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    I did transplant them into new soil. I used the roots organic 707 I had. I will defiantly lower thend light tonight. 3" anyways. Thanks for the heads up with the meter.


      The transplant is the reason for stress/ droopy leaves should be fine by 2morow.


        How long is the stem from soil to top?


          I hope u have fun growing


            It's about 3.25". I lowered the light to 12" as well. I've been working with my water to get the pH down to 6.5. Gonna read on the milk too


              Wish there was a way to share the end result. I appreciate all the help from all of ya'll


                Is it going to hurt anything if I shut everything off at night? It's still winter here. It's- 20 right now. My fear is if I leave the fan on it will get to cold.


                • tyler_ hobbyist
                  tyler_ hobbyist commented
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                  U can shut it all down if u want just monitor the temp don't let it get colder than 60 degrees in the tent

                Lol thank u for the thought lol ur very welcome for the help anything u need help with just ask I love helping. It sounds like ur on track I hope u enjoy it


                  How this works is the yeast eats the sugar and creates co2 so the more yeast and sugar the more co2 the water just acts as a buffer to allow the 2 to react to eachother so to ur question it depends how much co2 u want in ur tent I can't tell u how many ppm this creates because I'm to cheap to spend hundrents of dollars on a co2 meter


                    In my 2x6 grow space I use 1cup sugar to 2table spoons yeast and it works awesome u can smell the yeast fermenting so for ur tent either 1/4cup sugar 1table spoon yeast or 1/2 cup sugar to 1tablespoon yeast the more sugar the longer it last the yeast is what breaks down the sugar


                      Imy going to mix some up when I get home. I'm cheap so I'm down for saving money. They want $39 online for a co2 bag. It got down to 65 last night. Today it's been between 72-78. Humidity was low 20% I put a tub of water in there in hopes to boost it. The soil is still moist.


                      • tyler_ hobbyist
                        tyler_ hobbyist commented
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                        That sounds awesome make sure get ur water hot atleast 140 degrees then mix sugar then after its desoled add yeast and done

                      I read that you put a tube from your container of co2 to the bottom of the plant. I've also read to hang it about the plant. Do both work?


                        The bottle method u can do its sticky and can get messy tho but on the upside u can put the co2 where ever u want. It is best to put co2 above plants as co2 is heaver than air and will fall down. So either method works I just put mine low but it's right above my fan so it blows it through the leaves


                          Only the tops of the leaves use co2 BTW. I have tryed both methods and this works best for me. But the hose/bottle method works great as well just can get sticky if liquid pours out by accident


                            The hose method is harder as well because if u put the hose through ur plant u have to be very careful when refilling the bottle in 7-9days all the methods work great do what works best for u


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