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Dry Vape Pens?

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    Oh My. I love the guys hat and shirt but this video is a How Not To Do It. Both times he heats it up, it clicks but he doesn't get much vapor so he heats it again before waiting for it to cool down click. Like Floopydoop said, his herb in the vaporizer caught fire. He doesn't even know it. This is why he got so much smoke...real smoke. Thanks for posting Floopydoop... I laughed, I cried, I cringed and laughed some more
    Past Grows: Jack 47 Auto - La Bella Afrodita - Black Cream and Cheese Autos
    I like weed and science.


      I quit smoking 10 years ago and wasn't thrilled about putting the same kind of stuff in my lungs from bud. Did you know that nicotine is addictive, but it's NOT what destroys your lungs and causes cancer? It's the tar and carcinogens that are produce from the cigarette burning. The same though the chemical makeup is different, you get tar and carcinogens from burning weed too.

      I decided I wanted a vape for sure. I spent about a month researching them, reading reviews and articles about them. I finally settled on the Solo II ( ) It has the biggest battery in the industry and has a somewhat attractive package vs most of the dry herb vapes out there. It's also a combination of convection and conduction. So, it's a decent compromise on quality vs price.

      It definitely conserves your weed. AND you can actually taste the terps instead of the resin. I'll still roll a J once in a while when I want to get majorly RIPPED but I probably won't ever own another pipe.

      It takes so little ground weed to pack a 'bowl' for the vape. I will usually take a few puffs at 358° F. when I get home from work. Then a few more at 428° F. (as high as it goes, any way you mean it) later in the evening. The 358° is like breathing air, until you exhale and taste the awesome terps. Shit, a vape is worth it just to taste weed for the first time, instead of what I always tasted in pipes.

      I finish off the night with a few hits at 428°. Hardly has any taste but still has nearly zero of any of the "harshness" that you get smoking a pipe. After that I have a brown crumbly weed that, from what I read online, can still be used directly as an edible (packed in capsules maybe?) or extracted in cannabutter or something. Haven't tried yet, but definitely saving it up to compare prevaped cannabutter vs trim cannabutter.


      • DeadlyFruit
        DeadlyFruit commented
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        For sure save your used bud (ABV), it has plenty of THC in it unless you vape at a high temperature. I just dump into a mason jar and when it gets full I stick it in the freezer until I want to do something with it. You can either water cure it to get rid of the cooked taste and add it to the mix when you make cannabudder, or just sprinkle it plain on a food that will mask the taste (pull off an Oreo top and sprinkle and re-cover or even better, toast with Nutella for the win!). I mainly just add it to the mix when making butter but I’ve definitely noticed a good impact from a reasonably small amount when hidden in an Oreo.

      The best dry herb vaporizer imho is the Mighty from Storz & Bickel. It’s very pricey ($350 list price) but there are discount codes out there. Use their dosing capsules to keep the oven chamber clean, each capsule holds 0.2 grams for 7-8 hits that will get you “high af” as the kids like to say. Game changer.
      Organic, coco & soil, 240w LED, 3 gallon fabric pots, basement grow in tent.


      • RetiredGuy
        RetiredGuy commented
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        I have been considering trying it, but they only warrantee it for 2 years, versus a 10 year warranty on the DaVinci IQ which I currently use. How long have you been using yours and have you had any problems with the unit malfunctioning?

      • Cheeba
        Cheeba commented
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        RetiredGuy just over a month, daily use and no issues. Battery charge is very good, I clean the cooling unit (removable top with mouth piece) every other week, gunk comes right off in 91% isopropyl alcohol. Def recommend the dosing capsules.
        Ordered from Cream City Vapes with discount code “VSPORTABLE” saved $99 (I’m in US).

      I’ve used the starry xmax 3 and the POTV One. I like them both although possibly the Starry more (I just got the One so that might just be me still getting used to it). Both were just over 100CAD so not prohibitively expensive. Some models, in particular the larger desktop models can be much more expensive.

      I believe vaping bud is healthier than smoking. With that said, we are still sticking something in our lungs that isn’t normally there and there is not a ton of research either way so it is hard to see it as a perfect alternative, but edibles and vaping bud seem healthier in my mind.

