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Rare Giant Muley Pigeon.

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    Rare Giant Muley Pigeon.

    Hard to keep these fed.

    Love that meat. The best part of Denmark is hunting season :P
    Just because people are over 50 doesn’t mean they know everything.
    You can teach a old dog new tricks - But it will still think the old ways are the “best” lol


    • CaptainWiese91
      CaptainWiese91 commented
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      Never hunted elk or moose. I really want too, but i need to go to Sweden or Norway for that.
      I even never tasted moose or elk. We have all the Deer species, i dont know what the English name is for each one. But Crown Deer is my favorite (if its called that)
      Last edited by CaptainWiese91; 02-07-2021, 05:57 PM.

    • JohnEmad
      JohnEmad commented
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      I think Denmarks Red Stags are close to our Elk. so tasty. Moose are huge animals and also very good.. I am glad there is an abundance of them here.

    • CaptainWiese91
      CaptainWiese91 commented
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      Maybe You are right.
      Yea moose are quite big, I’m happy we don’t have them in Denmark 😅😅

    My wife and I want our next trip to be for red stag in New Zealand.


    • Bowhunterwoody
      Bowhunterwoody commented
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      They rut or "roar" in late March or April. Hopefully next spring. Traveling this year is out. F#$@ Covid.

    • GreenState
      GreenState commented
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      My folks flew over to NZ and rented a camper for a month, traveling all over. They loved it, went kinda off season and got a great deal on the rental.

    • Bowhunterwoody
      Bowhunterwoody commented
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      That's kinda our plan also. A little lord of the rings kinda journey with a week of hunting thrown in. Definitely a bucket list ✔️

    Nice pic!
    You hunters will get a kick outa this, Oklahoma is talking about a new hunting season. Big Foot season, no they dont want you to kill a Big Foot, they want it alive and a large some of money goes to the person or persons that capture one. Will it make it and become the first Big Foot hunting season, IDK.


    • PLreef
      PLreef commented
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      Hahaha, so did we! 🤣

    • bboyfromwayback
      bboyfromwayback commented
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      Sounds like Snipe hunting where I’m from lol

    • Rwise
      Rwise commented
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      We have snip hunts here as well, you dont want in on that one!
      IF they do this it is to make money, I dont think they will expect to ever pay out for a captured BF.
      Does Big Foot exist? My Grandfather was 7 foot 2 inches tall, and if naked in front of you, all you could see was hair!

    We have a lot of those around town here too. Damn deer are everywhere!
    Attached Files


    • CaptainWiese91
      CaptainWiese91 commented
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      I spent 5 years as a professional soldier in the infantry - trust me I know how you feel. In Denmark you are not allowed to own automatic riffles or 9mm handgun. You need special license for that. But here in Portugal I can legally own a handgun, shotgun and one automatic rifle.
      And I’m convicted also - this is why I can’t get a visa to the USA before 2024 🤣🤣

    • dphipps1020
      dphipps1020 commented
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      So you're saying I have a little time to collect some different strains for you to try then 😂

    • CaptainWiese91
      CaptainWiese91 commented
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      Yea you do 🤣👍🏻
      My wife is a little annoyed by it, because we can’t go to Australia either. But by that time I have saved up some good money and can have a good trip to Colorado 🤪

    Yep us too but whitetail and blacktail gotta click the pic to see them. Couple little yearlings


      Deer and UFO, They like mesquite beans.


      • SoOrbudgal
        SoOrbudgal commented
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        I'm here i'm here ( talking to UFO )

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