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Boron or potassium deficiency

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    Boron or potassium deficiency

    Hey Nation yeah I'm a super newbie and don't post much. Not sure how to word questions in proper lingo but here goes .
    I'm growing bag seed genetics I guess???. They came from a personally known farmer that claimed it was mid-grade . I'm on my 3rd grow with 3 this time. They are all growing different but 3 different techniques. 1 is Manifold. 1 topped and lst 1 just lst.
    the Manifold one which is the biggest with what I found my uneducated guess is boron or potassium deficiency..

    Soil grow with coco starter pellets
    2'x3'x5' vivoson tent
    150 w dimmable growplaner
    100w roleandro
    fox farm ocean forest mixed with my own put together soil
    Perlite, peatmoss, and black magic worm catings and potting soil
    General hydro trio

    When I put them in transfer pots got some moist soil on leaves that I rubbed off by hand I thought it was just damage I caused but it continued after the Manifold cut now new growth is clawing .

    Thanks in advance all criticism good or bad gladly appreciated and happy growing

    Sorry about the first picture it says mad scientist because I sent it to him on Quora Digest can't seem to find original pictures


      The wet soil on your leaves probably didn't help things but it happens.

      By looking at your pictures, from what I see, 86f - 34% R/H with dry pots is were you should look first Especially since they probably have transplant shock.

      Space for Rent.


        Yeah that was a spike on both ends I am on a very low budget my exhaust is and old air hockey table fan and and an old vapo rub humidifier any hacks for low budget humidity and temp control it usually doesn't spike that high norm is about 75 Fahrenheit and inbetween 45 to 55 rh


          Also never had transplant issues before my first grow was even a worse setup and got 67 grams after curing and edibles that could put down a horse guess maybe beginners luck


            Thanks for your insight that's going to be my first thing to change


              I'll leave the diy things like a 5 gallon bucket with a rag to wick ice water in front of a old hockey table fan blowing at the inlet for some of the others. I'm sure they have Ideas.

              You're going to need a exhaust upgrade, plan and simple it not a cheap hobby and best i can tell you about that is thrift stores, Craigslist, eBay. The air needs to efficiently leave the tent and vent from the room. That (low Rh 27%- high temp 86f) is a big swings in my book that can cause crispy leaf like I see with the quickness. 14° temp and 25% humidity differences isn't a good thing indoors and can be a growers biggest challenge.

              Temp and humidity can stay the same from day to night most grows can't achieve this and it is not really necessary (72f/55% Rh) high.

              + - 5f/2%rh high/low is a win for home growers. (74f/69f)
              + - 10°f/5% high/low is max without bumps in the road. (77f/67f)

              Besides that, if you just transplanted how long has it been because I'd lean more at a toxicity then a deficiency at the look of thing without spotting the "small spikes" mentioned. All that mixing of soil and the hitting it with Gh products would be unnecessary at this age, more information is need for that conclusion on my end to conclude over-loving.
              Space for Rent.


                Heat is too high, humidity is too low. You haven't mentioned watering habits or PH levels and how long they have been in amended soil and whether or not you have started feeding them (supersoil is generally out of nutrients after a month or so).

                Get your temp/humidity under control, water properly and make sure the water going in (with or without nutrients) is at the proper PH for soil (between 6.0 - 7.0).

                For now I would suggest thoroughly flushing the plants with properly PH water and lower the temp to 80F and then leave them sit for at least 4 days.

                Make sure they are getting plenty of light so adjust the height if the lights accordingly. 250Watts combined sounds like a lot but it really isn't so the height should always be around 20" - 24" from the tops of the plants
                I hope there is an afterlife...there are a lot of friends and family I'd like to see again, one day.


                  divlish and Mr Farley thank you very much that was my 3rd worry was nitrogen toxicity. the two larger ones after germination in coco pellets before tap root gets through netting I remove and put in 3 gallon pots w ph water until 3rd set of true leaves then I began half strength nutes transplant into the pots was Oct 14th the one in the smaller pot I simply was out of enough soil till the 6th it will have 1 more transplant I believe.
                  my watering is when top 2" is dry or they feel light the black pot is an air pot bottom feed but not fabric.
                  no more than 4days max between watering digital p.h. reader trying to get as close to 6.0 as possible because my runoff is at 7.2 to 7.4
                  first grow I used the drops to test p.h. by color and with my digital one my adjustment was not even close from how much ph down or up needed for plain water and after nutes were added


                  • Mr.furley
                    Mr.furley commented
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                    With soil you need to keep your ph going in around 6.5, do not water to run off and never flush unless you are prepared to water with nutrients for the rest of the grow.
                    Never a need to check soil runoff that is for a specific type of grow style in coco or soilless only.

                    The soil mix that you stated above should have been good enough to PH water only for 6 to 8 weeks which would lead me to a little of a ph problem, a little toxicity problem, and a environment problem.

