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1st real indoor grow

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    1st real indoor grow

    Hello All !!!
    Thought I would post about my first indoor grow. Actually not my "first" grow as I used to grow in a closet when i was a teenager. now i'm able to play with some of the big boy toys, kinda like toy trucks when your a kid and when you get older you can build a truck and play with it. Things got in the way and stopped doing things that I liked and that was some time ago. Then, at that time, the only things around were the mexican brick weed and ONCE in a GREAT while hydro would surface. Sure I've had a bunch of other strains through the years but it was mostly a steady supply of brick weed. Anyways, needless to say I've not had a lot of the strains that are out there in the last 12 years. Now forward to today and it is quasi legal here in the wolverine state. Went and got my medical card and BANG growin like a MOFO.
    Enough of the back story, lets get to the grow! I have a 40' x 40' x 12' un-insulated pole barn and built a nice room in side the barn. Was going to make it a 16' x 16' x 12' (outside dimensions) but got it just under that. The bloom room is roughly 14' x 8' x 12' 12 being height. The veg room is 14' x 6' x 12'. Actually there was a little insulation on some exterior walls but not enough to use those existing walls as the walls in the room. All walls are 2x4 construction and all walls and ceiling are insulated, including the divider between the rooms. Basically i built a house inside a house with both sides of the walls being sheeted. There is no heat in the winter inside the barn and in the summer it's really hot so wanted to isolate the room as best i could. The rooms are not air tight so it can still some what breathe. Built everything myself along with running the electric. let me see if i can get some pictures posted on here of the room and then continue the story.....
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    lumber all loaded....
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    Am dealing with a 50 plus year old barn and owner poured concrete so NOTHING was square and level....did the best I could though...

    here are some electrical porn shots....
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    some insulation porn shots....
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      must have a lot of friends who smoke weed, lol. keep posting pics, I love seeing tight setups. definitely some grow porn value there!


      • cyberaktif
        cyberaktif commented
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        "must have a lot of friends who smoke weed".......ummmmm yeah and lots of it! Let's just call them the "marley" type of people.

      And not all the way done with my build a buddy showed up with this and another buddy was taking care of some other babies....
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      This was taken 11-5-16...not even close to being ready with the room so they gave me some extra motivation to get it done quicker. The lone lady you see there is a critical jack. This is the bloom room acting as the veg room for the moment while i keep building the veg room
      Last edited by cyberaktif; 01-22-2017, 11:24 AM.


        tell me ur running a full hvac system for absolute control...


        • cyberaktif
          cyberaktif commented
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          I wish I was, but no. after a few rounds under my belt might get me closer to be able to do that. Also if I was running HVAC all the rooms need to be sealed for more efficient operation.
          Last edited by cyberaktif; 01-22-2017, 11:57 AM.

        I know some people are thinking " why is he using an hps for veg" well it's what i had and now that i'm further into the grow I wish i would have used a mh for the veg to get the tighter nodes. But it is what is is and that's that as I say.


        • intergalactic_harvester
          intergalactic_harvester commented
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          with 12 ft ceilings I don't think a little stretch is gonna be an issue, lol.

        while things are going in the bloom room I started working more in the veg room....
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        This is still a work in process....under the clone dome there in the enclosure is an 8" duct feeding just the bloom room for the fresh air, well actually there is a tee and could feed both rooms but can't during lights out in bloom room as there would be light coming through into the bloom room...that was a duh moment
        Last edited by cyberaktif; 01-22-2017, 11:40 AM.


          Now to the specs of the equipment....In the bloom room I'm running 2 1000w magnum XXXL 8" air cooled hoods powered by galaxy legacy dim-able ballasts now running on 240v. At the time of these pictures they were running on 110v. These hoods are being cooled with an 8" inline fan blowing through the hoods and out into the barn for now (winter time ya know). I have a blueprint 4 light control box with a separate timer running now. I'm still working on the exhaust for the bloom room but for now the way I'm setup it works. For heat I'm using an oil filled radiator heater hooked up to a day/night temp controller for the lights out time set at about 70 or so. When the temps are really cold i use the heat from the lights by unhooking at the wall and pump it into the room.
          For the veg room I now have an agrobrite t-5 8 bulb 4' light for the middle of the veg cycle. For the beginning I'm using 2 small t-5 lights over the dome with a heat mat under it just in case I need it. For the last part of the veg cycle going to use a 400w or 600w mh so the 1000w isn't such a shock to them. We'll see if it stays that way as I get a few grows under my belt. Still working on ventilation for the veg room as well. The plan is to run 4-6 plants in bloom and 6-8 in the veg and space them out to harvest 2 plants every 2 months but that may not happen we will see.
          Last edited by cyberaktif; 01-22-2017, 12:08 PM.


            Fabulous! I am filled with covet and envy. Wonderful to observe from afar..keep pictures coming!
            Indoor- Coco coir & Perlite - 5 gal Smart pots
            Veg-T5s Flower- Platinum LEDS
            GH Flora Trio Cali-mag, Terpinator Liquid Bloom
            photoperiod feminized seeds

            Testing for the_honeysticks genetics


              I hope you installed the grow room web cams so you can sit around the house drinking beer all day and watching TV


              • cyberaktif
                cyberaktif commented
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                why when i can do it in the comfort of either of my rooms?? lol. but yes i will be having some cams set up in the room and outside the room.

              Well I like it I grow in one of the unused bedroom.
              i sealed it off from the home AC and put in a window AC so I can control just that room.
              Any when our done you can come and help me with my big wish the I use is big anuff to divide and have been planning this project from day one
              Butt I'm a paraplegic the way I used to work in the construction industry myself it wouldn't be hard to throw up a wall drop in a door help they come framed.
              But just want say great job


              • cyberaktif
                cyberaktif commented
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                thanks danny...i was going to use the unused bedroom in the house but turned that into a computer room. if your close by i would love to give you a hand building your's kinda like therapy while i was building.

              I had two strokes so I understand disability!


                cyberaktif , holy shit man, you don't play!! this is gonna be awesome. hey, don't know if this will be of any use to you bc you appear to have everything planned out to a T, but i'm not as fortunate as you to have a gotdang POLE BARN (sorry, that's the jealousy talking, LOL) i just have to use a little 4x6x8 closet. and in not a friendly state. but when you said 'a room within a room' i have been doing various versions of that using Reflectix. that stuff is the bomb, and my new favorite thing. it's substantial enough to stay up on it's own but light enough to be completely foldupable, and fast, if need be. i've been using it in all kinds of 'room w/in a room' ways. like a made a tiny germination "room" out of it that i could simply lift on and off my germination station....convenient and easy. and no i don't work for Reflectix lol!! just love their product.... happy growing!!
                "i try to play the ball not the opponent."--Roger Federer


                  Originally posted by bobsakamoto View Post
                  i just have to use a little 4x6x8 closet.
                  I used to grow a few plants in a closet long time ago, and was going to do the same and thought "go big or go home". I already wish my rooms were bigger but built it so if the need arises i just tear out the dividing wall and BAM one big bloom room and build an addition onto that.


                    am i able to upload videos here?


                    • bobsakamoto
                      bobsakamoto commented
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                      yep. but for me at least i've been trying to upload 2 different (very small) photos on and off for the last several hours...and NEITHER has uploaded yet idk wtf is up but damn...that's a long time. good luck w/yr video try!

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