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I need help and guidance for first time grow

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    HELP! I need help and guidance for first time grow

    Hi there good people!

    i just ordered some OG Kush seeds for medical usage. Umm.. I cant order the flower nor can buy from coffee shop. So my plan is; i have to grow it solid and perfection. Im gonna use my friends tent/cabin/cabinet. Dont know what its look like or which brand nor size. I was going to grow in just in a pot. Than i realize the cabin will be much better.

    My questions:
    Is there any website for instructions ?

    Is it okay to grow in pots ? Leafly says "its better grow if not restricted with pots." But in youtube i see everybody using pots. And in explanation i didnt see anything else than "Requires a dry climate", but grow difficulty is selected difficult. What makes OG Kush difficult, what should i care of ?

    Lets say (based on a website) OG Kush can be 20-25 THC, is it luck to achieve 25 or good investment and care ? If something going wrong can i able to see in the plant ? Like yellow leaf or something ?

    My friend grew a Y Griega on the balcony and in a pot and it covered the whole balcony like a big giant ivy with a big smell. Can I trust him that if he didn't take good care of it and didn't know how to take care of it, it wouldn't have grown so much?

    So i have to grow it perfect and solid one, can somebody mentor/tutor me from pm or in whatsapp or in discord by any chance ?

    Any help will be appreciated and also dont be shy to ask, reply anything that may help the topic grow or make me give more explanation of my topic and situation.
    Last edited by easylife; 01-27-2025, 08:38 AM.

    Go to the website and read read and read some more..then if not sure ask questions.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot_20250127_221602_Chrome.jpg
Views:	202
Size:	580.4 KB
ID:	640126
    Flower Room: 11' x 7' x 7.5'H, 480w AC, 13gal/day dehumidifier, 1.5gal ultrasonic humidifier, 60gal (27gal usable) nute tank, 16" pedestal fan & 18" wall fan. Lighting and climate automated. Hand watering.
    Veg Cupboards: ​​​​​​Two 4x2x6H cupboards. SF2000 Evo in one SF7000 in other. Climate controlled and automated. Hand watering
    Aeroponics Low Pressure Bucket: 20W LED. 5 clones & 20W LED 11 clones
    Lights: Mars Hydro FC-E1200W, SF-7000, SF-2000 evo in flower room.
    Medium: Coco/perlite, 7.2gal pots, no drains
    Current Grow: ​​​5 x Photos Franklin's Orange Zkittles x Sour Diesel in flower room, 3 Franklin's White Widow x Sour Diesel Clones, 13 x Orange ZkittleZ x Sour Diesel clones in Aeroponics buckets x 2.
    Last Grow: A mix


      Let me clarify some stuff. I hope im not being rude (its not my main language yet)

      Well, maybe you didnt read my topic carefully. I looked at the articles, none is answering my questions. I only saw grow basics useful in my situation.
      And another important stuff on my case is: the growing may not be legal in my location.
      And im moving summer house for living when winter comes and reverse. Why ? Its not my house, im living my parents house and they dont approve marijuana.

      I cant go reading and researching right now. But later i read all the articles on my free times and go for chill growing. I have duty too, working too hard. Anyways i read some articles and watch it from youtube. They call it `rabbit hole` everybody says different. And i only need the essentials. I have a tent already and as i mentioned (in FAQ or in articles that was not told and/or im unsure about it) so i asked:
      "My friend grew a Y Griega on the balcony and in a pot and it covered the whole balcony like a big giant ivy with a big smell. Can I trust him that if he didn't take good care of it and didn't know how to take care of it, it wouldn't have grown so much?"
      "Lets say (based on a website) OG Kush can be 20-25 THC, is it luck to achieve 25 or good investment and care ? If something going wrong can i able to see in the plant ? Like yellow leaf or something ?"

      If i could buy from coffee shop or order from the internet, i would. But sadly i cant. I heard it from a youtube video: "reddit is bad place to ask about growing or help about it, because the answering people also looking for answer" and he prooved it. I thought in that deep knowledge area (since in the articles mentioned: "you of course want to share your good growing skills") why i cant ask some guidance from people they already master at it ? And here is a chance for him, he can share it with me. I mean otherwise is the hardway.

