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Seeking sage advice & opinions, mixed grow, training

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    SOIL Seeking sage advice & opinions, mixed grow, training

    I have: 4 plants, 2 strains, 3 birthdays, 3 germ methods, 2 cat-attacked, 1 transplant shocked (so far).

    Wild Thai already lost its fan leaves to node 4, leaf damage is older, it needs topping & training. Not sure which training method is best for a sativa, height-wise? And if I top it where I'm thinking how would I try to root the top? Any ideas and advice for this gal?

    3 White Widow Fast Fems, one is ready for training, however I choose ? Two were just transplanted from cups two days ago.

    I'm prioritizing getting the training started before cleaning the closet floor, sprinkling DE, putting down new plastic, removing foil on back wall, and tacking up extension cords where they belong.

    Question - my closet doors are bi-folds, there are gaps. I have light leaks so I put up a HD black PVC shower curtain during 12/12 dark time. Now, during 18/6, do I need to run the ceiling exhaust during lights out? There are clip fans running, haven't needed humidifier running during dark time, pots of damp soil and cooler temps keep RH fine. The closet during dark time is the same as my house thermostat temp. TIA!

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ID:	534968 Basil & mini marigold seeds in cups to test the cat
    Soil: Coast of Maine Stonington Blend, perlite; Seedlings: CoM org potting soil
    Indoor: 2 x 5.5 x 8' Closet grow
    Viparspectra XS2000; EnjoYield 220W full spectrum light added during flower
    Various size fabric grow bags
    Cal-Mag & GH Trio if needed; Flower Fuel & molasses during bloom; ReCharge
    4 clip fans. Exhaust into attic is vented to the eaves
    Current grow: DEAD FLOWERS

    "Joker, smoker & midnight toker, I sure don't want to hurt no one"

    If only you could train that domestic terror to top them properly. GL!
    Learned a lot this year. pH and whiteflies are issues that need controlling. Maybe an auto over January.....hmmmm...


    • Puglover1
      Puglover1 commented
      Editing a comment
      When I was watering he was entering the closet as I stepped or turned away for something. Wonder what he'd do in a commercial grow space?

    First I would "SCROG" your furry babies. I keep my exhaust fan all of the time, it suck the heat well some of it out of the "grow room"
    Light: Viparspectra P2000, Viparspectra P1500, Viparspectra XS2000, KingLed 1500
    Medium: organic, Fafard perlite, Fafard Urban Garden organic mix, Organic compost shrimps.
    Nutrients: Alaskan Fish, Advanced Nutrients Big Bud, Advanced Nutrients Ancient Earth, Advanced Nutrients Sensi Cal Mag Xtra
    Full auto grow
    Grow room : 8X12X10, 2 industrial fans, 1 dehumidifier, 1 Vivosun carbon filter & controller
    12 Wild Thailand Ryder from WOS


    • Puglover1
      Puglover1 commented
      Editing a comment
      I don't know where I'd connect it in the closet. Sativa long hauler, WW fasts. I planned on 2 WWs, harvest them while the WT finished but I accidentally germed a third WW seed. Of course, they pop when I don't really need them. Were you thinking scrog for the WT or the 3 WWs? Do you keep exhaust on always during winter? I miss the smell of weed growing. Zero smell from those 3 autos, I wondered if the exhaust.

    • Farmbuck
      Farmbuck commented
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      Yeah I keep the exhaust on all the time during the grow. Now it's at medium level to suck the air out. I turn on the big fan cuz it's getting a bit too hot to my liking in the grow room. Got my humidifier running all the time to keep the room humidity around 55-60. Lolll I was kidding about the SCROG, I was saying to "scrog" the cat and the dogs between them and the plants. As for your WT, did you top her yet ?

    • Puglover1
      Puglover1 commented
      Editing a comment
      No topping WT yet. Housework and headache yesterday, dog has vet appt in an hour, I have infusion tomorrow. Hopefully Friday I can work on the plants/closet. I have laundry to wash and hang around my house, waiting until the weather turns to charge a clothes dryer.

    Agree that you probably want you exhaust fan on more or less constantly to help keep the smell from building up and help with humidity spikes. For a little while in my early days I had my exhaust fan on the timer that controlled the lights and when the lights went out the humidity spiked so I bought a sensor to control a humidifier and de-humidifier and I leave the fan running constantly, although I adjust the speed sometimes to help raise or lower the humidity a little and save using the humidifier or de-humidifier, both of which are a higher user of electricity.

    Your plants look pretty good given all of your troubles. Good luck!


      They keep growing

      Can y'all suggest OGs who grow Sativa, or Wild Thai, indoors in soil or who might give their opinions on method for training her?
      The 2 WW transplants seem to be OK. Thinking I should name the front one Cat Widow.
      The WW #1 Thinking to top and LST the branches outward. Yes?? No?

      Need to measure out extra Stonington Blend for top dressing down the road, then add some soil mix to the pots to make up for shrinkage. The round cooling racks let me spin the plants without moving the saucers.
      The humidifier runs on the timer, 18/6, on accident but it keeps RH rather stable 51-55%, temps today w/o ice bottles are mid 70's. Soon I'll inch up the light % more, give transplants a few more days.

