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Going Yellow!

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    Going Yellow!

    Hi -- been a while -- need some help!

    this is my second grow, and they are turning yellow! could be overwatering, or underfeeding? they are indoors under 24 h light, and heading outdoors in a few weeks. thx!
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    any thoughts on this -- could use the help!


      Might be wet, Pot is to small for sure. Could use a PH check and some Cal-MAg. Lime green to me says i want to grow. Top leaves lime and bottom yellow. Soil is everything. If your growing in compost its to hot.


        thank you! going to be moving to a bigger pot and outdoors as well. not in compost. will get some fertilizer. what is the best soil to move to?


          I blend my own and send out for test. Worth it in the long run. Just replace what nutrient is needed and reuse it. Big box stores usually have a potting soil for tomatoes, usually too hot for me. NPK ratios for every stage of through harvest you already know. Any brand will do, Ratios for the strain is the key.


            Why is it under 24 hrs of light, and it definitely needs a bigger pot and something to eat


              Looks hungry to me. Back in the 70's I did a lot of 24 hour days and I can say from personal experience nothing should live on that schedule


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