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You know what i hate?

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    I hate information gathering so much I told the nurse I was not filling out a health questionnaire. She asked if I minded and I said I minded. Nothing out of the ordinary. I'm just tired of wanting one little thing but being asked superfluous questions.
    Data is supposed to be the most valuable commodity on the planet. I'm keeping mine until I get me some of that money.
    C'mon, mule!



    • Gingerbeard
      Gingerbeard commented
      Editing a comment
      And if I tell you I do not have an STD, do not ask me if I am sure.

    • 3Berries
      3Berries commented
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      You should see the questions some dog adoption agencies want. Well over 10 pages and very personal info. No mention of what they do with it. It made me quit adopting dogs.

    • 90Gizmo
      90Gizmo commented
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      I've sold out to Google opinion rewards for ten cents at a time. Sometimes a bit over a dollar and have received over $300 USD in Google dollars total in four years. It's a hard no of there's no money involved. I'm not free but I am cheap. Medically, I politely refuse all paperwork and out of network providers.

    I hate that my nute tank pH climbs while I'm away from home and find my plants have deficiencies when I get home after 4 or 5 days away.. I don't know what's causing it....hate it and my plants are suffering
    Last edited by Bluey; 04-08-2023, 05:42 AM.
    Flower Room: 11' x 7' x 7.5'H, 480w AC, 13gal/day dehumidifier, 1.5gal ultrasonic humidifier, 60gal (27gal usable) nute tank, 16" pedestal fan & 18" wall fan. Lighting and climate automated. Hand watering.
    Veg Cupboards: ​​​​​​Two 4x2x6H cupboards. SF2000 Evo in one SF7000 in other. Climate controlled and automated. Hand watering
    Aeroponics Low Pressure Bucket: 20W LED. 5 clones & 20W LED 11 clones
    Lights: Mars Hydro FC-E1200W, SF-7000, SF-2000 evo in flower room.
    Medium: Coco/perlite, 7.2gal pots, no drains
    Current Grow: ​​​5 x Photos Franklin's Orange Zkittles x Sour Diesel in flower room, 3 Franklin's White Widow x Sour Diesel Clones, 13 x Orange ZkittleZ x Sour Diesel clones in Aeroponics buckets x 2.
    Last Grow: A mix


    • Bluey
      Bluey commented
      Editing a comment
      I'm growing in Coco. I use a submersible aquarium pump. They're cheap and pretty reliable for me. I just did it that way so I could automate it easily.

    • Bluey
      Bluey commented
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      I gave the tank pump and pipework the once over with some bleach. pH rock stable now...yep, it was something in the tank.

    • Bluey
      Bluey commented
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      Update. It was the cal/mag supplement I was using. It caused the problem once mixed in with my 2 oarr bloom nutes. Annoying as!

    You know what I hate.........
    . .....
    Being carded for alcohol in your 50s. Look snot nosed teenager. I don't think the ATF is going to carry you off in cuffs cuz you didn't ask the clearly old enough to be your grandad fella for his proof of age........god I hate what society has become.
    keeping it green with the soil thing
    love me some frosty autos
    Mephisto run. yeah i know spellcheck
    the fruit basket
    blue strawberries in a four assed galaxy


    • Gingerbeard
      Gingerbeard commented
      Editing a comment
      Soooo... did you remember your ID?

    • Mollisol
      Mollisol commented
      Editing a comment
      I live in a small town. They know me. Usually. Ha ha!
      Last edited by Mollisol; 04-10-2023, 09:40 PM.

    • Rwise
      Rwise commented
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      maybe she thought you are cute, or just wanted to make you feel young again, LOL

    More on advertising.
    People who blame advertisers for getting kids to use their products are missing the biggest influences of anyone or anything doing anyone or anything, anywhere, ever: Peer pressure and family. I never drank, used drugs, smoked, made nookie with other than my wives, or worshiped false idols because of advertising.
    Maybe I still wear tightie-whities because of Calvin Kline ads. Maybe. Goddamn Christian Coalition and PMRC 're gonna go after my tightie-whities! Maybe I should go commando. Ain't nobody what can't take away my commandos!!!
    Next should be alcohol. I will sign the petition to ban flavored liquors. Not liqueurs. Liquors. Some of that shit is practical joke flavored booze. Especially the scratch-n-sniff labelled mystery flavor. I haven't seen cheddar cheese flavor, though.
    I think I'm pretty high because I don't feel the hate I felt at the beginning of all this.
    Thanks for listening.
    C'mon, mule!