      I know I need to read up more on training but I'm open to ideas. I have what I need except extra safety pins, & experience. The WT bag has 4 corner slots to put sticks inside.
      Click image for larger version

Name:	9-8Closet.jpg
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Size:	3.04 MB
ID:	535285
      Soil: Coast of Maine Stonington Blend, perlite; Seedlings: CoM org potting soil
      Indoor: 2 x 5.5 x 8' Closet grow
      Viparspectra XS2000; EnjoYield 220W full spectrum light added during flower
      Various size fabric grow bags
      Cal-Mag & GH Trio if needed; Flower Fuel & molasses during bloom; ReCharge
      4 clip fans. Exhaust into attic is vented to the eaves
      Current grow: DEAD FLOWERS

      "Joker, smoker & midnight toker, I sure don't want to hurt no one"


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        How we're all imagining your cat planning for next plantings
        Learned a lot this year. pH and whiteflies are issues that need controlling. Maybe an auto over January.....hmmmm...


        • Catfish22
          Catfish22 commented
          Editing a comment
          How about half a cat for each dog?

        • Puglover1
          Puglover1 commented
          Editing a comment
          Gingerbeard Crazy pug will take it and run, eternally hangry pug with no manners, acts bossy but actually insecure. He was used to being the 'baby' of the family before the cat and even though his door-greeting scares people once they meet my pets everyone favors this one's personality.

        • Puglover1
          Puglover1 commented
          Editing a comment
          Catfish22 The pugs don't like the cat. He 'tastes' them, it takes them by surprise. He stopped 'vaccinating' Crazy on the daily but I caught his open mouth about to taste Grumpy the other night. Grumpy puts the run on him, Crazy runs to momma for protection.

        On 9/11 I topped Wild Thai and White Widow Fast #1, and watered everyone. I moved the humidifier toward the corner and bunched the plants together under the light. I felt like poop all weekend, hopefully I can work on them tomorrow, and they need watering. I put the two tops in a small glass of water on top of the fridge (cat-free zone, so far) and forgot about them. There are a few roots growing out of both stems. I need energy, coffee isn't worth the headache. If anyone would like to pick a plant and tell me how they'd train it I'm game, I can follow directions. Adopt-a-Plant Training and Naming Rights. Wild Thai needs to be ready to flip as soon as I can. The transplanted White Widow Fasts are coming along, the one that's missing parts due to cat wants to grow sideways, not as tall as it's birth mate in orange.

        9/11 topped two > 9/14
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ID:	536504
        9/11 top view > 9/14 Top view > Cat food
        Soil: Coast of Maine Stonington Blend, perlite; Seedlings: CoM org potting soil
        Indoor: 2 x 5.5 x 8' Closet grow
        Viparspectra XS2000; EnjoYield 220W full spectrum light added during flower
        Various size fabric grow bags
        Cal-Mag & GH Trio if needed; Flower Fuel & molasses during bloom; ReCharge
        4 clip fans. Exhaust into attic is vented to the eaves
        Current grow: DEAD FLOWERS

        "Joker, smoker & midnight toker, I sure don't want to hurt no one"


          Puglover1 Would you consider this sideways plant training?
          C'mon, mule!



          • Puglover1
            Puglover1 commented
            Editing a comment
            No? Someone with a 'C' name, Cheeba? Catfish? somebody had autos growing, laid one down and trained it around the lip of the pot. This was during summer when I was growing smart cars and had auto-envy of everyone else's normal sized plants.

          • Gingerbeard
            Gingerbeard commented
            Editing a comment
            Could you be talking about spiraling?

          Here is a bit of what I followed. I don't remember who posted this originally but thanks!

          I will round up some pics later and post them here.

          2X4X6 Quictent
          1.5x3x5 Gorilla tent
          600w LED (80)
          1000w LED (180)
          2 X Viparspectra P-1000
          2 X 4" fan with carbon filter ducted to unused boiler chimney
          6" battery/usb fans
          Mother Earth 70/30 coco/perlite
          GH trio with Calimagic
          Lung room humidifier
          3 and 5 gal plastic buckets Nebulas coco for autos nute schedule.
          ArmorSi, kelp when needed
          Running at pH 6.0

          Grow 3
          Northern Lights auto
          auto 00 Kush

          Grow 4 8/23
          2x Northern lights auto
          1 auto 00 Kush
          1 Critical photo

          Don't just "grow weed",
          Cultivate a masterpiece.