      Using a portable vape device for bud (not a larger model):
      pros: far less smell and it dissipates faster (my wife woke from a dead sleep and told me to go shower the one time I smoked instead of vaping bud but she can’t tell when I vape), less health risk due to carcinogens, devices are getting better/easier, more control (you can dial in an exact temp on many models), and greater ability to taste what you are consuming. Easy to use: just grind some bud as usual, stick it in, press the button and 30 seconds later you are down to business. Reduced smell, no open flame and the ability to take a couple hits and stick it back in your pocket make it the better stealth option.

      cons: I believe you need more bud to get the same impact (although arguably if you use the ABV it can actually be more efficient), it is vapour not smoke so you don’t generally get the huge satisfying clouds (although since the vapour does what it is supposed to I think this is more visual than actually a problem). People have mentioned cleaning but if you brush out the used bud immediately each time and wipe the key parts of the device with alcohol even once a week that is all I do - it is less fuss than trying to clean a glass bong and disposing of the stinky bong water. Obviously a rolled joint is the least effort for cleaning 🙂

      My preference is vaping (bud not liquids) but it is exactly that - just my own preference. Give it a try and see if you like it, but fair warning that cigarette smokers may not feel satisfied by the amount of cloud produced by a portable model, even though it is doing what it is supposed to.

      I hope you are recovering well from the bypass surgery. My father had a quad bypass and my mother a triple. They are both still very healthy in their mid 80s and their bypasses have lasted far longer than the docs said to expect.


        I have 3 Vap caps and I love them all. Durable only thing I have replaced on one is the cap because I stepped on it. Still worked but I just like a new cap. Also ha e extreme q arizer works great. For portability and ease of use I have an (AirVape) so when I’m walking around like at the beach or park I just turn it on and have a session. Once you vaporize most people don’t go back to combustion. Now when I take a hit off a Joknt or a bowl my throat can’t take it. Another recommendation for the vap cap is get the attachment for water bongs it’s so smooth and tasteful, plus I bought the box so I don’t have to use a torch just stick the pen in and wait for the click. They have a cordless one now so you can take the box anywhere, no need for a torch.


          Solo II by Arizer. This was a gift. I recommend it but it’s expensive. Is it better than smoking a J or a pipe? Yes. But I still do both. I prefer edibles, or shatter, but we’re not talking about that here.

          Click image for larger version

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          • JeffInCanada
            JeffInCanada commented
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            Love the Arizer stuff.....they're Canadian I have an Air and Arizer Go. I like them because the herb always remains in glass, glass vapor path and real easy to clean.

          I prefer dry vape pens because I can control what I'm inhaling. I'm not sure liquid or oil vapes are worse than dry ones, but I still want to be able to fill the pen with the weed I grow in the backyard. It is just a cheaper option for me. I have grown weed for about 3 years, and I use the pen I bought at I also sell some of the buds, but I primarily consume them. It is just a better option for me than buying cartridges. I'm not sure it will fit everyone. However, it is worth trying.
          Last edited by ReedLarc; 12-21-2022, 06:31 AM.


            Finally something i can contribute to here. So ive always been a huge Dry Herb Vape guy.
            Ive had the following Iolite(butane vape), Crafty, Pax, Arizer Solo II, Arizer ExtremeQ, Dynavap M(2018), Dynavap Vong(2021), Davinci IQ

            Now through the years ive ended up with just 2 and gave away/sold the rest. Ive kept the Arizer Solo II and the Dynavap Vong.

            The Solo II is my all time favorite. Its a session vape so you put the herb in and you smoke it over time(5-15 mins). The vapor only travels through 1 glass stem. It really has a clean taste and to me the biggest thing is easy cleaning. For cleaning this i just soak the glass stem in rubbing alcohol over night and in the morning it comes out completely clean. All the other vapes you need to take apart, soak different pieces then take a qtip and get into cracks of the devices. Some(PAX) needed pipe cleaners because the vapor travels through a small about annoying. Pax even gets to point where if you dont clean enough you can use it.