      I hate that I can't put up a 50 X 100 climate controlled machine shed. Divided up Veg, Flower, Clone rooms. Breading room. Small lab room. And of course an ELM DIRT room.
      SF 35X47X70 tent
      SF1000 X4
      AC Infinity 6 inch exaust fan
      AC Infinity ocillating fan X2
      FFOF Soil
      FF Soil Trio. and CalMag
      GH Flora Series
      3 and 5 gallon fabric pots

      Mango Sherbert
      Gelato Cake
      Grape Icecream auto by going2fast


        I hate my new Onn.roku tv, what a peace of shit, if wasn't a gift I would return it. Audio is extremely annoying as it goes grainy or echos. Look to the web for an answer to find lots of folks saying the same, and the "fix" change the cabling. Its built in, no cables to change. The work around is to go into the audio setting and chose another setting, then return to the desired setting. Sometimes it has no audio sometimes it has no video, just select again. The 16-32 gig usb flash drive for pause rewind and fast forward corrupts the drive, will not work on all channels. I find it can be repaired by formatting with the PC then plug it back into the tv and format it again, the tv uses a proprietary format. Did Billy Gates develop this shit? If so wheres the damn cont alt and del keys!? The fast forward hangs up also, goes into a short loop.

        I also hate solar storms, guess if I want to watch anything it'll be on the PC.


        • SoOrbudgal
          SoOrbudgal commented
          Editing a comment
          If you don't have stable internet not broadband i would'nt use it. I use to have what you got did'nt like it. Got a smart TV and great internet service pays for my phone an TV never a glitch. $72.00 and internet

        • Puglover1
          Puglover1 commented
          Editing a comment
          My first smart TV was a Vizio, rated higher than Roku, TLC or Insignia. The used Philips 65" steal I bought is a nice smart TV.

        Day 1 of the new grow and I've already lost one. On the floor somewhere. I've got to find the dustbuster. Click image for larger version

Name:	20230424_151036~2.jpg
Views:	405
Size:	1.20 MB
ID:	594465
        Drying: Strawberry Cough photo started indoors Apr 27. Moved outdoors June 25. Harvested October 8.
        Past grows: Speakeasy Bourbon Berry Auto F1 (Ogreberry x Whiskey Zulu),
        Whiskey Zulu, Trizzlers


        • Bowhunterwoody
          Bowhunterwoody commented
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          I've done it before. Lost it in the tent. Found it after the grow.

        • 90Gizmo
          90Gizmo commented
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          But these are magic seeds gifted by a fellow gweer

        The laptop saga is growing like a cancer. I'm using a borrowed Chromebook that a gal brought to me today because the car isn't right yet.
        Still cold and some snowflakes flying here with a maybe working furnace and one space heater to lug around.
        Planned to drop beans on 4/15 but I had a yearly MRI the day before. Neurosurgeon thinks my pituitary tumor should come out which would mean no bending at the waist nor looking downward for two weeks.
        I certainly wouldn't want to cough after that surgery so I'm trying to put together a gummy regimen. Afghani Kush dispo FECO batch turned out well, almost gone. Next up Jenny Kush FECO, got two syringes on sale. Decarbing Mag weed for butter and ghee is next, it was great for pumpkin bars and cream cheese frosting.
        Went to dispo last week, ride from a friend. Another bad vape cart and a gram of budder that was all over the jar's lid and threads when I turned the top. Three dabs no buzz. Got 4 bad carts in one month.

        Soil: Coast of Maine Stonington Blend, perlite; Seedlings: CoM org potting soil
        Indoor: 2 x 5.5 x 8' Closet grow
        Viparspectra XS2000; EnjoYield 220W full spectrum light added during flower
        Various size fabric grow bags
        Cal-Mag & GH Trio if needed; Flower Fuel & molasses during bloom; ReCharge
        4 clip fans. Exhaust into attic is vented to the eaves
        Current grow: DEAD FLOWERS

        "Joker, smoker & midnight toker, I sure don't want to hurt no one"


        • SoOrbudgal
          SoOrbudgal commented
          Editing a comment
          Hey Puglover1 so you gonna get that surgery?

