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Ice O Lator Hash ...

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    Ice O Lator Hash ...

    Has anyone heard about Ice O Lator Hash ?? I'm curious !!

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ID:	602823
    Light: Viparspectra P2000, Viparspectra P1500, Viparspectra XS2000, KingLed 1500
    Medium: organic, Fafard perlite, Fafard Urban Garden organic mix, Organic compost shrimps.
    Nutrients: Alaskan Fish, Advanced Nutrients Big Bud, Advanced Nutrients Ancient Earth, Advanced Nutrients Sensi Cal Mag Xtra
    Full auto grow
    Grow room : 8X12X10, 2 industrial fans, 1 dehumidifier, 1 Vivosun carbon filter & controller
    12 Wild Thailand Ryder from WOS

    Not under that name, but ice water hash or bubble hash. I want one of the 5 gallon washing machines to do this with. And my question would be for those that have used them, which one is best?


    • 9fingerleafs
      9fingerleafs commented
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      I love bubble hash. Done right it's just the best non sent concentrate. I use to do runs very often. Never used the washing machine, always by hand, but I have the 5 gal bags and the cheese grater. Some people don't know how to dry it very well but the end result it's a powder just like kieff but very clear colored. You can sprinkle it on joints or pipes or you can press it with your hands and roll it into balls or any shape. It's called full melt. When apply heat it becomes liquid and bubbles (that's where the name comes from)

    • Smallgrow
      Smallgrow commented
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      I’ve not heard that name before either , I would think it’s just rebranding of Ice water process

      Rwise I went with Bubblebagdude brand washer from Amazon and I’ve been happy after a couple runs with it. None of them are not overly high quality machines but if you don’t abuse them they seem good.
      If you get one you should switch out the drain hose for something not corrugated.

    Nope i've never heard of it. That picture reminds me of a peanut butter ball dipped in chocolate though
    Smoke Ganja create Peace Respect Nature don't trash the Planet

    Soil grower with coco/perlite mixed in
    indoor/outdoor grower
    1 36"x36"x66" tent- Viparspectra P2500
    I use a t-5 & 54watt CFL for seedlings
    Sometimes i use plastic sometimes i use fabric grow containers


    • dirtymike
      dirtymike commented
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      My mouth started watering the minute i saw it, chocolate peanut butter ball!

    Bah! Another foreign salesman with pictures of impossible temple balls. Where's my freaking ad blocker???
    Bubble hash. What the hell exactly is bubble hash? What I have smoked as bubble hash was a tarry mess that bubbled when it burned. Ice, dry ice or dry sift in bubble bags. Is the hash named for the bag or the bag for the hash? Where to the bubbles fit in?
    Last edited by Gingerbeard; 08-23-2023, 06:26 PM.
    C'mon, mule!



    Thanks 9fingerleafs That is the bubble hash I know.
    I understand the differences in collecting kief. But what makes bubble hash bubble? I've used the three methods but never got the tar.
    C'mon, mule!



    • 9fingerleafs
      9fingerleafs commented
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      What makes the bubbling is the oils and terps, when it's done right there's almost no plant in it. So it doesn't burn. It actually boils and that's where the bubbles and the name come from. The guy that perfected the method is nicknamed bubbleman and he started selling the first bags with his name so it kinda stuck.

      The tar is produced by combustion so I think that experience you had wasn't bubble hash. Maybe qwiso, even tho is not a product of combustion it has that black color and a weird taste. Otherwise it may have been just goo from someone's pipe

    I'm still lost. What is 'perfected'? Ice water, bags, agitation, squeeze, dry. Any method of extracting kief requires drying your flower, first. Water is not a solvent that would be extracting anything from the plant that dry sift doesn't have. Same bags, yeah?
    I've had QWISO. Also RSO.
    ​My legit bubble hash experience was at my guy's house. I realized that day that he was moving some pretty heavy weight, a good portion came from his garage. Dude walks in with a bag of bud, throws it down. My guy gave bag-o-bud guy $1000. BOB whips out with a fist size mass wrapped in cellophane. I knew what it was and asked how much it was. I was asking the weight, not the cost. BOB pulls off a glob the size of my thumb and said it was free. It was damned sticky until it bubbled to ash. I wound up giving it to the kids at school.
    C'mon, mule!



    • 9fingerleafs
      9fingerleafs commented
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      The "perfected" method uses fresh flower, not dried, the agitation part is pretty delicate. If you agitate too much some plant matter could end up contaminating your product. But the more important part of his method (and where most people mess up) it's the drying. You gotta freeze the hash patties (no squeezing) and when they're rock solid gotta use a lemon zester/grater and scrape over a big and thick cardboard covering as much area as possible. Very sparse. This has to be kept in a dry place for a couple of weeks for the cardboard to wick out the moisture. Then it can be collected and stored. If you do not dry correctly it will always contain water. This last process is called micro planing. Here's the bubble man himself doin it

    I'm done. I thought the only way to process fresh flower is flash frozen live resin made by flash freezing, crushing, then blasting. I have enough problems kiefing dry sift. That's why I blast. Didn't like fresh frozen. Dry is fine. Might try frozen dry if I can pony up for 20lbs of dry ice when I only need 5.
    I don't subscribe so I can't verify my age, but I do have his 1-gallon bags.
    C'mon, mule!



      Watch on YouTube ...frenchy cannoli..


