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You know what i hate?

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    Politics is like weed.
    You have Sativa on one side. Indica on the other side. In the middle is serendipity where no one complains.
    C'mon, mule!



    • alltatup
      alltatup commented
      Editing a comment
      Politics is nothing like weed. Weed is not binary. Actually, nothing is binary and everything is much messier than that. People pretend to feel secure in the binary, but life is much much more nuanced than that. Everything bleeds into everything else.

    • Gingerbeard
      Gingerbeard commented
      Editing a comment
      alltatup You're sexy when you say weed. Say it again!

    • alltatup
      alltatup commented
      Editing a comment
      Gingerbeard weedweedweedweedweed. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

    My adopted political statement in song form. Bang your fucking head! Whip that fucking mullet! Sing the fuck along!

    With lyrics:
    A cockroach in the concrete, courthouse tan and beady eyes
    A slouch with fallen arches, purging truths into great lies
    A little man with a big eraser, changing history
    Procedures that he's programmed to, all he hears and sees
    Altering the facts and figures, events and every issue
    Make a person disappear, and no one will ever miss you
    Rewrites every story, every poem that ever was
    Eliminates incompetence, and those who break the laws
    Follow the instructions of the New Ways' Evil Book of Rules
    Replacing rights with wrongs, the files and records in the schools
    You say you've got the answers, well who asked you anyway?
    Ever think maybe it was meant to be this way?
    Don't try to fool us, we know the worst is yet to come
    And I believe my kingdom will come
    F is for fighting, R is for red
    Ancestors' blood in battles they've shed
    E, we elect them, E, we eject them
    In the land of the free, and the home of the brave
    D, for your dying, O, your overture
    M, they will cover your grave with manure
    This spells out freedom, it means nothing to me
    As long as there's a PMRC
    F is for fighting, R is for red
    Ancestors' blood in battles they've shed
    E, we elect them, E, we eject them
    In the land of the free and the home of the brave
    D, for your dying, O, your overture
    M is for money and you know what that cures
    This spells out freedom, it means nothing to me
    As long as there's a PMRC
    F is for fighting, R is for red
    Ancestors' blood in battles they've shed
    E, we elect them, E, we eject them
    In the land of the free and the home of the brave
    D, for your dying, O, your overture
    M, they will cover your grave with manure
    This spells out freedom, it means nothing to me
    As long as there's a PMRC
    Put your hand right up my shirt
    Pull the strings that make me work
    Jaws will part, words fall out
    Like a fish with hook in mouth
    Rewrites every story, every poem that ever was
    Eliminates incompetence, and those who break the laws
    Follow the instructions of the New Ways' Evil Book of Rules
    Replacing rights with wrongs, the files and records in the schools
    I'm not a fish
    I'm a man
    Hook in mouth
    C'mon, mule!



      No no no you said bang your head
      keeping it green with the soil thing
      love me some frosty autos
      Mephisto run. yeah i know spellcheck
      the fruit basket
      blue strawberries in a four assed galaxy


      • Gingerbeard
        Gingerbeard commented
        Editing a comment
        Without looking at it, Quiet Riot - Metal Health? Yes?

      The official version.
      Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube
      keeping it green with the soil thing
      love me some frosty autos
      Mephisto run. yeah i know spellcheck
      the fruit basket
      blue strawberries in a four assed galaxy


        Minions! One of the channels I watch is sporting a Minion movie countdown icon. Where the hell are the Power Rangers when you need them?
        C'mon, mule!



          This forum has always been politicized since I arrived, which was shortly after its inception. It's inevitable that folks are going to post comments that irritate me either mildly or wildly, and we just have to live with our differences and accept that, rednecks and hippies, liberals, conservatives and progressives/radicals/socialists, all the religions and non-religions, all the colors of skin, nationalities, levels of education or ignorance, redheads, blondes, brunettes, bald, bearded, clean-shaven, women, men, transgender, gay, straight, bi, asexual, parasexual, postsexual, vegans, cannibals, etc, etc, etc.--THEY ARE ALL GONNA HAVE THEIR SAY ON THIS FORUM.

