everything under control and balanced out for the best growth and results. But now I was looking at those AI controllers which do it all for you they have been coming out with and getting excited about how easy it's going to be to control your environment now. Somethings I did notice about the whole air pipe with the fan mounted on the wall to move the cooler air up to the top to cool down everything. My root temps got warmer, the humidity really stabilized more after a week, and the changes were different when I was running hydro, versus soil or coca because the air coming over the top and having warmer temps at the bottom changed watering schedules because it put more humidity into the air. Which led me to having to reduce the food as they evaporated more water. I also noticed that my fan that blows through the canopy was also more effective at managing the micro environment around the plants and they got denser with less issues. I assume this is because I had more air being exchanged from the ceiling to the floor.
              The only way to become the a good at anything is to read about it and learn all you can about it, and if it's something you love why not become an expert in it? The best place for anyone to start is at the beginning and make sure we didn't overlook anything, so let's go back to the basics.


                Bowhunterwoody 4/4 tent 6in fan 45% level 6 on fan and I think 0 off
                480 w light. I was at 75 % on light when originally posted, now 85%
                my lung room is 63 and humidity 18%.I just put t3 in the tent. If I turn off the fan heat will hit 80s and humidity 60s in a second!


                • Bowhunterwoody
                  Bowhunterwoody commented
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                  I'd turn the % up to 65 and see if it helps. 18 % lung room isn't going to help. No chance on running humidifier in the lung room to help? That's a long way to go with a short contact time inside the tent with rh.

                Warmer weather out side and temp and humidity looking good Click image for larger version

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                  Originally posted by PigSquishy View Post
                  I've grown in a small area and struggled with humidity issues before. First I found it best to put my humidifier near my air intake, I even got to a point I tried adding the humidity to my incoming air stream coming from outside my unit. I tried a variety of things to increase my humidity, like have you ever tried to dry towel out of the washing machine by hanging it to dry and closing your bathroom door and doing nothing else? It will spike the humidity levels, so I did it in my growing environment and everything worked out great as my RH jumped up. If my RH dropped during flowering to low, I would spray the walls with a spray bottle of water, and that really helped me a lot. I tried sitting containers of water out, and even hanging the towel down into a container of water, but it came with MASSIVE problems. I did try a water fountain inside my growing area and that really put off the most amount of controlled humidity in such a way I felt I could regulate it and know what to expect from day to day. The towel worked great in the winter time when I need lots of humidity, and then different towel materials and the sizes of them also depended upon how much humidity they put in the air and I have no control over it. I even put a fan behind the fountain so the air blew over the fountain to raise the humidity levels even more.

                  As for does it matter about the mineral content of the water? I deal with some really hard water, so minerals are a real problem for me creating nonstop problems on my humidifier so I learned right away it's cheaper to use distilled water over replacing units and parts. Then I was reading a comment one day on a carbon filter, the company was saying "they will not warranty the carbon filter because the person used something beyond distilled water for their humidifier which was the cause behind the carbon filter failing". I've never heard anyone say something about it before, but I have lived near the ocean and know how salty the air is, so I'm not going to debate if the minerals really do or don't end up in the air and could actually clog a carbon filter, it seems like it could be a legit thing, even though I've never heard of it before.

                  One of the ways I got around the temps spiking when I don't exhaust the air non-stop.. I used a mixed flow fan to pull air from the bottom of the wall on a straight metal duct about 12-inches off the floor so I don't pick up as much dust and dirt, and then I brought it up to the top of the wall with a 90-degree elbow and blasted it across the top of the lighting and plants, since CO2 is heavier than air, I thought it was going to have a double duty. All I know is I got my air temps to stabilize from the ceiling to the floor, my exhaust fan is on an "Sentinel DEC-4 environmental controller" I picked up on eBay for like $70. My plants are thriving for it and it was what really helped me get everything under control and balanced out for the best growth and results. But now I was looking at those AI controllers which do it all for you they have been coming out with and getting excited about how easy it's going to be to control your environment now. Somethings I did notice about the whole air pipe with the fan mounted on the wall to move the cooler air up to the top to cool down everything. My root temps got warmer, the humidity really stabilized more after a week, and the changes were different when I was running hydro, versus soil or coca because the air coming over the top and having warmer temps at the bottom changed watering schedules because it put more humidity into the air. Which led me to having to reduce the food as they evaporated more water. I also noticed that my fan that blows through the canopy was also more effective at managing the micro environment around the plants and they got denser with less issues. I assume this is because I had more air being exchanged from the ceiling to the floor.
                  Thanks for the post , I never heard of towel or air from bottom to top.
                  I noticed everything changes based on outside weather. Next cold spell I’ll give the towel a try!


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