In the curing stage of my first time grow. Had them hanging for about a week at 50% RH and 70F. Felt pretty dry and the smaller under buds could pop off so put them in jars a few days ago. I have some humidity sensors in the jars along with 62%RH packs. However, the humidity inside the jars is not rising. All 4 jars are still at ~50%. I’ve burped them once just to get some fresh air but I don’t want to do that too much if my humidity is so low.
How long does it usually take these packs to raise the RH? Should I keep burping even though my RH is so low? Is there anything else I can do to raise my RH? Thanks.
How long does it usually take these packs to raise the RH? Should I keep burping even though my RH is so low? Is there anything else I can do to raise my RH? Thanks.