I have: 4 plants, 2 strains, 3 birthdays, 3 germ methods, 2 cat-attacked, 1 transplant shocked (so far).
Wild Thai already lost its fan leaves to node 4, leaf damage is older, it needs topping & training. Not sure which training method is best for a sativa, height-wise? And if I top it where I'm thinking how would I try to root the top? Any ideas and advice for this gal?
3 White Widow Fast Fems, one is ready for training, however I choose ? Two were just transplanted from cups two days ago.
I'm prioritizing getting the training started before cleaning the closet floor, sprinkling DE, putting down new plastic, removing foil on back wall, and tacking up extension cords where they belong.
Question - my closet doors are bi-folds, there are gaps. I have light leaks so I put up a HD black PVC shower curtain during 12/12 dark time. Now, during 18/6, do I need to run the ceiling exhaust during lights out? There are clip fans running, haven't needed humidifier running during dark time, pots of damp soil and cooler temps keep RH fine. The closet during dark time is the same as my house thermostat temp. TIA!
Basil & mini marigold seeds in cups to test the cat
Wild Thai already lost its fan leaves to node 4, leaf damage is older, it needs topping & training. Not sure which training method is best for a sativa, height-wise? And if I top it where I'm thinking how would I try to root the top? Any ideas and advice for this gal?
3 White Widow Fast Fems, one is ready for training, however I choose ? Two were just transplanted from cups two days ago.
I'm prioritizing getting the training started before cleaning the closet floor, sprinkling DE, putting down new plastic, removing foil on back wall, and tacking up extension cords where they belong.
Question - my closet doors are bi-folds, there are gaps. I have light leaks so I put up a HD black PVC shower curtain during 12/12 dark time. Now, during 18/6, do I need to run the ceiling exhaust during lights out? There are clip fans running, haven't needed humidifier running during dark time, pots of damp soil and cooler temps keep RH fine. The closet during dark time is the same as my house thermostat temp. TIA!