            Then we come to my daily driver now. The Dynavap VONG. Vong is a model used for bongs. It fits in a 14mm opening without any adaptors so i use it will a small water piece. So i saw someone mention it has a learning curve, they are right if you use a lighter to heat it. But they make induction heaters. Ispire Wand for example is a top IH for it. Then you get an adaptor for the wand which allows you to just place the vape in and click the button. Then wait for the click and youre good to go.

            The main difference between the 2 are session vape vs one hitter(basically). I can clear a bowl with the dynavap/IH in 1 hit which is nice if im trying to smoke fast. The Arizer ill use if im chillling by the couch watching a show and just want to keep hitting it.

            I should also mention the dynavap is small enough to just soak in rubbing alcohol overnight and comes out clean too.

            Im not say the other vapes are bad, I usually prioritize easy of use/cleaning so thats why these because my main


            I love my analog vaporizer, the vapor genie glass Sherlock. Bought it for DMT, which it's perfect for, but love it for weed. No batteries, instant, perfect control over heat, and weed never tasted so good. Seems expensive for a glass pipe but it's totally worth it. There are cheaper options by the same company that are not glass. My rationale at the time that I bought it was that $120 was not too much to pay for the most intense and incredible psychedelic experience of my life, and that's true too.


              Haven't heard about that stuff in a while! Lol.
              Though I've always been somewhat curious about dimethyltryptamine.
              Back to playin in the dirt!
              Currently growing 8 Scarlet Grape. Check it out here:
              I do not currently partake. I grow for fun. Someday!


              • Franklin
                Franklin commented
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                Easy enough for someone to make their own using legal ingredients, plenty of instructions around the web. Not that I encourage illegal activities, just for curiosity's sale of course.

              I've been using my Pax 2 for 3.5 years now and it's still going strong! A few things:

              - Relax when it comes to the temp settings...newbies often think they need it at the highest temp. Different cannabinoids vaporize at different temps, with THC and CBN vaporizing at the higher temps. Using the temp to fine tune the experience you're looking for is great! I find that leaving it on the second setting is perfect. A great balance of flavor, vapor, and effects. Then if I think I'll need some help sleeping, I bump it up to 3 or 4 for the last round.

              - For the Pax, you need to use gentle draws. This is one of the things that's different between different dry herb vaporizers...some have more resistance, some don't. It takes a little playing to get used to it.

              - I get about 25-35 hits per pack depending on how talkative I get between hits and how much I cook my herb without hitting it :-p But then again, that's set at the second heat setting.

              - Definitely save the AVB. I find about 7g of AVB to 1 stick of butter makes about 16 servings of whatever you're making with the budder.

              - As mentioned, dry herb vaping is healthier than smoking weed. This is because combustion of anything creates toxins and carcinogens. Any good dry herb vaporizer will not combust your herb if you're using it correctly. While I don't have details on dry herb vaporizing and cartridges, I like that there's nothing but what I grew myself being consumed.

              - The temperatures at which you use a dry herb vaporizer (generally between 380 and 420 degrees F) are easier on your lungs than combusting. Weed combusts at around 780 degrees F and those higher temps can be more irritating to your lungs.

              - Cleaning takes about 5 minutes or so and I do it once every week or two depending on if I remember. But it's simple and just uses a couple of pipe cleaners, some q-tips, and some isopropyl alcohol

              - Flavor Flavor Flavor! I very much enjoy smoking a joint, but the taste of a dry herb vaporizer is tough to beat! Since there's no smoke the flavors that you worked hard to create in your grow can shine through!

              - The one drawback that every dry herb vaporizer (that uses a battery) is that if you forget to charge it, it sucks having it die mid sesh. But you only make that mistake once!

              Now, after singing the praises of Pax 2, they've actually stopped making them. They changed their lineup from Pax 2 and Pax 3 to the Pax Mini and Pax Plus. Haven't looked into either of them very much since, even though my Pax 2 is 3.5 years old, it's still going strong! The only thing I've replaced is the screen in the oven (a few dollars) and I've noticed that it needs charged slightly more often...about every 4-5 seshes instead of 5-7 so nothing extreme.

              Eventually may branch out to a convection style vape, but no rush at this point since I'm sure that by the time my Pax dies, the convection technology is going to be better than it is now.
              Last edited by AGH; 05-31-2023, 03:04 PM. Reason: Corrected typos
              Organic indoor grower - 4x4 tent - 2 Electric Sky 180v3s
              Relax, don't worry, less is more...usually!


