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Spider mites in soil.

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    Spider mites in soil.

    I've been growing outside for a while now but last year was my first year with the Borg. Two plants, 50 ft apart, in ground. Think they came from the soil I used. Anyway my question is should I remove all the soil in those spots to reuse them this year or create new spots. The spots I used were chosen for best sun but don't want to go thru that again if I can help it. I've read the damn things can over winter in soil. Not sure if there is a safe way to rid the soil before the plants are there or replace all the soil plus some, or just cut a few trees and get a few new spots. Any ideas would be helpful. Thanks.

    the Borg are tough lol you could dig out all the soil and put it in a black container to cook not sure how long to leave it ,I needed some dirt the other day and went out to green house to grab a couple of grow bags full of soil nope couldn't free them from the ground not much will over winter in a block off ice lol
    new grow room built summer of 2017 ,argo max tent for veging ,big kahuna reflector, 1000hps with added leds for the full spectrum . 15th indoor grow ,5 years outside gorilla grows(stealth is the key),veg under t5s growing autos under 300w leds
    current grow


    • Bowhunterwoody
      Bowhunterwoody commented
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      Thanks ojh. Yea we got 4" of snow yesterday. Hard to believe it's 10 days till spring. Just trying to figure out if keeping them in pots would be a better idea. In ground is easier on the roots for temp and less watering, especially if we go away for a few days here and there when it's 95*. I usually do both but the ones in the ground do better in the heat.

    Thing is with moving to a new hole, they will already be in it, or near it and follow the grow. Predator bugs are likely to help a lot such as ladybugs. And plants they dont like all around.


    • Bowhunterwoody
      Bowhunterwoody commented
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      Thanks Rwise . Yea I was wondering if there is anything else I should or could do to the area. I get quite a few Lady bugs around. Didn't have the Borg on anything else in the garden or yard that I could find.

    There is a process I know as solarizing. Cover the affected area with black plastic and let the sun cook the soil. Like oldjarhead100 said with the black bag, but no digging.
    Dab, you fool!



      You could cover the are with diatomaceous earth a few times before planting and after just to clean up what is in the soil. Green lacewings are attracted to my orange trees. I also see rovebeetles, ladybugs. Look into what attracts predator mites. Placing nectar feeders will keep predators around when the pest are gone. Plants like lavender or rosemary, mints will deter pests.


        Thanks Cali and Gingerbeard . Think I'll try both the black plastic and the DE. Maybe plant some lavender also. Thanks again.


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