        • Puglover1
          Puglover1 commented
          Editing a comment
          SoOrbudgal Thursday is a medtronic fusion CT and appt with ENT who would also be involved in the surgery, in Chicago. If it didn't affect my vision or mess up hormones that I can't tolerate the replacements I certainly don't want to do this. Some patients have weird symptoms that disappear with the tumor removed, something to hope for, improved QOL. I'm off to make gummies, everyone liked the Afghani batch.

        Sent to me from my niece who would even buy this mislabled awful sounding product?
        Smoke Ganja create Peace Respect Nature don't trash the Planet

        Soil grower with coco/perlite mixed in
        indoor/outdoor grower
        1 36"x36"x66" tent- Viparspectra P2500
        I use a t-5 & 54watt CFL for seedlings
        Sometimes i use plastic sometimes i use fabric grow containers


        • Rwise
          Rwise commented
          Editing a comment
          Google what she said, or the best info I find is it's art.

        • Mollisol
          Mollisol commented
          Editing a comment

        • SoOrbudgal
          SoOrbudgal commented
          Editing a comment
          It's is revolting who'd package this crap and market it?

        I hate the pound of weed a neighbor gave me has a funky smell. Not mold or chemical. Not sure what it is. The weed is supposed to come from OC, but I don't buy it.
        Buddy says it's good smoke, just the funny smell. I might grind-n-sift a zip. See what happens.
        C'mon, mule!



        • Ckbrew
          Ckbrew commented
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          The only product that I will accept that smells funky is the one that I produce.

        Something random I came across. It is entertaining particularly for those who enjoy boating. Captain (term used by default) is clueless, attempts to drive the boat like a car and looses it. The list of boating practice, safety, and general things done wrong is endless. Do not attempt this at home, for entertainment only.

        Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

        Don't worry, be happy, grow sticky buds.


        • Rwise
          Rwise commented
          Editing a comment
          poor boat!

        • Bowhunterwoody
          Bowhunterwoody commented
          Editing a comment
          That's crazy. Someone could have been killed. Connecticut is a communist state and charges for everything but at least you need to take a boating course to get behind the wheel of one.

        • Bluey
          Bluey commented
          Editing a comment
          Boat ramps make for great entertainment during summer holidays. How humans became the dominant species, I just don't know

        Boca and Haul over inlet are notorious for eating boats. Heavy tide, east winds and bad decisions galore. Hours of fun on YouTube. Still partial to these girls.
        Last edited by Going2fast; 05-10-2023, 04:55 PM.
        keeping it green with the soil thing
        love me some frosty autos
        Mephisto run. yeah i know spellcheck
        the fruit basket
        blue strawberries in a four assed galaxy


        • Bowhunterwoody
          Bowhunterwoody commented
          Editing a comment
          I've watched Haul over inlet. Really funny.

        Dieing. But I think I made it this time. I had something bad Thursday but felt better Friday. Okay. But it came back and I was so sick. I fell down Saturday and couldn't get up. I fought for a half hour because I'm a stubborn cus. I've never had anything like that before but own a lift for my wife. My son used that to get me to bed and I felt better Sunday morning. Until I didn't. I kept messaging my doctor as it went down and Monday morning I got a call telling me to come in at 8:20am. Okay. He suspected a UTI and said I should go to an emergency room because they could do all the tests at once. Okay. I went to our local country hospital because they aren't usually busy. Expect they were and I get cranky waiting. Eventually. It's evening and their urologist says he's transferring me to the metro hospital. What??? Why??? But *I* never talked to the Dr and the ER nurse didn't have answers. I'm furious it's late and the other ER is an hour away. I refused to transfer and the nurse says "you have to go." Doesn't know me would have got a better result of is said that I couldn't go! All the hospitals are networked and I have the app on my phone. "No I don't! I have a cancel button right here on my screen." But I was talked out of pressing it. To speed up the story I had a bad UTI on the verge of becoming septic. They operated to put in stent to let the effected kidney drain, started antibiotics and had blood tests in the ER for two days. I'm finally home and on the mend.
        1 - don't wait a day to see if it goes away. Don't wait for Monday on Friday. Do what the Dr. says.
        2 - I'm too tired to walk up stairs. I have remote monitoring and the humidifier for my SC seedlings is out of water. I expect they are dead.
        3 - my burboun needed water Monday. It's close enough to harvest that I'm not all that worried. I hope it might actually come back and ripen some more.
        I hope I can get upstairs later today because it's not going to be better tomorrow.
        Drying: Strawberry Cough photo started indoors Apr 27. Moved outdoors June 25. Harvested October 8.
        Past grows: Speakeasy Bourbon Berry Auto F1 (Ogreberry x Whiskey Zulu),
        Whiskey Zulu, Trizzlers


