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Seed germination

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    Seed germination

    Hi Fellow Growers
    Still plodding along with baby steps toward being able to call myself a ‘grower’ lol
    Question is- never had an issue with paper towel method... however recently had different strains from same supplier with the same issue.
    Tap root... fabby THEN actual shell got stuck on all of them!! Eventually they died... managed to get the shell off with tweezers once and it has failed to thrive anyway.
    has anyone has this happen? Is it something I have done wrong or is it a genetic thing?
    All thoughts greatly appreciated

    I’ve had this happen, I like to say it’s their little “helmets” and do need assistance with removal.

    I try to be as gentle as I can when removing, not to pull upwards or “pull” too hard and upset the roots developing.


    • bettybird
      bettybird commented
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      Seemed a bit curious and (frustrating) that it was a constant from same supplier.
      All 6 died- I was gentle but they literally dropped dead anyway.
      Managed to salvage only one- and honestly it just mocks me!
      When you read stuff, no one really mentions the fact that it may not shed its shell naturally.
      By the time I realised it needed help... she was dead as a dodo!

    It's been my experience that when I don't set my tap rooted seeds deep enough in the soil I get helmeted shoots. I usually use the first knuckle on my index finger as a depth guide. Looking at my finger at this moment it looks like almost an inch. I know it doesn't seem very scientific but it's a method that has served me well over the years.


    • dphipps1020
      dphipps1020 commented
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      Same method I use, about an inch (first knuckle). I know they usually say less but when I took agriculture in high school that's what they taught and it stuck. I feel like the soil helps shed the shell so the deeper it's planted, the better chance it has.

    • bettybird
      bettybird commented
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      Thanks, can be confusing. Have not had an issue before and this is the method I use as well.
      Has knocked my confidence I have to admit.
      Got 4 going great guns- different supplier and strain.
      Not that I have been looking for an excuse to blame anyone or anything.
      Just looking to learn and improve.
      I really appreciate the support and info.

    • bettybird
      bettybird commented
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      Thanks for the reassurance and explanation.
      I usually do the same, have never had an issue.
      As a beginner my challenge is getting the watering right.
      First time indoor grow- and the devastation hit hard due to the costs adding up.
      Really bummed about the lost seedlings and costs.
      Ultimately, was only wondering whether it was worth continuing with this supplier.
      I understand that it is a gamble but don’t think my mental health could cope with the same issue over and over.

      Again, thanks so much for taking the time to reply. Really appreciate having people to discuss things with and no judgment.

    I've reluctantly had to intervene on my first two. I was super nervous! I used the tweezers but to push the halves apart, not pull (a reverse tweezer move). I read in one of the articles to leave it alone if possible. But hard to stand by and watch her struggle.

    I'm sorry about your seedlings heart breaking


    • bettybird
      bettybird commented
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      Super nervous and a real knock to the confidence.
      Thankful that I have this forum to discuss issues.
      Really appreciate you taking the time to reply

    When I started my first seeds I had the cotyledon leaves stick together. I could see the little cannibis leaves trying to form but were blocked.
    I left them for a few days and finally cut the tips off and they opened within a couple of hours. They are still a little stunted but are starting to
    take off now...
    Potting Soil Pro-Mix HP.
    Grow Light Phlizon 1200 watts LED grow light.
    Grow Tent 36 inches by 36 inches by 72 inches high.
    Circulation 2 six inch fans.
    Humidity 48% to 54% depending when I water the plants.
    Temperature 70 degrees F. with lights off. 78 degrees F. with lights on.


    • bettybird
      bettybird commented
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      Thanks glad to know that it does happen to others, nothing I did helped.
      Today she is gunna get booted out of the tent... sick of her mocking me 🙃

    When I get helmet heads, I mist them and cover with a dome/glass and most often they will pop out in a few hours, just need to get the helmet moist enuf for the plant to force it open and off.


    • bettybird
      bettybird commented
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      Yup that is how I salvaged one and it has not grown.
      At this stage I am saying- Gelato is best kept as an ice cream 😂

    Helmet heads will eventually pop off as the sprout gets bigger. The paper towel method will work but it’s also harmful. Best to soak seeds in water until they pop open then pour into the medium with no contact.


    • bettybird
      bettybird commented
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      The helmet heads did not pop off... left them and they died! I soaked them in water just like every other time, before the paper towel.
      Thanks for the reply

    • bboyfromwayback
      bboyfromwayback commented
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      Well that sucks! I have gently grabbed the stalk and used my fingers to knock them off but I hate doing it bc they’re so delicate that young.

    • bettybird
      bettybird commented
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      bboyfromwayback I know, have to confess I did resort to a little bit of a temper tantrum and sulking at the same time.
      Almost thought my growing days were over. Then I got over myself and decided that was like chucking the baby out with the bath water.
      And learning from the community was a better option than behaving like a 2 yr old! 😂

    You can mitigate this problem somewhat by planting seed in medium, pointy end up, or if you germ outside of medium, place with radicle/taproot pointing UP. Although it seems backasswards, the taproot will do a 180, anchoring below the seed and the resulting friction coming up through medium and the expanding of the seed embryo will typically result in shedding of the husk. If not, lightly moisten husk and insert needle between cotyledon and seed husk for easy removal.


    • bettybird
      bettybird commented
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      Great idea
      Will try this with next seeds... as a general rule do you soak in water before going into the medium or just pop it in?

    As a general rule bettybird , since the first stage of germination is imbibition, the uptake of moisture through the seed husk, I will soak for 4hr. in warm water, I add a few drops of Liquid Seaweed for humic and fulvic acid uptake (not critical) then place pointy end up at a depth of .5 inch, in premoistened jiffy pellets that have come up to temperature on a heat mat. Invariably I have a sprout within 48- 70 hrs. Next day they go into 5gal premoistened pot. This is the method that works for me. Good luck.
    Organic soil auto grower.


    • bettybird
      bettybird commented
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      quirk fantastic, will definitely try this method
      Got some new seeds and thus far have not had the same issue.
      Thanks so much, will keep you posted

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