Hi, I have just started into this hobby(for me anyway) and have some seed that flowers in a month. I started with 6 seeds. 2 Each of ChemDawg, ThaiHaze, and Watermelon all auto-flower. I also bought a GelatoPie clone as a safety net in case I failed to germinate any seeds. I needn't have worried because all 6 germinated after just 3 days. I left then for 12 days to strength before potting. I potted all six at the same time in the same soil (Miracle Grow potting soil from Lowes). Now, 2 weeks later I am alarmed to see buds already forming on both of my ChemDawg (closeup below). I understand from searching the internet that is does happen occasionally however both ChemDawg seeds are doing it. The ThaiHaze and the Watermelon appear to still be solidly in the vegetative state despite same light, water, temp, and soil.
I am attaching a photo. You can see the Gelato-Pie clone in the middle. The three seedlings across the bottom are left to right, Watermelon, ThaiHaze, and the stunted, flowering, ChemDawg. Repeated counter-clockwise around the back. Any thoughts on the issue with the ChemDawg? I'm thinking a bad strain of seeds.
Note: After looking at the photo I realized a few of you are going to see the top of the Solo cup in one of the pots and let me know (most respectfully, I sure :-) ) that I was supposed to remove the seedling from the germinating cups when re-potting. I assure you this is a trick. I planted some of the seedlings too low so I cut the tops off some solo cups to make a fence to keep the soil away from the stem.
I am attaching a photo. You can see the Gelato-Pie clone in the middle. The three seedlings across the bottom are left to right, Watermelon, ThaiHaze, and the stunted, flowering, ChemDawg. Repeated counter-clockwise around the back. Any thoughts on the issue with the ChemDawg? I'm thinking a bad strain of seeds.
Note: After looking at the photo I realized a few of you are going to see the top of the Solo cup in one of the pots and let me know (most respectfully, I sure :-) ) that I was supposed to remove the seedling from the germinating cups when re-potting. I assure you this is a trick. I planted some of the seedlings too low so I cut the tops off some solo cups to make a fence to keep the soil away from the stem.