      If its the forum rules, i obey that. I cant do anything else then. But i kindly asking a person who i can talk and ask to him. He can lead me to grow it or help it.

      If i fail: seed delivery takes: 2-3 weeks. Growing takes 2 months and the drying will take some time. That procedure of 3 months will be retry. And i have to wait 3 another months.
      Last edited by easylife; 01-27-2025, 08:42 AM.


        Hey easylife welcome aboard. At the top of this page you'll see some Menu topics. If you haven't already you need to click on 'Growing Basics', Example Setups", and Bluey gave you some good guidance. Understood about English not being your first language, even with that I'm having a difficult time understanding what you're asking about. If you want to grow the OG Kush however it strikes your fancy, go right ahead. You may wind up with some smokable weed, doubtful, but you might. If you want to grow kick ass weed and give yourself the best chance to actually have a harvest read the articles as suggested. There's good information at everyone of those links. If you have specific questions ask away.
        Gorilla Grow tents, HLG Lamps, Coco/Perlite 50/50, All Autopot, CX Horticulture nutrients full line
        Growing photo's and autos


          Hey there Good to be here.

          Actually, the questions I asked in my previous answer are quite clear despite my bad English. This time I'll try asking using translation

          Q1: A friend of mine grew Y Griega on his balcony. He said it took up the whole balcony and grew quite big. And the smell was very diffusive. Does that mean he is a good grower or does the smell and growth have nothing to do with it? I didn't ask him if it was a very good weed but as I mentioned he grew a big plant. Can someone like him help me to grow the best OG Kush? I specifically mentioned that I didn't ask my friend how good this weed is because maybe the size and smell of the plant is not directly proportional to its quality? So can we say this: Do what this guy says, he knows what he's doing. Or can we say that if the weed he grows is also very good?
          Y Griega and OG Kush have the same growing difficulty?​

          Q2: Websites say OG Kush can be in the 20-25 THC range. Is it luck to get 25% THC or does it require good care or both?

          Q3: On Leafly, OG Kush is listed as “difficult” to grow. What is difficult and why is it difficult? Does it require more care than other plants?


          • golfnrl
            golfnrl commented
            Editing a comment
            The aroma is most likely not related to to your friend's abilities. You'll need to address the smell one way or another though.

            Without knowing your friend's abilities it's difficult to say whether that person can help you grow the best OG Kush.

            The size of the plant may or may not have anything to do with quality. Again, without knowing anything about your friend I'd suggest taking in the information offered here because I know without a doubt that if you follow that advice you will grow good weed. It might be helpful if you ask your friend questions about the information we're suggesting will help you.

            The THC ratings that breeders offer are from plants grown in perfect conditions. I'd say you're looking at low to mid teens (12-16) for the THC with unkown grow conditions.

            When a cultivar is listed as difficult to grow that can mean many different things. Does Leafly give any additional information about that strain?

            I will advise you against doing anything illegal. Don't grow weed if you'll go to jail. Unless you're of the age to make your own decisions, don't grow weed if your parents don't approve,

          20-25% THC may be possible in a perfect grow, but more likely to hit 15-18%. Learn to read the trics, clear = racy paranoid high, white/milky is highest THC, amber gives couch lock (sleep)
          Its illegal there so it matters not that you want it for medical, illegal is illegal.
          What do you plan to do about the aroma? If the parental units dont approve this may be a challenge for you. Also if you get caught, will the parental units loose their home and/or go to jail?
          Growing can take longer than 2 months, though there are autos that can finish in 56 days while others take 90 days or 120 days (+2 or more weeks in real life). Then dry (about 7 days) and cure takes more time (about 6 weeks). One can flip the lights to 12/12s at 3-5 weeks old for photo plants at the cost of yield for a shorter grow time.
          There are stealth strains such as Freakshow, duckfoot or ABC, Freakshow is hard to grow.
          Will you be growing in soil or a hydro setup?
          Does your friend repeat his grow with the same results? Or was it a one time got lucky deal?
          Hit the links at the top of this page and read them, sign up for the news letters, there are on-line classes offered here. There is a lot of info here at your fingertips. You can also read the old news letters.
          Good luck!
          Last edited by Rwise; 01-27-2025, 04:06 PM.


