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Cannabis and Facebook

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    Cannabis and Facebook

    I know this is not directly about growing our favorite plants but I hope this is an acceptable place to post this.
    I subscribed to Seedsmans newsletters some time ago because I could no longer rely on facebook or youtube to not censor sites associated with Cannabis.
    This whole thing about defunding, un-publishing or shadow-banning is not only very sad but in my opinion should be a wakeup call.
    I have found several large sites about cannabis that have completely disappeared over the years. When I found a way to contact some of them they expressed the same sentiments as Seedsman and were simply the victim of seemingly arbitrary decisions by the tech giants to ban them and again in my opinion hurt the whole industry and negatively affect many lives.
    Have a read if you like and see what you think.

    Yes it sure is the " cancel culture BS " hypocrites. Do as i say not as i do, " Is it OK to take my mask off now ?? "
    Smoke Ganja create Peace Respect Nature don't trash the Planet

    Soil grower with coco/perlite mixed in
    indoor/outdoor grower
    1 36"x36"x66" tent- Viparspectra P2500
    I use a t-5 & 54watt CFL for seedlings
    Sometimes i use plastic sometimes i use fabric grow containers


    • Farmbuck
      Farmbuck commented
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      Something we don't talk much here in Canada well in my part of Canada on CC... As for Seedsman I stopped a few years back from ordering from them.
      Last edited by Farmbuck; 05-15-2021, 12:34 PM.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	FB_IMG_1568137564555.jpg
Views:	663
Size:	62.0 KB
ID:	515096
    Space for Rent.


    Facebook is a piece of shit. People are stupid for using it even tho we all know doesn’t care about people. Only about money. “Cancel culture” started with good intentions but one thing is to “mee too” some old creep in power and a very different thing is to shape public perception censoring according to comercial interest. I rarely dump my opinions in here but I really don’t like the data industry


    Totally in agreement w 9fingerleafs I've been off FB for so long now and the thought of returning gives me the creeps. So I can't click on the link.

    I'd like to know who got banned.... by google?????
    Anyone can grow schwag. If you want to grow top shelf bud, study hard:

    Growing since July 21, 2016; pothead since 1967
    2 BCNL Roommate hydroponic grow boxes w/ 400w COB LEDs, Future Harvest nutes
    Grow # 18, Aug. 2023: Anesia Seeds: Imperium X, Future 1, Sleepy Joe, Slurricane


    • 9fingerleafs
      9fingerleafs commented
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      ITs a link to the seed man websites blog. They talk about their Facebook page being closed. Along with many other cannabis related accounts.

    Exactly why I dumped my page Nothing but a bunch of hypocrites ONLY WHAT THEY SAY IS RIGHT AND THE TRUTH .... Yea Fuck that..
    Tent 1 4X4X7 VIVOSUN Tent, 2 1000W LEDS, 6in Exhaust W/ 2 18IN Carbon filters 2 inside fans, Cool mist humidifier, Fox Farms Ocean Forest, FF Nutes
    2 BCN Critical XXL, 2 Blueberry Gum, 2 Hindu Kush all in Flower Autos

    Tent 2 "3x3 IPower Tent 1000w LED 4IN Exhaust w/ 2 14 in carbon filters 2 inside fans Cool mist humidifier Fox Farm Ocean Forest" FF Nutes Clean and ready for next grow


      I only keep FB for my rare disease groups. I prefer Twitter. IG is so commercialized = Zuckerberg, plus his algorithms suck.
      Soil: Coast of Maine Stonington Blend, perlite; Seedlings: CoM org potting soil
      Indoor: 2 x 5.5 x 8' Closet grow
      Viparspectra XS2000; EnjoYield 220W full spectrum light added during flower
      Various size fabric grow bags
      Cal-Mag & GH Trio if needed; Flower Fuel & molasses during bloom; ReCharge
      4 clip fans. Exhaust into attic is vented to the eaves
      Current grow: DEAD FLOWERS

      "Joker, smoker & midnight toker, I sure don't want to hurt no one"


        If you own firearms and tie yourself to cannabis thru social media.....well, you're kinda setting the stage.

        Dump that crap.
        Learned a lot this year. pH and whiteflies are issues that need controlling. Maybe an auto over January.....hmmmm...


        • 9fingerleafs
          9fingerleafs commented
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          Yeah no worries. I misunderstood. Anyway. I don’t mind most American like guns. You are all clustered In one country and don’t pose a risk to my way of life. And I imagine being in a place where everyone has guns and uses them to kill other people I would get guns to create the sense of safety. We all want to survive 🙃 in Mexico there’s only one government run gun store. Still there are tons of ilegal guns. But only criminals use them. Regular people don’t mess with them. So if you are not in conflict with cops or criminals there’s really no need for them.

        • Floopydoop
          Floopydoop commented
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          No worries! I was coming from a US that's why we talk. One government run gun store???

          Them things gotta be expensive as hell I'd imagine.