                    As mentioned above when your have a large temperature and humidity swing what happens is the plants transpire fast pulling water and nutrients through the plants to the air, with the low RH and high temperature that water evaporates faster then the nutrients can be used by the plant leaving burn, along with the ph problem and excessive nutrients I can see why the leaves look like that,

                    Up you frequency of water only when your temperature is going to climb.

                    you dig?

                  Wow thank you again I see now what come as a new grower doing all their own research I've been implementing bits and pieces from different style growing w/o even knowing how drastic those effect can be thanks again I will be sure too give updates


                    Many new growers can have an expectation that if it gets enough light and enough water, it will grow. This is true of any plant. Cannabis will certainly grow if it gets the bare minimums but the trick is to get it to a point where it has thick buds to harvest. That can be easy or difficult depending on your ability to follow instructions and read the articles posted on the main site.

                    Cannabis needs care and attention to get it to it's full potential and it is easy to miss a step or two along the way. One problem can lead to a cascade of other problems and so the basics are really important - Full spectrum Light, heat, humidity, watering practices and PH are crucial. Nutrients play a defining role as well but are pointless if you haven't covered the basics.

                    I hope there is an afterlife...there are a lot of friends and family I'd like to see again, one day.


                    • Sino
                      Sino commented
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                      I read somewhere “genetics load the gun, environment pulls the trigger”

                    My issues seem to be after the stretch and low potassium. Doesn't seem to do much good to add extra after the fact as far as the fan leaves as they progressively get worse. Next grow going to boost K prior to the 12/12 switch. I was careful with pH this time and excess nutes. Use Potassium bicarbonate for pH up. Run off was 6.8 last time I checked.


                    • 3Berries
                      3Berries commented
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                      I use half rain and half well water, gives me around 300 ppm per gallon to start with. Mostly Ca with some Mg and minor iron in the water. Then Miracle Grow veg or flower, usually at 1/4 to 1/2 rate, 1/2 teaspoon of molasses, 1/4 tsp of Epsom and pH up with potassium bicarbonate aiming for 7.0. Humic/Fluvic powder too.1/8 tsp per gal. This usually comes out at 6.6 pH and I add maybe one or two teaspoons of potassium bicarbonate to get to 6.9-7.1

                      Have been using Fox Farm soils and went to ProMix-Bx. Seems the FoxFarms did great in veg but worse in flower and had pH issues. I have a auto in FoxFarm Ocean Forest now and it's doing great but I added more limestone to the soil mix.

                      My current flowering ones were the first in the Promix so kind of had to see how they reacted. The pH has always been 6.5 but is rising to upper 6s. I seldom ran this to run off. But they are about done. I cut off the big buds a week ago.

                    • Mr.furley
                      Mr.furley commented
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                      : Disclaimer :

                      I am not a fan of Miracle-Gro products and the use of it so Before my little rant goes to far I would like to state I do have friends that grow big plants with M-G veg and flower, outdoors in the ground. I won't smoke their weed or eat from there garden and im not the best to ask about Miracle Grow round here as I refuse to use it.

                      I'll try to answer without bias.

                      First is I'd drop potassium bicarbonate and thoughts of potassium phosphate (M-G contains potassium phosphate already ) targeting 6.9 to 7.1 ph in soil is a little high (Like me most days) I would think 6.6 would be ideal in soil, you do know that soil you do a slurry test not runoff for Ph? Just to be clear promix is not a soil mix and in my book is a soilless medium. It mainly containing premixed Moss, coco, perlite with a little added mycorrhizae. From past experience treating it like a semi soiless medium with a lower ph (around 6.3) and some added perlite 4:1 initially really made a difference down the road.

                      I would suggest like any nutr line that you look at uping your dosage if using at a 1/4 to 1/2 strength isnt completely working since it's an all in one my thought is that M-G bloom booster ( 10-52-10 ) at full dose in week three of flower could be the meal ticket your are looking for. so If you find you still missing a kick, Rock phosphorus and lingbeinite would be something to look into.

                      I get what you're doing and think you're looking in the right direction, my views on MG are my own and make it hard for me to give good advice about the fine tuning you are looking for but I think you get the idea.

                    • 3Berries
                      3Berries commented
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                      I use the MG because I had 5 lb boxes. I bought some Master Blend a year ago and it will be the replacement when the MG is gone.

                      I do also use langbeinite. a couple tablespoons in the original mix and one on top. 3 gallon of mix.

                      I'll lower my target pH a bit. So far the Promix seems to be quite forgiving. I got some EWC to add for the next grow.
                      Last edited by 3Berries; 11-17-2022, 08:36 AM.

                    Wow thank you again I see now what come as a new grower doing all their own research I've been implementing bits and pieces from different style growing w/o even knowing how drastic those effect can be thanks again I will be sure too give updates. This comment written but not posted on
                    11-7-22. But as i promisedid give updates so I'll start by saying. HAPPY TURKEY DAY NATION!!!!


                      Here are my updates but 1st. Thanks again for all your input belive I'm on the right track now so thanks again for all your input. Mr. Farley, dilvish,Simon, and 3Berries


                        I have to say Mr.Furley thank you for the insight of only p.h.water with the soil I'm using it made a world of difference


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