      • SoOrbudgal
        SoOrbudgal commented
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        He's the master ;0)

      • Smallgrow
        Smallgrow commented
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        Yup master Cannoli is the one

      You do not have to dry and cure to make ice water hash extract. My last grow I got about 3/4oz from trim and lower Buds. None of it was actually full melt as even the 220micron left some dark if dabbed. To get full melt each strain has small micron range and you need the large bag sets and have experiment to find that full melt range for that strain imo.
      The hash I made was far superior to anything I have tried from dispensaries in the past. I grew up in New England in the way back days. We only had lids or 4 finger ozs of commercial Colombian not to be confused with contemporary Mexican . But we did get black, red, and Turkish hash (which looked like rabbit pellets) somewhat regularly. Then in Az was lucky enough to puff bricks of the blond with crossed guns printed. (Thanks to Ollie North)
      For years I looked for hash that tasted like hash not kief. I finally made some and was so so happy I smoked most of it and shared only a few grams
      Last edited by StickyNugsAZ; 09-02-2023, 02:20 PM.


      This is done with whole bud, yes?
      C'mon, mule!



      • 9fingerleafs
        9fingerleafs commented
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        Yeah but it's better if you break the big buds into small pieces. Just snip at the branches coming off the mail branch. More surface area = more trics

      I'm going to stick to perfecting my blasting technique until I can get an apartment size flash freezer for 20 bucks, or so. I'll go as high as 25.
      C'mon, mule!



      • 9fingerleafs
        9fingerleafs commented
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        You mean blasting with butane? BHO? I used to love doing that stuff but it's for small batches and becomes kinda hard and inconvenient for bigger batches. I never could get the butane completely out without a vacuum chamber. Also the moisture would get in there (live on the beach) and make a mess.

      I'm a mile and a half from the Pacific Ocean with a constant breeze through my west facing front door and south facing balcony door.
      I'm still not sure about humidity affecting consistency. However, drops of water from a hot bath or frozen condensation when doing a dry ice blast can muck things up. It adds a lot of time and effort to remove.
      Purging in a vacuum chamber pretty much drops humidity to single digit but the vacuum gets pulled a number of times during the process that lets humidity in.
      I'm thinking the bud itself has something to do with it. This last harvest never got 'dry'. The buds remained soft for a good month after cutting. Didn't stay lit in a bowl or joint and clogged the grinder. Consistency was more like peanut butter. I've gotten past harvests to be crumble.
      The vacuum chamber is a must. I wouldn't do what I do without it.
      C'mon, mule!



      • 9fingerleafs
        9fingerleafs commented
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        Ohh I see. Dry ice. Never done dry ice extraction. It's kinda hard to get it in my country. Nowadays I do only RSO cause I can buy 5gal ethanol and do a big batch with a 5gal bucket filled with trim and shake buds grinded to a powder and then evaporate a bit at a time and fill syringes that I like to give away for free to people who have a medical need for it. Cancer or long term back injuries. Also do coconut oil for people who have a problem sleeping and moderate but constant pain. I stoped smoking two years ago so now I got a bunch of left over small buds and trim that I used to vape and smoke and I'm trying to do good in the world. Sometimes I feel kinda guilty just growing for profit

      • Gingerbeard
        Gingerbeard commented
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        I've done fresh chopped, dewaxing for the live-resin bit. It always wound up with a chlorophyl taste.

      ​I said 220 microns but meant 120. The larger size is the better quality because it is the larger heads of trichomes. I also wanted to mention bubble hash refers to using air bubbles in the ice water instead of a spoon or a paint stirring tool on the end of a drill as I used. the more gently you do the first run the better the quality. I was intending to buy a rosin press for the highest quality hash but decided the $500 range isnt quite good enough for what I would like.​I want to add a few pics.
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      I already had a 1 gallon bag kit from about 5years ago I never used. By putting that in a 5 gallon bucket I was able to add ice all the way around. The colder you keep it the better. Next time I plan to get 5 gallon bags with more bags but use a small rubber-made garbage can so I can add a lot of ice around my working bags again. The finer you grind up your buds the better yeild. It was a LOT of work and a lot of ice but will do it again. Click image for larger version

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      Also I grated some but decided I liked small chunks much better. The reason you see the grating is so there is less chance of mold. A small fan above the chanks and low humidity produced nice smoke for me.
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        Here’s a run from last winter and some of my set up.
        I love my ice water hash and have worked hard to learn Frenchy’s approach. I use 160-45 micron for my full spectrum product. I believe this run was with 1:1 cultivars.

        It defiantly bubbles, I mostly use it as bowl toppers or put a snake in my joints. If you smoke it in a pipe it just melts and clogs it immediately. You can dab it but I don’t do that much
        KIS mix organic living soil from Black Sallow soils in 7gal. pots
        Black Swallow Organic Bloom mix top dress before flower.
        Reusing soil with Black Swallow nutrient pack between grows
        Maybe some compost teas
        Blumat watering system
        Microbial Mass and other microbial boosters(Wallace)
        3x4x6’ tent
        Photontek 465wpro
        6” AC Infinity outdoor air in and out, humidifier, dehumidifier, heater, oscillating fan.
        Inkbird controllers heat/humidity​


        • Ciccio
          Ciccio commented
          Editing a comment
          Nice... verry nice..

        My kind of bread !!

        Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	295
Size:	1.63 MB
ID:	603089
        Light: Viparspectra P2000, Viparspectra P1500, Viparspectra XS2000, KingLed 1500
        Medium: organic, Fafard perlite, Fafard Urban Garden organic mix, Organic compost shrimps.
        Nutrients: Alaskan Fish, Advanced Nutrients Big Bud, Advanced Nutrients Ancient Earth, Advanced Nutrients Sensi Cal Mag Xtra
        Full auto grow
        Grow room : 8X12X10, 2 industrial fans, 1 dehumidifier, 1 Vivosun carbon filter & controller
        12 Wild Thailand Ryder from WOS


        • Smallgrow
          Smallgrow commented
          Editing a comment
          I’ll take a couple slices of that

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