            I have to hit the 20-25% THC. I have no idea about aroma. Its auto and i decided really liked the OG Kush. I wont caught, and no the home will not lost. I might go to jail for a short time tho. But my area secure and its 1 plant only. Soil i guess, my friend was using soil. I will ask him about the other results and power of weed he harvested. Thanks


              I read this post and took Dabber for a walk. Here's what I came up with. Is it the parent in me?
              You want to grow weed somewhere illegal in your parent's house. All the information we have used at some point and recommend daily is of no use to you and you need your hand held from even the consideration of growing weed.
              I'm down with clandestine grows in places where a simple fine or probation are consequences. But some places are way more harsh. Growing one someone else's property, your parents, no less, is a great big 'fuck you' to whomever might get caught with your weed growing on their property, no matter your protestations that they had nothing to do with it! You may be cool with 'going to jail for a short time.' Do you suppose your parents would be cool with suffering any consequences?
              And when you say you are growing in your parent's house, I have to wonder how old you are.
              That's two rhetorical question marks. I'm done, here.
              C'mon, mule!



                Even though it is legal here, the commercial grow down the street just got bust for not having the proper permits, and a despensory just got busted for no license or proper testing. So it would be high risk for the parental units. IDK if you are a child or an adult that still lives at home, but I have to agree that growing in their home is NOT a good idea. Back before we changed the laws I grew in the national forests, all I had to worry with was myself getting busted being found by someone that would take it or dear/rabbits/bugs eating it up, or dying from no rain. Getting 20+% THC is not likely to happen on a no experience grow and even saying you must get 20+% says you are going to sell it. This is just not a well thought out plan of action.
                The real first step is to get your own place, then take the risk of getting your self busted and not involve other people.


                • easylife
                  easylife commented
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                  No no no, not it all. No selling mate. The law is really and much more tough when it comes to selling and its same for every country. I just answered and didnt see yours. I thought less than 20 will not be good thats why.

                It's interesting that especially people like you question and oppose it. But I'm 29, not even 21 or 22, and I don't think it's relevant. Weed is healthy for everyone at any age. I don't know if it's necessary, but I chose to give a long and clear answer and I got a bit nervous, especially after you said “im done here”. But I hope this answer will put your mind at ease and allow you to give me some questions that I should direct to my friend. The word “may” is bold and underlined for a reason. I didn't say its illegal, I said it MAY be illegal. I also told you that I stay in my family's summer house in the winter. I can't go up to my own house because of the financial situation. But in the summer, when my family lives in the summer house, I move to the apartment, and vice versa when they come here. And no, my family cannot be affected by this punishment. I also won't serve a long term in prison. I mentioned that maybe a short prison term is possible. And as I mentioned again, I won't get caught. I also believe that everyone is of their own free will and that the penal system punishes according to age and situation. I have also researched the law, and where I am (and in many places) this kind of thing is done between 15-20 years old or at retirement. And let's say this is needed medically or as a serious pleasure seeker, but what can you suggest legal?

                My friend told some stuff about his growings, he seems to know the events and periods and such. He grew many times and has had very good results. He said we can't get 20-25% THC like you mentioned. But he said we'd see 17-18%, which he said was more than enough for us. The empty ones we smoke now say 3-5THC. The difference of the 10-15% and 20-25% class is that you smoke 4 smokes instead of 1 smoke he said.

                We just watched a good documentary about this, it's called: Grass Is Greener. I'm guessing you know or have been told about it. So I'm not going to tell you about the good effects and how wonderful it is. Lucky beautiful people are born and raised in America and discover these beauties early, live and develop themselves. We, on the other hand, are both late (it would have made my life very very very different and perfect) and we are dealing with some difficulties; this is the only option left for us I think you are even growing them for fun? We dont have coffee shop or good dealers.

                No, I'm not saying fuck the people I live with in my house, I'm saying fuck this system, fuck those who oppose it, fuck those who forbid it and impose METH, fuck those who deprive people of nature and beauty and impose red prescriptions and morphine, fuck those who are prejudiced and hateful.

