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Four auto flowers,red velvet cake and scarlet runtz

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    Day 17, everything is going well, plants are starting to grow the first 7 blade leaves, going to feed them all in the morning, one of the scarlet runtz was a little behind but she is doing a great job of catching up to the other ones,I opened the door to water they were all praying, maybe it's time to turn the light up a bit Click image for larger version

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    • dirtymike
      dirtymike commented
      Editing a comment
      Shes creeping now, putting out new growth. Looks good.

    Turned the lights up, getting around 550 ppfd just above the plants, I'm sure they can handle it, but I'll have to keep an eye on them for the next few days


      Here we go, now they're really starting to take off Click image for larger version

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ID:	638832 if they were photos, I'd be thinking about transplanting


        Day 20 and it's on. 60 left.


          Yeah man, I'm super excited, hopefully they double in size before they go in to flower, feeding them again tomorrow morning


            They stall sometimes. Temp variations was the only thing i could come up with. A couple of Going2fast tasty strains don't like cold at all. Pretty Sure RVC is one.


              Looking good this morning Click image for larger version

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              • dirtymike
                dirtymike commented
                Editing a comment
                Oh yea here she comes. Keep her happy.

              Looking great. The Scarlet Runtz pair on the left and Red Velvet Cake pair on the right? You keep moving them... lol


                Red velvet cake is always on the right side of the closet,I haven't moved them since I planted them,I'm too afraid of stressing the roots, I don't even lift the pots up to see if I need to water them,I just do my regular routine


                  Looking good. They will take off now just keep that soil moist. Don't let them dry out too much. They can take alot of light now.
                  keeping it green with the soil thing
                  love me some frosty autos
                  Mephisto run. yeah i know spellcheck
                  the fruit basket
                  blue strawberries in a four assed galaxy


                    Speaking of light,I have 3 more small ones that I can add to the closet,600 watts in there now,950 with the other lights, what do you think???


                      I was looking at the light distance. I would put it 18 to 24 until she shows stress. I'm running 600 watts of Mars hydro love and do 6 plants in a 5x5. These autos seem to love alot of light untill mid flower. Then some get sensitive. Some don't.
                      Click image for larger version

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ID:	638944
                      keeping it green with the soil thing
                      love me some frosty autos
                      Mephisto run. yeah i know spellcheck
                      the fruit basket
                      blue strawberries in a four assed galaxy


                        Gotcha, I have to get my tape measure out anyway, our TV mount came today and I have to get it hung up 😔, not that I want to after work, today was truck day


                        • dirtymike
                          dirtymike commented
                          Editing a comment
                          Unloading trunks at night? I did that for a while. Careful, might get you 11/29.

                        Truck came today at 11 AM, but sometimes it comes really early in the morning, and I agree, it's a MF to get it done when you can't see inside the trailers, especially when the lights don't work in the trailer


                          I'm pretty sure I have pre flowers on the auto flowers, today is day 24 from sprout


                          • dirtymike
                            dirtymike commented
                            Editing a comment
                            Right on time. Put on the feed bag now.

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