Hey Internet !!
I need some help on how to save my plant ! This is only my second grow , first plant I did exactly the same method and its hanging to dry at the moment . This plant looks like its about to die ! Not sure why .
I think its a Ph problem but i balance my water before watering the plants everytime . My reader says the water is at 6.5ph then I stick it in the soil it says a little higher than 7 . So naturally watering should lower it a little . However when I water the Ph on the reader drops down to 3 .
I don't understand how neutral water plus slight high ph soil can turn so acidic ??
Anyway I attached picks on my unhappy plant any ideas how to save her ??
I need some help on how to save my plant ! This is only my second grow , first plant I did exactly the same method and its hanging to dry at the moment . This plant looks like its about to die ! Not sure why .
I think its a Ph problem but i balance my water before watering the plants everytime . My reader says the water is at 6.5ph then I stick it in the soil it says a little higher than 7 . So naturally watering should lower it a little . However when I water the Ph on the reader drops down to 3 .
I don't understand how neutral water plus slight high ph soil can turn so acidic ??
Anyway I attached picks on my unhappy plant any ideas how to save her ??