                I thought about whether to write this or delete it, I wanted to be part of a change. “You could put a thousand motherfuckers in one room that dont like each other, put some weed in the air, they gonna be taking selfies and doing all kind of cool shit. You could put four people in a room that dont like each other, and one glass of fucking alcohol, somebody gonna be fucking dead." Snoop


                • easylife
                  easylife commented
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                  Appreciated. Nothing bad will happen and i made my decision. And also instead of America in here, i will be responsible the situation of this, not my family included. I dont want to declare my location. And again; in here the law is not written clear and applying from the book. Its all complex and depending on so many stuff. I found my man, he will be my tutor. Only im asking is some specific question maybe for ask(forward) that to my friend. You go like: "ask him about ....., if he know that, he knows all" and i can be sure, it will be good weed Or we can go research for that part. Maybe we all high, thats why communication problem occurs. Not really language barrier. I explained, pointed out some stuff in my other comments. They were not really reading it. And in my answers most of it i used translation. The main problem is; i was declared "im living in my parents house". I dont regret saying that; because i have to say it. Why ? Because(i was not demanding, i was needing answers, why ?) if i go for try and learn with a few plants and learn from mistakes. Its a journey to take and lot of job and lot of effort. In some point, they will be alert people You know ? But like i said, 1 plant(also you cant go selling with 1 plant, some guy thought i will be selling) it will be super silent, hidden and job done!

                  Communation problem occured because some important side of my plan didnt read actually. I was not demanding the answers; i was deeply needing them. Because like i said, much plants with many tries and reading articles like a scienties, try and fail is:: not a silent, pro plan. It means noise, smell, a few try. In the ending you will be "caught".
                  And therefore i will be going 1 plant only, so in this case you cant be selling. A dealer with 1 plant ? no
                  So like i said; all professional and perfect 1 plant. Enter, kill him, exit. Like special forces style.
                  There is no growing, no plant no weed. Its handled like never happened

                • golfnrl
                  golfnrl commented
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                  I understand about not wanting to divulge your country. Let's try this again.

                  Your Q: Is it okay to grow in pots ?
                  A: Yes. Growing in a cabinet or tent a pot is required. The question is cloth, plastic, or ceramic, or some other type of material. The most commonly used seem to be cloth and plastic. I prefer cloth. If you are growing outside the option is use pots or plant directly in the ground. There's pros and cons both ways. I don't grow like that and can't really comment about it. I have not grown OG Kush and have no experience with it. This is what google says, "OG Kush” is not an easy plant to grow: It is sensitive to light and nutrient levels, susceptible to pests and when stressed, produces a few male flowers and accidental seeds." IMHO that is a bullshit statement as that description can be applied to most marijuana strains.

                  Your Q: Lets say (based on a website) OG Kush can be 20-25 THC, is it luck to achieve 25 or good investment and care ? If something going wrong can i able to see in the plant ? Like yellow leaf or something ?
                  A: The results of your grow will be directly tied to the conditions you provide for your plant. Obtaining the 25% THC would require excellent grow conditions but also just as important, excellent drying and curing. For the best grow conditions you need to provide air circulation, tent/cabinet exhaust (marijuana needs lots of fresh air), proper lighting and nutrients, and PH, temps, and RH all in range. The info found under the Plant Problems tab apples to every cannabis strain and would also apply to OG Kush, so yes, if you had yellow leaves or something else go wrong with your plant you could def see it, that guidance should help.

                  Your Q: My friend grew a Y Griega on the balcony and in a pot and it covered the whole balcony like a big giant ivy with a big smell. Can I trust him that if he didn't take good care of it and didn't know how to take care of it, it wouldn't have grown so much?
                  A: That's hard to say because given the right conditions cannabis can grow very tall and wide. But, your instincts are good, if your friend didn't know what he was doing the plant may not have gotten so big and potent.

                  part of your comment..."can somebody mentor/tutor me from pm or in whatsapp or in discord by any chance " You may not get any takers on that simply because some may need to remain discreet. However, there is a direct message feature on this forum. I'm sure if you PM/DM someone on here they will be happy to assist. Hope this helps.

                • easylife
                  easylife commented
                  Editing a comment
                  Yeah that helped and explained a lot. Thank you

                I have real news for you, smoking anything is NOT good for you! I just had a lung scan to find after all these years of smoking weed I now have early enfizema, scaring and COPD.