          It's why I love it: the only thing that gets censored on GWE is hatred and nastiness and spam.
          Anyone can grow schwag. If you want to grow top shelf bud, study hard:

          Growing since July 21, 2016; pothead since 1967
          2 BCNL Roommate hydroponic grow boxes w/ 400w COB LEDs, Future Harvest nutes
          Grow # 18, Aug. 2023: Anesia Seeds: Imperium X, Future 1, Sleepy Joe, Slurricane


          • Ace1973
            Ace1973 commented
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            alltatup we are bombarded on a daily basis by politics and religion, people push their point of view, or harp on it until it becomes pointless, I come here to escape from that. There are other social mediums that someone can express themselves on, such as FB or twitter, the only politics that should be in this site are about weed, not forcing people to hear about their political point of view. A lot of people on here agree with me and feel the same way. THIS IS A WEED SITE, not a political forum, and unless it is weed related I am sure people don't want to hear about it.

          • alltatup
            alltatup commented
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            Ace1973 If that were the case, none of these ridiculous and enjoyable topics would get started on other subjects--about our pets, the wildlife surrounding our homes, the weather, food, drink, jokes, sex, rock and roll, covid, etc etc.

            I wish life were that clean, neat, logical and organized, but that ain't how it works. I just block the folks on this site whose yammering I can't stand to read; then I don't even see their posts. But unless Sirius and Nebula take it off, it's allowed. And as I wrote above, in the 6 years I've been here, the only thing I've seen censored was verbal hatred and cruelty.

          • Ace1973
            Ace1973 commented
            Editing a comment
            Your beating a dead horse alltatup

          You know what I hate? Negativity.


          Click image for larger version

Name:	im-good-enough-im-smart-enough-and-gosh-darn-it-people-like-me.jpeg
Views:	457
Size:	42.9 KB
ID:	568974
          Anyone can grow schwag. If you want to grow top shelf bud, study hard:

          Growing since July 21, 2016; pothead since 1967
          2 BCNL Roommate hydroponic grow boxes w/ 400w COB LEDs, Future Harvest nutes
          Grow # 18, Aug. 2023: Anesia Seeds: Imperium X, Future 1, Sleepy Joe, Slurricane


            I hate that our laws are not safe

            A law in my state was just changed back to the 1910 version, and for me the info in the link says we will have to fight to keep our weed.
            I dont like being political to many folks take it personal, but this is at least on topic for here. We need the banking laws to change and become more friendly to our business.
            I also hate that there is no truth in political ads! They can tell any damn lie they want.


              Politicized??? Do you think the Forums are politicized??? Note it's possible, I don't care about that. I saw that in France (I speak French) Cannaweed has become a shitty forum... advertising for Sensi Seeds. Blocking speech AGAINST this or that breeder. While many breeders simply buy their seeds from Sensi Seeds (which produces seeds in 6 different countries..) even as far as ROMANIA and are not Breeders at all. They buy the seeds from Sensi and give them another name (or NOT!) and sell without even having a room or place of Production. They are called Breeders, are in the Seeds Bank but their gairnes are those of Sensi Seeds, nothing more. A lot of Breeders work like that. They do NOTHING ...but they just buy their seeds from a multinational. Period! And I know that because I had the chance to collaborate with Luiz (my friend) from the Brazilian Seeds Bank, like Math from the Underground. "enlightened" by cannabis I have been able to collaborate or exchange seeds for 24 years with 3 or 4 PRO breeders!!! It's COOL for me.. I tell myself that I haven't wasted all my time making seeds. And this year in 2022 I had DAVE from the Super SativaSeedsClub who contacted us for seeds s from Chmenesia!!! BUT WE are amateurs, not Breeders, not anything. So we sent the seeds to DAVE from SSSC and he sent us 1 pack of old school KEES.... 1 pack of Primaholladica... and a pack of Karels!!!! NICE. We had nearly 500 euros worth of groins with DAVE. The only problem is that I know the primahollandica and it's not a Cador. Long flowering, sensitive, and the high is light. So the 3 seed packs were given away to friends... but hope DAVE finds 1 winner in our CHEMDAWG x THAI (Chemnesia) batch. Personally the Breedsrs and their misplaced EGO bullshit makes me drunk. Everyone believes they hold the TRUTH of each Seed.