                Hey all, I have been out for at least a year now mostly due to my health. I hardly recognize any names on here but that's my fault. Not only did I survive the heart problems, but 9 weeks of radiation for prostate cancer just complete. Anyhoo I saw this old post of mine yesterday and it knocked my Sox off cuz I was just pulling the trigger on buying that first vape! After a year of thought, I have moved on from the vape pens or other portables. I don't go anywhere so why limit myself? Instead I decided to go big by buying the king of vapes! The VOLCANO HYBRID is the cats meow of latest bells and whistles along with the time tested reliability of the biggest name in desktop vapping. It will be in next Wednesday and we will be doing our own testing! We've squished a few oz of resin from the latest crop so we'll test both dry flower and dry resin! I'll return in a week or so with that report. Nice to be back!
                Grow # 3 50/50 S/I Critical Mass photo fem
                Seeds drop in water 1/8/2022

                Medium: FF Coco Loco plus 30% Perlite in 7 gal cloth bags
                Space: 30x48x62 DIY cabinet lined w/space blankets
                Lighting: Bloomspect SS1000 Quantum board x 3 - 300 watts actual draw
                Soil Supplements: Worm Castings, Crab Shell, Oyster Shell, Neem and Karanja Meal, Volcanic Basalt Dust (for minerals), Recharge root micros. Grow 3 is with reconstituted super soil to which I've added several additional minerals and supplements. A more complete list based on Cackamas Coots super soil recipe can be found in my Auto Toka thread
                i don't grow plants anymore, I grow soil that my plants can thrive in!
                My filtered tap water runs over 7.5 pH but the soil microbes
                make pH correction unnecessary
                Ventilation: Vipospar 4" Exhaust Fan w/RH controller, 12" Carbon Scrubber
                8" bottom intake fan, 6" clip on fan, 6" heater as needed
                Cabinet on screen porch. N AZ @ 4000 ft.

                My salute to all who have served
                Semper Fidelis!


                • Bowhunterwoody
                  Bowhunterwoody commented
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                  Hey TOKABIGONE Sounds like you had a rough go. So glad to see you back. Hope things are improving.

                • Blowdout2269
                  Blowdout2269 commented
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                  Welcome back! Glad to see your winning the battle.

                Hey there, I'm new on the forum! Congrats on quitting smoking and exploring dry herb vapes. It's true. The harmful components of smoking come from burning, not nicotine itself. I'm glad you found the Solo II after your research, with its great battery life and convection-conduction combo. It's awesome that it conserves your weed and lets you taste those terps. Vaping really brings out the flavors! I'm also into vaping to quit smoking, and I recently came across hqd box flavours online. Thinking of trying them out for some variety. Have you experimented with making cannabutter? It's an interesting way to utilize the leftover vaped weed. Keep enjoying your vape sessions and sharing your experiences!
                Last edited by richardoner; 06-02-2023, 04:01 AM.


                  Hi TOKABIGONE nice to see you back here.
                  Soil: Coast of Maine Stonington Blend, perlite; Seedlings: CoM org potting soil
                  Indoor: 2 x 5.5 x 8' Closet grow
                  Viparspectra XS2000; EnjoYield 220W full spectrum light added during flower
                  Various size fabric grow bags
                  Cal-Mag & GH Trio if needed; Flower Fuel & molasses during bloom; ReCharge
                  4 clip fans. Exhaust into attic is vented to the eaves
                  Current grow: DEAD FLOWERS

                  "Joker, smoker & midnight toker, I sure don't want to hurt no one"


                    Basically, the vaping dry bud can give you that same effect without the harshness of smoking. It’s a cleaner hit, and I found it easier on my lungs after I switched. I tried a couple of devices, and the biggest perk is not having to worry about oils or chemicals in the mix, just pure ground bud. If you're looking for something different to try along those lines, thca vape pens are also a good option. They’re great if you want a clean, easy way to vape without messing around too much with oils or complex setups.
                    Last edited by Shamshoo; 10-22-2024, 05:29 AM.


                    • Bowhunterwoody
                      Bowhunterwoody commented
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                      Year and a half old thread.

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