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Ohhh nooooo reveged

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    Ohhh nooooo reveged

    Well I reckon the inevitable happened it's a shame cuz I thought they would do good they started off great and then they started revaging on me but it's my fault I left my outside porch light on and that little bit of light that was able to reach them underneath the stairs did it for them so my question is what do I do at this stage do I need to trim them down to a certain spot does anyone have any good videos on what to do in this case

    Well obviously you need to correct the issue at hand. Other than that you give us no info to go on, only they reveged because of a light leak.


    • Bigchix72
      Bigchix72 commented
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      What other kind of info would one need they revenge due to a lightly now what should I do should I cut them down leave a couple buds on like you would if you wanted to revenge a flowered plant

    Damn talk text.... Instead of lightly was supposed to say light leak.. instead of revenge revege


    • Allenpro
      Allenpro commented
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      Dont smoke and text then blame it on the phone, lol. Anyway, they may get back in line without revegging any further there is only one way to find out. Revegging is a great way to get a ton of clones but growing out a full reveg from the point all the leaves change is a major grinder killer. Its like trying to split firewood from a tree that was in a tornado.

    Start over. They take soooo long to normalize after reveging.
    keeping it green with the soil thing
    love me some frosty autos
    Mephisto run. yeah i know spellcheck
    the fruit basket
    blue strawberries in a four assed galaxy


      Thank you for your advice


      • dirtymike
        dirtymike commented
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        Usually takes about 12 to 16 days to get back to normal. Might not get as tall but yield will not suffer. Stress does funny things to cannabis. Mother nature is treacherous. Wait till you lose a few to Hail.

      I should have waited a few weeks to put these 2 green crack outside Click image for larger version

Name:	1722206844532872153914751894936.jpg
Views:	110
Size:	3.22 MB
ID:	627813


      • dirtymike
        dirtymike commented
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        healthy looking cannabis. bottom a little lime. Bud Time is coming

      Yeah, I ran out of Alaska fish fertilizer,more coming Thursday with some of their morbloom


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