        • 9fingerleafs
          9fingerleafs commented
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          YEp. In theory you could try get a license to hunt for example. And buy a licensed shotgun. Permit. Everything you need to go and hunt. It’s just not common. Private security firms buy guns in wholesale just like the police and army

        I said Fk FB years ago because all the advertising was driving me nuts, and Zuckerberg was becoming more and more suspicious in my view. I'm glad I left when I did, as they now won't even let you look around on FB if you don't have an account. That's proof that something fked up is going on.
        Anyone can grow schwag. If you want to grow top shelf bud, study hard:

        Growing since July 21, 2016; pothead since 1967
        2 BCNL Roommate hydroponic grow boxes w/ 400w COB LEDs, Future Harvest nutes
        Grow # 18, Aug. 2023: Anesia Seeds: Imperium X, Future 1, Sleepy Joe, Slurricane


          Being in the field I figured out big techs goal long before they started doing the bullshit they do. This is as close to social media as I get. Sorry but I don’t give a crap what you had for breakfast or what you’re wearing today 🤷🏻‍♂️ Just isn’t on my radar

          As far as the legalization of cannabis goes, anyone who believes it’s a good thing is kidding themselves. Criminally yes but like anything else, once the government gets involved and sees how much money can be made prices will skyrocket. Eventually homegrown will be illegal again because they will need to be able to control the potency of the product for safety reasons. Find you some strains you really like snd learn how to keep a mom and clone. Otherwise get ready to pay big bucks in the not so distant future.


          • Puglover1
            Puglover1 commented
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            SleepyTibbs Last year a budtender looked at a photo of my closet grow and estimated my yield. He was young and very cool.

          • alltatup
            alltatup commented
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            I will always grow as an outlaw. I won't allow anyone to regulate my grow. The home growers are the connoiseurs, the micro-brewery-type growers. Dispensaries will NEVER EVER be able to compete with what we grow.

          • bboyfromwayback
            bboyfromwayback commented
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            I’m with ya alltatup

          So I'm hearing that I should go through & delete my FB grow updates?? Lol. Seriously I have a lot of pics & weed memes on there

          & I just pulled this off FB last night.....
          Attached Files


          • Floopydoop
            Floopydoop commented
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            That's an awesome mutation. Did not know that happened. Seen the split color ones, but they're usually along the leaf rib.

          • alltatup
            alltatup commented
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            That is one scarey ass picture!!!!

          Even if the Government ok's weed, they will allow homegrown. Look at alcohol. You are still allowed to make wine and beer for your own consumption. It's impossible to truly regulate home grown so they will put out some limit such as four plants in order to please the critics and call it a day.
          Current Grow: 1 GG4, 2 Hot Cakes, 1 Sweet Gelato Autos
          3 gallon cloth pots
          30"x30"x60" tent
          Spider Farmer SE3000
          Coco Pearlite mix
          GH Trio, Silica, Cal-Mag


          • 9fingerleafs
            9fingerleafs commented
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            Very true my friend.

          Nobody--I repeat, NOBODY-- will regulate my grow. They will have to pull my colas out of my cold, dead fingers.
          Anyone can grow schwag. If you want to grow top shelf bud, study hard:

          Growing since July 21, 2016; pothead since 1967
          2 BCNL Roommate hydroponic grow boxes w/ 400w COB LEDs, Future Harvest nutes
          Grow # 18, Aug. 2023: Anesia Seeds: Imperium X, Future 1, Sleepy Joe, Slurricane


          • Ace1973
            Ace1973 commented
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            bboyfromwayback , I think that apocalypse is on its way

          • bboyfromwayback
            bboyfromwayback commented
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            For sure

          • 9fingerleafs
            9fingerleafs commented
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            Just keep in mind when shit hits the fan in America you still got Canada to flee to. Ever wondered why they do so well (socially) and America is falling into pieces? You are next door. Move to a pace full country. Even Mexico is way safer than the us. You are all welcome down here. Well have tequilas and laugh at the lack of government control in daily life. True freedom in my opinion

          Yeah I did fb some years ago, I kept getting banned, then one day they banned me for a month, no point in having something you can never use, so I dumped FB and have no regrets.


          • alltatup
            alltatup commented
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            If FB banned you, you must be a good person.

          • Ace1973
            Ace1973 commented
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            I do not know if I am good or bad, I only know to say what I mean, and mean what I say

          I like this group more and more. I think posts like this are right on topic, as we have found on several levels the media and big tech can influence and even control legislation. So, if they are really for us, the small guy who relies on a common flower for relief and even cure of chronic illnesses, why haven't they influenced the laws in our favor. Cannabis legalization and a return to social acceptance would encourage legitimate studies on which strains and cannabinoids have the ability to alleviate which illness or even cure certain diseases. But they aren't even addressing the issue.
          I bet Bob Marley's mansion
          has a garden in the back
          Where he's growing something special
          Some celestial homemade hash
          we'll sit down on his front porch
          And listen to the angels band
          Until then I'll sing I'll fly away with a fat onefin my hand


          • alltatup
            alltatup commented
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            There are organizations and lots of individuals who are addressing it. NORML and Drug Policy Alliance have worked hard for decades. It's going to happen, it's just that the wheels of bureaucracy grind mighty slow in all the places where it's not yet legal, like my backwards ass state. The rednecks are so ignorant that they truly cannot even figure out what's in their own best interests

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