        • 90Gizmo
          90Gizmo commented
          Editing a comment
          Thanks so much SoOrbudgal. I still don't have much energy but I might be milking it a little bit with my family. I'm amazed to see things getting done that I never had any help with before. This has been a huge wakeup call. I used to free climb -low- rock faces and climb trees and hike off trail for days without worrying (or having the sense to be worried.) Now I feel so mortal and think of all things I've ignored while preparing to get old. Fortunately health insurance wasn't one of them.

        • Puglover1
          Puglover1 commented
          Editing a comment
          Oh 90Gizmo I was septic plus rhabdomyolysis, pneumonia and more in late September, and 10 days into October 2021. Loong, bad ER story, passed out four days later at home. I couldn't stand, couldn't feel pain, phone was broken, I was baby-gated from the LR/computer. All I could think before I could see again was how my pets would survive, I was filling their food bowls when I crashed. Cat could drink out of the toilet, pugs can't. I spent ~two hours dragging myself around the kitchen floor until I reached an old no-data phone to call 911 so that my last thoughts weren't of my dogs thirsting to death. My almost-flipped grow thirsted to death instead.

          I had portal messaged my primary for two days, never got a reply. ER refused labs, streeted me, I had rhabdo then. I wish you a full recovery. The brain fog, fatigue, etc can be wicked. I'm sorry. Be well!

        • 90Gizmo
          90Gizmo commented
          Editing a comment
          I had to look up some of those words. Damn Puglover1, that's bad. Bad blood can get serious so fast. I hope you have someone checking on you now. Stay strong.

        I hate politics.
        I hate Eurovision.
        I hate mixing Eurovision with politics.
        I wanna go back to the days of Star Search when cute little Brit'ny Spears got her big debut. The Real World with that southern drawl and long hair having chick.
        Real People.
        That's Incredible.
        I blame drugs and violence on TV. Those pre-post-apocalyptic video games and horror films are child's play to watching Wylie-E Coyote get blown up or crushed by an Acme brand anvil. And what about Fantasia? The LSD induced mouse going axe crazy?
        Hmm... I wonder what's on Netflix...
        C'mon, mule!



        • Gingerbeard
          Gingerbeard commented
          Editing a comment
          We have similar shows. But it's all Americans. Good ol' 'mer'can nationalism!
          That Eurovision got all kinda foreigners.
          Goddamn. Was that political?
          Last edited by Gingerbeard; 05-13-2023, 07:06 PM.

        • Ckbrew
          Ckbrew commented
          Editing a comment
          eurovision- had to look that one up. Not interested.

        • Gingerbeard
          Gingerbeard commented
          Editing a comment
          I know mullets are starting to make a comeback but I had no idea those people were still into hair bands!

        Did someone say hair bands....
        Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.
        keeping it green with the soil thing
        love me some frosty autos
        Mephisto run. yeah i know spellcheck
        the fruit basket
        blue strawberries in a four assed galaxy


        • Gingerbeard
          Gingerbeard commented
          Editing a comment
          The title sounds like a rap song. Even when I was a head banging youth, I never liked hair bands.

        • Gingerbeard
          Gingerbeard commented
          Editing a comment
          Please, oh gods please. Tell me one of those long haired gentlemen is you.

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