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Where's it go?

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    Where's it go?

    I posted a photo a couple days ago. Anybody know what happens to them? I do not see my photo anywhere here, yet I know it uploaded.
    P.S. I uploaded the photo from the GWE website, not here in the forums.

    Umm, what?
    Back to playin in the dirt!
    Currently growing 8 Scarlet Grape. Check it out here:
    I do not currently partake. I grow for fun. Someday!


      OK. Maybe here's what. I was viewing the GWE website and there is a link to upload pics. But there is nothing to lead me to where the photo went. Did I just upload a photo for ___. I thought there would be a place to view the photo once I uploaded it.
      On the GWE site there is a page.... " Submit Your Home-Grown Cannabis Pics!"
      I submitted a pic. Now. Where can I see it? where did it post? Do pics go through an administrative process? are they archived on a "PICS" page?
      do ya gotta call santa clause? you know. I'm asking where my pic went.
      Last edited by ChubbNugg; 12-06-2022, 10:44 PM.


        Sorry buddy, that's above my pay grade, lol.
        I'm currently looking into it. I'm betting that it's under "user submitted photos", but I'm not sure.
        Let's see what others say.
        Back to playin in the dirt!
        Currently growing 8 Scarlet Grape. Check it out here:
        I do not currently partake. I grow for fun. Someday!


        • Blowdout2269
          Blowdout2269 commented
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          Yup, still not sure. Maybe upload and share them with us here?



        • SoOrbudgal
          SoOrbudgal commented
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          yep moldy poorly cured street weed. happens when it's not dried and they package or jar and don't burp or open to release the gases or H2o from green plant.

        • ChubbNugg
          ChubbNugg commented
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          Something that astounded me was that there was a piece of a taco shell in the bag. I rekin they do that to keep up the moisture or weight up I guess. I can tell you this from my own experience and trials. Never use a taco shell, bread, orange peels, apple slices or any other organic matter in with the rest of the material. That is of course unless you are trying to culture or bio engineer some molds or the like.

        What am I looking at?
        Trichomes, spider eggs, pocket lint?
        Back to playin in the dirt!
        Currently growing 8 Scarlet Grape. Check it out here:
        I do not currently partake. I grow for fun. Someday!


        • ChubbNugg
          ChubbNugg commented
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          Sorry bout that. I guess the name of the photo did not make it. this photo is aspergillus fungi. from a street bag. I was feeling sickly out of the blue. So I got a scope and looked close. It's a whole other world. You don't see many photos like these here. At least I haven't yet.

        Ugh. You were feeling sick from it? In what way? I hope you're feeling better now, this is a good warning


        • ChubbNugg
          ChubbNugg commented
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          I was just chugging along my normal day. I felt like a cold was mounting. Sinus pressure,mild headache, itchy eyes. That in itself was unusual because it's rare for me to get sick at all. Next day, it got worse. I noticed after a few puffs that the symptoms were kind of "pulsing". I was like "WHA?" At this point my curiosity took over. I got a scope and started to look at the flower material from a street bag. HOLY Trash Compound Batman! The whole thing was infected with this fungi. Along with, hair, sand, nylon, rayon, cotton, webbing and other unknown constituents. Now the plants and flowers I make are way more pure.

        I'm feeling sick just from looking at it. @ChubbyNugget there are a few here doing photomicroscopy but that is one of the best I've seen. Good job!
        Drying: Strawberry Cough photo started indoors Apr 27. Moved outdoors June 25. Harvested October 8.
        Past grows: Speakeasy Bourbon Berry Auto F1 (Ogreberry x Whiskey Zulu),
        Whiskey Zulu, Trizzlers


        • ChubbNugg
          ChubbNugg commented
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          Thank you. I enjoy the whole photography field. The microscope has revealed a whole new world tho. One you can't see without magnification power. I get started with my scopes and the next thing you know, 4 hours went by inna flash. It's so very interesting!
          Last edited by ChubbNugg; 12-07-2022, 01:54 PM.

        This is a damn good reason to grow your own! Nice pic ChubbNugg, hope you tossed that shit!


        • ChubbNugg
          ChubbNugg commented
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          I had to throw the whole ounce away. It had a slightly moldy smell to it. I wept a little at the loss and ignorance of it all. And yes, this is why I grow my own. I'm very finicky about what goes into my meds. Kinda makes me wonder what else I mighta smoked down through the years. I know one thing, the longer I cure my flower material properly, the better and smoother it works. I read a white paper about how canabanol molecules are created from the canabinoid molecules through the drying process. It was also about how you lose a carbon group/chain when preparing to do an extraction. All wonderfully cool stuff to learn, absorb, and enjoy. " It's not the drugs that kill you, It's the microscopic trash inside the drugs that'll kill ya Man."

        Just a heads up, I think when you submit photos as you did on GWE, they go to Nebula Haze and Sirius. If you sign up for their weekly newsletter (highly recommended!), they always include some user submitted photos. :-)
        Organic indoor grower - 4x4 tent - 2 Electric Sky 180v3s
        Relax, don't worry, less is more...usually!


        • ChubbNugg
          ChubbNugg commented
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          Oh wow! Thank you. I thought if I posted some neat microscope photos, that maybe there would be tons more people who do the same things. Thanks also for being the first to address the original post. (Hahaha)
          P.S. I got an adapter on the way so I can use my slr camera instead of the usb cam. I'm hoping for super high resolution. I hope its a game changer. Has anyone noticed how blurry most of the photos are here? some of them make my eyes water.
          Last edited by ChubbNugg; 12-12-2022, 08:16 PM.

        I just saw my photo in a newsletter from Nebula!!! That's very exciting to be published like that. Today is the day I get my High Res adapter for my big scope. The future looks very interesting yessirr.
        Thanks Millions Nebula! You da Bomb!


        • Blowdout2269
          Blowdout2269 commented
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          That's exciting. Congrats!

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