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    Had someone recently say my plant wasn’t gonna grow the way I had it and just wanted y’all’s opinion on how it’s goin.. I started using super thrive and repotted my plant to black gold soil.. just wanted some opinions and if any advice will be welcomed.. this my low budget set up..

    Bottom pics are from when I first brought it inside


      We were saying it wouldn't grow very well in what you had going on and would be eaten if the snails were going to be an issue. Low budget is fine. You can get amazing results shopping clearance racks.
      Since that is hot soil (new soil that has not been watered) give it a good watering around the seedling to about 3". Maybe a quart of water. Do it again in a few hours. Ultimately, washing a cup full of soil is good practice when seeding fresh store bought soil.
      Seedlings this young do not need nutrients at all. Especially since you are growing in soil. Read up on Black Gold Soil. It will tell you how long you can go without needing to add nutrients. Usually, that's 3-6 months. When you go to flowering, that's when you start with flowering nutes.
      C'mon, mule!



      • John13
        John13 commented
        Editing a comment
        Yea the way u put it was like if I was wasting my time but it was just all I had at moment lol this right here still ain’t my fine set up but I’ll be showing soon when I do have everything completed but that u for ur comment 💯

      Remember, you are talking to people who are probably stoned. Sorry if I sounded discouraging. I was shooting for helpful with a hint of urgent coyness.
      Better than cheap stuff is free stuff. If you know someone who grows and might look to upgrade, they might be a good resource. Same-same with people who garden. Half what I have was either free from a neighbor or repurposed from our apartment trash bins. My next grow will be in used coco. I used the same twisty ties for training for four years.
      Spend money on important things like light and water/soil probes. Autos are good to grow because they don't need a tent to grow indoors. You will need fans pretty soon. I don't drop too many brands, but Hurricane is a good brand that people around here have good things to say about. I have three that are at least 5 years old. Four cheap fans lasted a grow.
      Little things that might be ghetto work just as well as big ticket items. You can also piece things together over time.
      C'mon, mule!



      I'm not as thoned as you stink I am when I read my writing after I wrote here.


      • Gingerbeard
        Gingerbeard commented
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        I take back nothing!

      Wait, you mean I've been talking to a bunch of pot- heads all this time??!!!


        Now I know why these tomatoes look weird Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_20250126_105921259_HDR.jpg
Views:	62
Size:	3.40 MB
ID:	640046


          About your tomatoes, Gator.
          They haven't even flowered, yet. First, veg. Second, flower. Third, tomatoes. You've probably just been harvesting too early for the tomatoes to develop. It's a newbie mistake. I did it my first couple grows.
          C'mon, mule!



            Funny thing is that I can't ever get a red tomato, but I don't mind the green ones


              I love this thread even more now lol n im upgrading lights today


              • LurkingInTheGrass
                LurkingInTheGrass commented
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                Pics and words - upgrade from/to


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