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Phosphorus or calcium

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  • No3odiesShad0w
    First and foremost a question. After buffering the Coco, can I let it dry out so I can store it or will it loose its buffering because it goes dry?

    I've always noticed they prepped stuff is kinda most bit not wet when coming out of the bag. Just wondering if it's the same thing like when it dries out the pH swings wildly but then it's restored when wet again.

    There's still hope. It seems like the progression of the cal mag deficiency has stopped..... hard to tell because I'm color blind but it also looks like it greened up a bit. Before the leaves are looking really yellow going on brown but now it looks like it's got some green in between all the brown and black spots. I noticed an uptick in flower growth again. I'm really hoping it's on an up swing. Still got over half the bloom left. It's not gonna be 5oz but man it smells good and looks so frosty already.
    Since switching to TPS cal mag, it seems like it did the trick. Not loading it with nitrogen especially during bloom.

    Also I flushed and buffered 5 gallons of Coco. I used 4 gallons of water added 10ml/ gallon of GH Calimagic. I left it soaking for 24 hours.... Mostly because I was too lazy to do it before work. Just gonna leave it in the shower to drain and I guess it's ready to be used. I can't imagine I would need to buffer a second time for "pre buffered" material. I won't be using it for some time. If I need to, I'll buffer it once more time before I use it. I just wanted to see how annoying our easy this would be. And it's not terrible but just like everything else in this tiny apt, the bathroom is tiny too. But it's not the worst thing. I guess I imagined it too be messier.

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  • No3odiesShad0w
    I want to grow more stuff like this..... Seeing this makes me happy. I can't wait to smoke it. Just started second week of cure. It will be ready for a sample early October but omgl it smells so good. Drool every time I have to burp the containers

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  • Rootsruler
    Try not to complicate your nutrients. I use A & B base with Hormex, CaliMagic, Armor Si. This is the first time I've used Armor Si. I've used ProTekt for the most part. I don't use bloom boosters or molasses or any of that stuff. Tried them all and didn't see much improvement in terms of flower quality or size.

    As long as you feed them the right ions at the right time you shouldn't need boosters. The graph I posted previously works great!

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  • No3odiesShad0w
    You can check the main page where I was documenting the growth.

    It was going too well. And I mentioned it a few times in the posts that's it's going suspiciously smoothly. And I was right. And exactly the problem I hoped to avoid... And it's avoidable just need to do extra work. Got the right nutrients that I need to work with the nutrient lines in trying to use. It should go better this time. Also not growing autos. Going back to photos. All my best grows were photos. All my problem children were autos.

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  • Rootsruler
    Use this chart to time your feed ratios.....

    Click image for larger version

Name:	nutrient needs in stage.jpg
Views:	165
Size:	31.8 KB
ID:	605978

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  • No3odiesShad0w
    Seems like I traded nitrogen toxicity for a call mag deficiency this is exactly why I avoided growing in coco for so long but I was so fed up with the moss based stuff and always being away like 5.0 pH now my pH is nice and stable for once so I get everything else

    The plan is to double buffer the shit canna coco that's supposed to be buffered already..... Make sure that's all good and build whole new soil with the build a soil castings and use the cal mag without the nitrogen going forward.

    I can't do nothing about the damage done. It's not repairable. But all the fast buds seeds I planted are all going in the trash. They're just here now so I can figure shit out until I need the space

    What other option do I have. Go back to moss based soil and just be tortured by low pH issues constantly? I had 3 years of that. That's why I hope the Coco can work. I saw how explosive the growth can be when it's going right.
    Last edited by No3odiesShad0w; 09-27-2023, 10:09 PM.

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  • No3odiesShad0w
    commented on 's reply
    That's why I got the cal mag without nitrogen because the feet l compost I'm using is already super hot I don't need the extra nitrogen from the cal mag. That's what was messing me up. And to back off the only nitrogen I could back off of was the cal mag ...... That's when it all went south. I saw the nitrogen was too much I didn't want it to be a problem in flower so I ended up with a calcium and magnesium problem..... If it's not one thing it's another thing

  • No3odiesShad0w
    commented on 's reply
    I was doing 6.2 during veg with explosive results but as it started to flower it stopped being so explosive and all the problems started

  • No3odiesShad0w
    commented on 's reply
    It was went wrong when I watered with plain water and the calcium issues started right away. Because the Coco that's supposed to be buffered obviously isn't. But the leaves are so dark green it was hard to tell what the problem was until it was more advanced

  • No3odiesShad0w
    commented on 's reply
    It is Coco based soil yes. I followed the recommendation and grow guide in their website..... You know I figured use the guide made for the nutrients I'm using not a guide made for something else. The"soil" is Coco, perlite and castings. Then 3.2oz per gallon of the autoflower mix and that's the base soil for all of veg.

  • No3odiesShad0w
    commented on 's reply
    Need a better resolution. When you zoom in you can't even read what it says much less see the pictures

  • No3odiesShad0w
    commented on 's reply
    I've never had an issue with germination until I started sprinkling in kelp meal to my starter soil. That's when germination issues started.... Before then I just pop them in the soil after soaking in water for 12 hours and nearly 100% success. Still haven't lost any seedlings I grew but they just seemed to be instantly stunted. Normally when I take the two cups apart you could see big fat giant roots but the roots on these look like thin filaments of hair. They did not look healthy. So I'm just not gonna use any kelp meal. IDK what all the hype is about it. Doesn't seem to do anything positive. When I do just soil and castings they take off like a rocket...add kelp and I got 6 plants a month old barely 6inches tall but the freebies seed turned into a monster and that one didn't have any kelp meal

  • Ckbrew
    commented on 's reply
    Going back over the post I see you are keeping pH at 6.5. I use the range 6.5 - 5.5, and try to target 5.8 - 6. Your pH may be a bit high. Now I see the dark green leaves on one bud suggesting N tox. There may be multiple issues happening here. I'm not familiar with your nute brand, I use GH with calmag and pH adjust only.

  • Rootsruler
    I've been using a vertical germinator for seed pops and have, so far, had 100% success. I also noticed the plants seem to be a little hardier when I germinate this way. Here's an explanation of the benefits of vertical germ.

    (3) This is Vertical Germination | Bud Builders - Making Friends, Growing Cannabis

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  • Rootsruler
    commented on 's reply
    Ckbrew - In one of the pix the leaves are dark green with darker green areas. N tox? The others, with crispy spots, look like mag def especially with his media. Because I'm seeing 2 different issues I'm thinking more lockout than singular ion feed deficiency. High calcium ratios will lock out almost everything according to Mulders chart and with the multiple issues I'm seeing I'm thinking the opposite. Wadda u think?

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