                • Rwise
                  Rwise commented
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                  BTW, I have never smoke cigarettes.

                All that about not saying 'fuck you' to the people you live with in your house but fuck the system and those who are against it. Bro... your parents are against it and you want to grow in their house/apartment/pool shed/garage/whatever. That is 'fuck you' to the people you live with in your house, and to the people who are giving you a place to live. It doesn't matter if they are or are not living with you at the same time you are growing.
                Growing may be illegal? It either is or it isn't. There either are consequences for the manufacture of drugs in your area or there are no consequences for the manufacture of drugs in your area. However much you care about going to jail and whatever happens should you get busted, it really sounds to me like your parents are going to be the one who bails you out. There's another 'fuck you.'
                It is a far stretch from the hippie lifestyle and cannabis activism you see in movies to growing a plant in your parent's house.

                C'mon, mule!



                • easylife
                  easylife commented
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                  There is no prohibition, no jail time, no bail. They just apply pressure. There is court supervision. They summon you to court and explain the dangers *multiple times*.

                  Everything that belongs to my family is mine, my will is mine. When I talk about hippies and activism, I'm not talking about them growing in their own houses with their own money, I'm of that mindset and I think this way, this weed drug is right. And I'm not here to argue about that.

                  Can we relax now? There are other things I haven't told you too. I've been researching this for months and my friend is much more involved.

                  You dont understand at all. Nobody cares in here, its all up to you okay ? It depens: "Growing may be illegal? It either is or it isn't" How it depends ?:::::
                  In my situation:
                  Your family name
                  Your family Status/Statute
                  Your stand
                  Your job
                  Family's job
                  Why you grow
                  Where you grow
                  How much you grow
                  Who you are
                  Your answers/your attitude....
                  Should i list more ? Its all planned You can see a dealer got 15 years for selling 5$ weed and also you can see a guy who murdered a few(or more) people and get away with it. Should i explain more ? All countrys and places and people and stuff is very different and complex. I know what ur saying and appreciate your common sense. But you dont understand my side and my saying.

                  My family's philosophy is: “no body, no murder.” If you fuck something up, it's a problem. But if you do something quietly and professionally, nobody knows/understands that. Even if they do, they don't say anything. As I said, you don't read; if you did, you would understand that the reason I said this is because “I don't have the chance to learn by making mistakes by reading many articles and growing multiple plants”. Because you can grow 1 pot and harvest it and not even God sees it. It's over! Another friend thought I wanted to “sell”. Even though I said “only 1 pot” in my previous message. Imagine how simple it is: dozens of neighbors next to you, dozens of rooms, have a flower pot in one of their rooms? If you don't have magical powers (or the police) and this friend is not a chatterbox, how can he be found out? Even if its found out, you either go to court or you don't, depending on the situation I am talking about (legal or not depends list). The court also has a duty to tell you bad storys and keep it under supervision. There is no jail time.

                  No selling, no prison, no jail, no bail, no caught, no hood, no gang, no suicide, no murder, no theft, nothing bad will happen. Its all good and cool. Its okay. Just relax a bit.

                Been dabbing some Chem Dawg live resin sugar at 86.6% total... Dabber has given up on the fly and I'm scratching her butt when not typing... got a couple plants smelling up my crib. My relaxation is miasmatic. Palpable. Foggy. Find your local bard and he will laud to you my exceptional relaxation. Nirvana is my scatterbrained little bitch.
                You have explained much. To you and all who strive to grow weed I say, good luck.
                C'mon, mule!



                • Gingerbeard
                  Gingerbeard commented
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                • dirtymike
                  dirtymike commented
                  Editing a comment
                  Wow! Wow!

                • easylife
                  easylife commented
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                  dirtymike yeah and im the problematic person who is "demanding" (!)

                Welcome to GWE. It sounds like you want someone to tell you how to achieve the perfect grow on your first try. It doesn't work that way. There are way too many variables as far as environment, grow style, location, etc. The way to learn is read as much as you can and just start growing. As with all new skills you will make mistakes but that's the best way to learn. Go ahead and pop a seed and ask your friend or this forum as specific questions come up. No one can 'tell" you how achieve the perfect grow for your particular situation. Good Luck


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