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Roots Organic Brand

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    HELP! Roots Organic Brand

    Hello is there any one out there using the Roots Organic brand line of products the soil and the nutrients from seedling to flower I am having some trouble with it and would like some help

    Speak up weed hopper


      I don't use the nutes, but use the soil exclusively.


        I used the soil a few grows ago. Not the nutes. Did have pH issues.


          OnDRockGrower - Is there a question coming?
          Back to playin in the dirt!
          Currently growing 8 Scarlet Grape. Check it out here:

          I do not currently partake. I grow for fun. Someday!


            Ok so I need help with the nutrients more than any thing I don’t know if I’m feeding enough or when I should start using them the soil I’m using is the original roots organic I also am aware that it depends on the plant but I seem to do great until it’s time to change to flower because as soon as I do my leaves turn yellow and start to die off every time from the bottom up I ph my water to 6.5 - 6.7 and let my nutrients sit for 24 hours before I give it to my girls and am currently following the feeding schedule on the roots organic website but I must be missing something because at the flower stage it goes down hill basically I need help with how to feed when to start feeding and what to feed it all suggestions need to be roots organic brand line of products as that’s the only thing available when I’m from sorry for the long post but thanks for the help
            Last edited by OnDRockGrower; 01-27-2023, 02:40 AM.


              Good questions! I can say that I am using Roots Organic and have for a couple of grows. I grow all organic, so I haven't used their nutrient line so take my thoughts with a grain of salt...

              If you're consistently having trouble when you switch to flower and the leaves are yellowing from the bottom up it sounds like you may have a nitrogen deficiency. I'm never a fan of jumping to the 'nutrient' issues because usually it's something environmental so as long as your temp/RH/lighting/ventilation/circulation/watering practices are all in check, then the next thing to check are nutrient issues. (Sidenote: the flowering stage is more difficult than the veg stage. Problems creep up more often so don't feel bad!)

              I've noticed that when growing organic, I often need to give more nitrogen during the veg stage to prevent deficiencies during flower. Next time, you might consider doing that as a preventative measure. Of course, make sure that your watering regime is in check as well since watering needs change throughout the plant's life. Make sure your lights are at the correct setting in regards to height and intensity - when you switch to flower, you generally need to reduce the distance from your plants and/or increase the intensity.

              I won't go into much more detail since I don't use synthetic or liquid nutrients and I don't use Roots for anything other than my soil. Feel free to hit me up if you'd like more info!
              Organic indoor grower - 4x4 tent - 2 Electric Sky 180v3s
              Relax, don't worry, less is more...usually!


                Thanks for the response the only thing on that list I am having issues with is my RH or swings wildly from 40% at lowest and 73% at highest I do have a small dehumidifier inside my tent because where im at RH stays in the 70’s all year round and I’m having a hard time controlling it


                  Also if no one out there has experience with roots organic soil and nutrients I would be willing to send them what ever they think the need to do a successful grow and get feed back on how they did what when they did it


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