              There, it's the same, the guy says to you: I'm sending you my KEES old School of 40 years of AGE!!!!??? How DAVE has an unknown herb for 40 YEARS and he sells 200euros the bag???? Pffff... you don't have to analyze everything because otherwise you become stupid. Lots of shenanigans in the world of seeds.. lots of misplaced egos. It flies well LOW!!! So we are very happy to have had exchanges with Breeders PRO but we do not regret for a second to be part of it. These guys are all dollar-hungry scumbags...and some of them don't have any level of culture. They are resellers... Like SSSC for Dutch Passion. Holland has become a basket of crabs or they kill each other. For the power of money and EGO... just see the Post of the pathetic Arjan of GHS towards Shantibaba... Whereas the gard of GHS without Franco is not able to release a new seed!!! But he proclaims himself KING of CANNABIS!!! What a shame... The world of cannabis is as rotten as the surrounding world. Don't think that at GHS people care about you!!! It's your credit card that interests them... Get closer to small Breeders PATIONNES and not polluted yet by the STAR SYSTEME at 20 Dutch centimes... They are HEAVY... but in addition some are billionaires. And you're chatting with a super CON, super EGOCENTRIC billionaire. Me and my friends are enjoying LIFE.. the grass.. the sun.. the beach. And all those bullshit Breeders are just there to make money. And you can feel it in 10 seconds... Pfff! We if we have seeds = we offer them!!! We don't sell anything. Afterwards, we are very happy as a Belgian amateur with 25 years of cultivation, we have been able to have contacts and exchanges with real PRO breeders! We must have done some really bad things in 25 YEARS!?!? But the mentality of these people and their point of view are those of commercial KILLERS!!! AND not at all a cannabis lover... Only LUIZ from the Brazilian Seeds Company has been a true friend, humble, available for 4 years and without a shitty EGO. After the other Breeders it FLY LOW...
              Respect for ALL !!!!!


                I would like to talk about how Southern Baptists play the best AAAAA baseball but have never one a seat on local schoolboards and what kind of baby animals are appropriate for Southern Baptist AAAAA baseball teams.
                Perhaps a comparison and contrast of Eastern European and Irish porn?
                As long as we don't talk about bullshit federal weed laws and exorbitant weed taxes in legal states. The conflict is going to cause cannibalism with... something... lost my train of thought. But it will cause cannibalism if we talk about it.
                C'mon, mule!



                • Gingerbeard
                  Gingerbeard commented
                  Editing a comment
                  ... rampant cannibalism...

                Putting shampoo in my hair and remembering the dream I had last night.
                I ran my fingers through my hair and pulled out a handful. I looked in the mirror and had a big bald spot!
                C'mon, mule!



                  I hate it when I open a box of taco shells and half are busted.


                  • Gingerbeard
                    Gingerbeard commented
                    Editing a comment
                    Don't eat the stand and stuffs.

                  • 3Berries
                    3Berries commented
                    Editing a comment
                    Ok, I'll bust them up and have them as chips.

                  • Gingerbeard
                    Gingerbeard commented
                    Editing a comment
                    Well played.

                  Politics, and all politicians otherwise known as liars.


                  • Ace1973
                    Ace1973 commented
                    Editing a comment
                    politics is a suckers bet

                  • alltatup
                    alltatup commented
                    Editing a comment
                    Guest There's no need to insult individuals with patronizing remarks like that.

                  Subbing out until the politics cools off...
                  C'mon, mule!



                  Click image for larger version  Name:	WoodchuckEDITED.jpg Views:	0 Size:	169.0 KB ID:	569305
                  Last edited by 3Berries; 07-02-2022, 11:01 AM.


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