            Ha somebody went to a hell of a lot of trouble for....................what?? At least there's more than enough air to the roots. Maybe a new solo cup challenge.
            Grow # 3 50/50 S/I Critical Mass photo fem
            Seeds drop in water 1/8/2022

            Medium: FF Coco Loco plus 30% Perlite in 7 gal cloth bags
            Space: 30x48x62 DIY cabinet lined w/space blankets
            Lighting: Bloomspect SS1000 Quantum board x 3 - 300 watts actual draw
            Soil Supplements: Worm Castings, Crab Shell, Oyster Shell, Neem and Karanja Meal, Volcanic Basalt Dust (for minerals), Recharge root micros. Grow 3 is with reconstituted super soil to which I've added several additional minerals and supplements. A more complete list based on Cackamas Coots super soil recipe can be found in my Auto Toka thread
            i don't grow plants anymore, I grow soil that my plants can thrive in!
            My filtered tap water runs over 7.5 pH but the soil microbes
            make pH correction unnecessary
            Ventilation: Vipospar 4" Exhaust Fan w/RH controller, 12" Carbon Scrubber
            8" bottom intake fan, 6" clip on fan, 6" heater as needed
            Cabinet on screen porch. N AZ @ 4000 ft.

            My salute to all who have served
            Semper Fidelis!


            • Gingerbeard
              Gingerbeard commented
              Editing a comment
              Not without new rules! Such as soil vs hydro. Auto vs photo.

            Puglover1 this?

            Did I go too far with LST - Cannabis Growing Forum
            C'mon, mule!



              Gingerbeard No, Catfish was the grower. I was growing Seedsman freebie seeds NL auto and he was also. I had a 4 inch NL and got an 1/8th oz dry, he got 2-3 jars/ounces, IIRC. I topped the WW2 orange bag last evening and FIM'd the crooked plant. It can't decide if it wants to stand tall or lean sideways, I have a hook trying to tell it to stand up. I broke a new top growth tip on WW2, it's standing tall today - one tiny piece of blue painters tape was nearby. So was the cat, I couldn't leave the room to get more/better tape. Whenever I have the closet doors open the cat lays on the guest bed and stares at the plants, longingly, like I would if I were at Fort Knox. He should be part of the pest identifier, he can eat a leaf faster than any bug I've seen. I have video now. No preference, sativa or hybrid, but he never attacked my Mag Landrace indicas. When Mag went to 12's I put up blackout curtains, it took away the cat's sunroom, maybe this is payback? Or maybe he didn't like blurple lights.
              Soil: Coast of Maine Stonington Blend, perlite; Seedlings: CoM org potting soil
              Indoor: 2 x 5.5 x 8' Closet grow
              Viparspectra XS2000; EnjoYield 220W full spectrum light added during flower
              Various size fabric grow bags
              Cal-Mag & GH Trio if needed; Flower Fuel & molasses during bloom; ReCharge
              4 clip fans. Exhaust into attic is vented to the eaves
              Current grow: DEAD FLOWERS

              "Joker, smoker & midnight toker, I sure don't want to hurt no one"


                Closet 8-29 and 9-19, 3 weeks. Today is a two ice bottle day, upper 80's and quite humid. Tomorrow's forecast high: 71F, I can turn the lights up more.

                Click image for larger version

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ID:	537787Click image for larger version

Name:	Closet9-19.jpg
Views:	266
Size:	2.18 MB
ID:	537788
                Soil: Coast of Maine Stonington Blend, perlite; Seedlings: CoM org potting soil
                Indoor: 2 x 5.5 x 8' Closet grow
                Viparspectra XS2000; EnjoYield 220W full spectrum light added during flower
                Various size fabric grow bags
                Cal-Mag & GH Trio if needed; Flower Fuel & molasses during bloom; ReCharge
                4 clip fans. Exhaust into attic is vented to the eaves
                Current grow: DEAD FLOWERS

                "Joker, smoker & midnight toker, I sure don't want to hurt no one"


                  The Leaf Chomper in my The 70's Show kitchen, the only room not updated.
                  Soil: Coast of Maine Stonington Blend, perlite; Seedlings: CoM org potting soil
                  Indoor: 2 x 5.5 x 8' Closet grow
                  Viparspectra XS2000; EnjoYield 220W full spectrum light added during flower
                  Various size fabric grow bags
                  Cal-Mag & GH Trio if needed; Flower Fuel & molasses during bloom; ReCharge
                  4 clip fans. Exhaust into attic is vented to the eaves
                  Current grow: DEAD FLOWERS

                  "Joker, smoker & midnight toker, I sure don't want to hurt no one"


                  • Puglover1
                    Puglover1 commented
                    Editing a comment
                    Gingerbeard A sweepstaker friend who moved to LA shared pics of the Brady Bunch house, I wouldn't want to deal with the gawkers in that neighborhood.

                  • Gingerbeard
                    Gingerbeard commented
                    Editing a comment
                    LA? Meh. LA has museums. You can have everything else. I've been a couple times and don't need to go again. Like Vegas. The first thing I noticed when getting close to LA is my eyes start to burn. By the time I leave, I can't wait to get home and take a shower and Visine.

                  • Puglover1
                    Puglover1 commented
                    Editing a comment
                    That's how I feel after going to Chicago, I want to get home and shower. I love going there but I've always felt that way afterward. Also, I got an email last night from YouTube, they made that private video age restricted so you do have to go to their page to view it.

                  This is how you cut down on gawkers Puglover1 . Charge for the look. The savvy traveler will do it for free on Google Earth.
                  Scenic 17-Mile Drive in Picturesque Pebble Beach (
                  C'mon, mule!



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